Pregnancy after Miscarriage – 11 Must Know Facts


Doctors opine that a pregnancy soon after a miscarriage can be hard on a mother. It is therefore important to take care and precaution to ensure the pregnancy goes smooth and devoid of hassles and complications. Read on for 11 must know facts to keep you prepared for a safe pregnancy even after a miscarriage.

A miscarriage or loss of pregnancy leaves an incredible mark on the mind and the body of a pregnant woman. It leaves the expectant mother with tremendous pain, hurt, confusion, guilt, and depression. This emotional and physical trauma is a completely personal experience and it depends completely upon the individual to cope with it.

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Pregnancy after Miscarriage –Is it Possible?

After a miscarriage, you might get anxious to know if you can conceive again. Another major concern when planning to conceive after a miscarriage is the precautionary measures to have a safe and healthy pregnancy. It is also important to know the right time to conceive again. For this, you can consult your gynaecologist to get proper guidance.

It is possible to conceive after a miscarriage. Surprisingly, due to lesser chromosomal abnormalities, the chances of second miscarriage are quite low, about 14%.

Read More: 11 Must Know Early Signs of Miscarriage


11 Tips and Facts for a Healthy Pregnancy after Miscarriage

Here are some important tips and facts that can help you sustain a healthy pregnancy after a miscarriage.

1. Maternal Weight

A BMI below 18.5 or above 25 before pregnancy leads to higher chances of miscarriage and infertility.  To preserve a healthy pregnancy, it is wise to maintain a normal BMI.

2. Limit Caffeine Intake

Usually, normal consumption of caffeine doesn’t cause miscarriage. However, increased consumption of caffeine might lead to the situation. Therefore, it is recommended to avoid excess consumption of caffeine if you have had a miscarriage earlier.

3. Healthy Levels of Folates

Low level of folates can increase the risk of miscarriage. Therefore, folates supplementation is necessary to prevent neural tube defects and thus miscarriage.

4. No Alcohol

Moderate to high consumption of alcohol can increase the risk of miscarriage, specifically during the first 12 weeks. Therefore, to lower the risk of miscarriage, it is better to avoid the consumption of alcohol completely.

Pregnancy after Miscarriage


5. No Smoking

Smoking is known to be associated with higher risk of miscarriage. This risk not only includes maternal smoking, but father’s smoking as well. Therefore, smoking cessation is strongly recommended to reduce the risk of miscarriage or failed pregnancy.

6. Eat Well

Diet plays an important role in preventing miscarriage. Make sure to eat a balanced diet. Include sufficient fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet to get all essential vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients required for healthy growth of your baby and a healthy you as well.

Read More: 11 Tips to Prevent Miscarriage

7. Stay Fit

Although you might feel scared of physical exertion for having a miscarriage previously, it is important that you keep yourself fit through regular exercise. However, it is extremely important to consult your doctor to ask about the exercise to do and the ones to avoid. Physical fitness prepares you by making your body flexible for the forthcoming childbirth. The best option is to consult an efficient physical fitness trainer to help you perform some basic and useful exercises and stretches.

8. Yoga and Meditation

Yoga and meditation help to tone the mind and keep the body in balance. Make sure to practice it when preparing to conceive. Besides, yoga helps to combat impending negative thoughts. When pregnant, it is important to have a balanced body and mind. This would also benefit the baby growing inside the womb. Therefore, practice meditation, yoga, and breathing exercises to have a healthy pregnancy and avoid the chances of miscarriage again.

9. Support Groups

You are not the only one who has had a miscarriage. There are other women also, who have gone through the same pain. Look for such support groups that include women with similar history. Constant discussions and conversations make you comfortable thus improving the optimism levels when choosing to get pregnant after miscarriage.


10. Take Proper Rest

When you push yourself towards a routine fitness to stay fit and active, it becomes equally important to take some short breaks through the day. For working women, planning to conceive after a miscarriage, avoid excessive stress or exertion at the workplace.

11. Keep yourself Happy

Pregnancy is considered as a life changing event. When you conceive for the second time after a miscarriage, it gets heavy on emotions with feelings like anxiety, overjoyed, excitement, and fear. Make sure to share your feelings with your partner. It is even better to consult a psychologist if you find your feelings going overboard and unmanageable.

So, stay aware, stay healthy!

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