Health Benefits of Wood Apple for Children


Starting from aiding in digestion to boosting immunity, wood apple offers plenty of health benefits to your child. The anti-inflammatory property of wood apple helps your child by a great deal. It will help him/her fight-off infection and protect your little one from infections like common cold and flu. If you feed your child with wood apple then the chances of dangerous diseases like stomach ulcer or even cancer can also get reduced. Wood apple is also good for your child’s eye. It is also known for improving the overall metabolism of your child.

Read More: Health Benefits of Custard Apple for Babies

Giving Wood Apple to your Child:

Wood apple, also known as golden apple or elephant apple can be given to your child in a number of ways. This very soothing fruit has a very hard shell outside. The pulp of the wood apple can be made into juices or punches. If your child below 8 months old or yet to have solids, then you can offer him/her with wood apple juices. However, be careful about the loose fibers floating in the juice and filter them out. Otherwise, your child might choke onto them.

Wood apple can also be given in the form of pulp. If your child is into solids, then wood apple pulp can be a very filling option as a snack. You can mix a hint of jaggery into the pulp, to make it taste sweet. The pulp often tastes tangy and sweet and it is something which your child will definitely enjoy.

Read More: Health Benefits of Apple for Babies

Health Benefits of Wood Apple

Wood apple is a very beneficial food alternative for kids. It is particularly beneficial for children who suffer a lot from stomach related problems.


Cures Digestive Problems

Wood apple has a natural tendency of curing digestion related problems. Be it constipation or diarrhea, if your child is suffering from stomach related problems, then wood apple might provide the appropriate solution.

Wood apple has phenolic compounds. It helps in protecting the inner layers of your child’s tender stomach. In that way it not only aids the entire process of digestion, but also at the same time it prevents the formation of any kind of ulcer or infection.

Fights Body Toxins

The anti-inflammatory property of wood apple helps in the process of fighting bodily toxins in your child. It helps them to fight-off bacteria and virus. Common infections like cold and flu can be cured by having wood apple on a regular basis.

Wood apple has the ability to make your child stronger from inside. It regularizes bowel movement in your child thereby helping him/her to flush out all the harmful infections. Also wood apple tend to purify your child’s blood.

Health benefits of wood apple

Energy Booster

Wood apple juice or wood apple punches are great energy boosters for your child. In hot summer months you child can lack the necessary energy, especially after a day out. A glass of wood apple juice can boost him/her up instantly.


It will not only hydrate your child but will also help in energizing the overall body. Your child will feel refreshed.

Improves Immunity

Wood apple is good for your child’s immunity. Regular feeding of wood apple can actually improve the overall immunity of your little one. He/she will tend to fall sick less often than before.

The anti-inflammatory property of wood apple will help your child to fight-off the free radicals and bacteria that causes children to fall ill often. Wood apple leaves are also beneficial for curing cough and cold and clearing of phlegm.

Cures Skin Problems

Wood apple offers plenty of benefits for your child’s skin as well. Wood apple contains phenol which is good for both skin and hair. It nourishes the skin follicles and allows your child’s skin to remain tender and soft.

Pollutants often rob your child’s skin from the tenderness, they are born with. Also many children suffer from rashes and various skin infections. Consumption of wood apple often provides a respite from such problems.

Massaging your child’s scalp with wood apple peel (mixed with coconut oil) will help him/her to get rid of dandruff. It nourishes the scalp and helps in further hair growth. If your child is suffering from problems like dandruff or experiencing hair fall, then wood apple peel can act as a very good natural remedy.


Rich in Vitamins:

Wood apple is very rich in vitamin A and C. Hence it is very good for boosting the performance of critical organs like liver and kidney. Consumption of wood apple will help boost liver functions of your kid and will help it to keep it strong.

It will protect your child from further liver related problems including fatty liver. Fatty liver is now very common amongst kids, especially the ones who are addicted to unhealthy fast foods. Consumption of wood apple will ensure that your child has a healthy and protected liver.

Boosts Metabolism:

Wood apple is very useful for boosting metabolism of your child. It will help in the improvement of your child’s appetite. Many children lack necessary nutrition because their appetite remains on the lower side, throughout their childhood, till their puberty.

This is mostly due to the fact that most children do not develop proper taste buds in the early stages of development. Consumption of wood apple will improve their overall appetite and help them gain healthy weight.

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Despite all the nutritious values, there are certain things that you as a parent must be precautions about, as far as wood apple is concerned. Like for instance, if your child consumes too much of wood apple then it might cause him/her stomach ache and bloating. Also it should not be consumed on a daily basis. That will harm the intestine of your child.


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