When Does Morning Sickness Start?


Many women face morning sickness during pregnancy. It is very common. As much as 75% women face this problem. Sometimes it feels like a never ending problem. The problem persists throughout your pregnancy. But it is worse during the first trimester. However, the good news is that it is temporary. It comprises of a very tiny part of the entire pregnancy.

It usually starts during the 5th to 6th week of the pregnancy. Some women face certain uneasiness in the 4th month itself. However, morning sickness does not happen to many women. (Almond & Palme, 2016).

During pregnancy you might feel nauseas all the time. But morning sickness is something different.

What is Morning Sickness?

Morning sickness is associated with nausea and vomiting tendency during the pregnancy of a woman. However, it is something which happens only during the morning. It can happen at any time of the day. In most of the cases it happens during the sixth and the twelfth week of your pregnancy. But sometimes it happens at the later stages also.

There are several causes which trigger the tendency of morning sickness. The following are some of them:

  • When your level of estrogen is increased suddenly
  • When you are suffering from low blood sugar
  • When you are experiencing an increased level of human chorionic gonadotropin
  • If your progesterone level is increased
  • You can have gag-reflex due to smell sensitivity

Though it is a fact that morning sicknesses do not cause any harm to either the mother or the child there are some extreme cases which results in dehydration and weigh loss during pregnancy. Only 1% of pregnant mothers suffer from this kind of fatal sickness.


Morning Sickness

So, it is handy to remain informed about the home remedies of morning sickness. There are some really easy ways by which you can get rid of these symptoms.

Read More: 11 Effective Ways to Stop Vomiting During Pregnancy

What are the signs of Morning Sickness?

There are many signs of morning sickness.

  • Certain smells can make you nauseous any time in the day.
  • Fatigue will be a constant companion and will make your day worse
  • Vomiting is also very common if you have morning sickness.
  • You might also feel dehydrated.
  • You can also experience weight loss.

However, before things get severe, it is advisable that you consult with your physician and work out on coping strategies.

Read More: What Should be Your Weight Before Pregnancy?


Natural Remedies of Morning Sickness

Lemon Candies

Do you love candies? Then perhaps this is the best way, for you, to combat morning sickness. Keep a lemon candy handy anywhere you go; starting from your purse to under your pillow, hide a lemon candy, in every place possible in cases of emergency. The juice of the lemon candies will give you instant relief and will help you get rid of your vomiting tendency.

Peppermint Candies

Just like lemon candies, peppermint candies can also be really helpful. They have similar calming effect on your stomach. This will make you feel refreshed. The taste of peppermint itself will help the feeling vanish.

Lime Sherbet

Lemon has the quality of curing your icky feeling. Add a few drops of lemon in a glass of cold water and have it, when you are feeling like throwing-up. You can also make it into a habit and have it every morning, just to make sure that your day goes well.

Ginger Tea

The smell and flavor of ginger has the same calming effect on your belly. It will soothe you down and help you get over the stress of vomiting. In fact a cup of ginger lemon tea would be even better.

Eat More Frequently

During your pregnancy, either you are always hungry or you will completely lose your appetite. If it is the former, then you are lucky. Because hungry or not, you should always keep something to munch on. An empty stomach will trigger the tendency of sickness more than a full stomach. Do not eat large meals, at one go. Rather try and have smaller nibbles, throughout the day.

Keep Snacks Where You Sleep

Craving for food can happen anywhere and anytime. Your fetus needs nutrition and that will force you to have more food. Keeping food handy near your bed is always a good ploy. That is because you do not need to go all the way to your kitchen and make something and then eat. The time it will take to do everything might make you sick. That is why if you keep some snacks handy near your bed, you can get up and munch anytime you feel like.


Read More: 11 Natural Remedies for Sleeping Pains During Pregnancy

Blander the Better

Choosing low fiber snacks is always a good habit during pregnancy. They go easy on your digestive track. Toasts, saltine crackers, applesauce and bananas are a perfect combination. They will help you quench your hunger, without challenging your digestive system too much. The foods which are easily processed, reach your fetus much faster. In that way your stomach will not churn and you will feel less sick.

Chips and Fries Should be Avoided

Sounds a bit harsh, doesn’t it? But it cannot be helped. During your pregnancy fatty foods should be avoided. This is due to the fact that they require more time to be digested. That delays the process of transferring the nutrition to your child. The more time it takes, there are more chances for you to fall sick.

Have Breakfast in Bed

Pamper yourself a bit, while you are pregnant. If possible have something before getting up from bed. In that way your stomach will be full even before the first activity of the day. This is always a good thing. Because the more work you do with an empty stomach more the chances of feeling the morning sickness.

Avoid Cooking

Unless you absolutely love it and it is the only distraction which can make you happy, during pregnancy, avoid cooking. The different smells of the vegetables, meats, fish and eggs can trigger nausea in you. You can feel like throwing up in the kitchen itself. So, during those critical weeks, let your partner handle the kitchen duties. The smell of simple things like spaghetti can also make you feel icky. Let it be and enjoy and relax.

Stay Hydrated

Drink plenty of water. If you are regularly throwing up, make sure that your body contains enough water to maintain the level of fluid, inside your body. However, it will be better if you do not drink water 30 minutes pre or post any meal. Drinking water during a meal should also be avoided. Meals should be short and brief. And after they are over drink water and healthy fluids, as much as you can.


Final Advises

Remember that the phase of morning sickness is short and brief and will pass soon. But you should try and have a proper diet and sleep well. Never rush whilst getting up from bed. Do not hurry while walking or climbing stairs. This will put pressure on your belly. Moreover, you must avoid smoking. If something is triggering your morning sickness, then try and avoid it. Particular smell or taste or sight can trigger the icky feeling. Keep distance from them as much as possible.



