Week 10 of Pregnancy – Pregnancy Week by Week


When you are in week 10 of your pregnancy, your baby bump starts showing and increases rapidly! The fetus is now like a strawberry, sized about 1.2 inches and weighing nearly 0.14 ounces. Since your body is bloating and the uterus has now grown to be more than double its original size, you might think of switching to maternity wear. Loose fitting dresses, low waist trousers without tight elastic, maternity bra, low waist underwear, and lose tie-up skirts are recommended.

10 Weeks Pregnant Symptoms

week 10 of pregnancy

Increased mood swings: At 10 weeks pregnant, as your body is going through a rough ride in terms of changing features and a stressed mind, you will experience heavy mood swings.

Increased morning sickness: Yet again, the raging hormones are to blame. You must be prepared to handle daily instances of nausea and vomiting in the morning, and also throughout the day. But this occurrence gradually reduces after the second trimester begins.

Round ligament pain: There is likely to be regular pains in and cramps in the abdomen as the uterus keeps growing in size due to the developing foetus. The entire area around the reproductive system organs undergoes acute pain called “round ligament pain”. The pain can be more intense if you’re carrying twins. Consult your gynaecologist if it becomes unbearable.

Increased vaginal discharge: While 10 weeks pregnant, due to the increased flow of blood to your vagina and production of oestrogen, there is increased vaginal discharge called “leukorrhea”. This is a way of disposing of bad bacteria from the body. In case of foul odour and redness, consult your doctor.


Visible veins: Due to the body carrying extra blood to the foetus, the veins become visible as they slightly protrude. This is a good sign that means that the baby is getting ample blood for development.

Larger breasts: When you’re 10 weeks pregnant, your breasts grow even larger and the nipples become fuller to prepare for the baby’s feeding process.

Extra fatigue: While your body works hard for the new baby, with all the changing hormones, you are at the receiving end as you get tired way more that you did earlier. A good night’s sleep and power naps might rejuvenate the body.

Pregnant Belly:

By the time you are 10 weeks pregnant, your belly starts to develop a lot of extra curves. Gaining up to six pounds during this period is normal. If you’re pregnant with twins, gaining a pound per week is the normal average. The stomach muscles keep stretching to accommodate the rapidly growing foetus, making your baby bump more prominent and adorable to show off! The size of the baby is expected to be almost double its present dimensions in just about three weeks.

Pregnancy Ultrasound:

10 weeks pregnant women can go for genetic testing to detect risk factors based on family history and the conditions of the parents. Between week 10 and 14, a “nuchal translucency test” is done for tracing symptoms of Down Syndrome and chromosomal drawbacks in the foetus. A cell-free DNA test called “non-invasive prenatal test” helps capture signs of chromosomal abnormalities in the mother, which might affect the child.

The doctor conducts a painless ultrasound to test the condition of the foetus. 10 weeks ultrasound shows the baby’s development into a human shape with joints, cartilages, bones, nails, and hair!


week 10 ultrasound

Source: pregmed.org

Dos and Don’ts During Week 10 of Pregnancy:

Apart from the regular dos and don’ts during pregnancy, which are applicable at every stage, there are specific rules for women who are 10 weeks pregnant.

Dos –

Wear comfortable clothes: It is important to let your body breathe and give space for your tummy to expand on a regular basis. It is advisable to stick to loose knee length dresses, maternity bras, and low waist panties.

Try to focus on cultural aspects: Being 10 weeks pregnant, this is a good time to brush up those cultural factors that make life happier! Try to focus on reading good books, listening to soothing music, attending concerts and plays, painting, and trying your hand at a musical instrument. These activities keep anxiety and mood swings at bay and help your baby receive “happy vibes” that come from the feel-good hormones.


Stay focused to keep upright: At this stage, losing balance due to mild reeling of the head is common. Getting up once you sit down is difficult because the joints and ligaments in your body are now looser.

Eat at frequent intervals: If you’re feeling nauseous all the time, take your meals in small portions at regular intervals, instead of taking three standardized heavy meals. Food digests better in this way, giving the foetus the opportunity to absorb nutrients gradually, at its own pace.

Don’ts –

Play contact sports: Stay away from body contact and tackling games. This is not the best time you’d want to encounter fatal falls. Such games can result in falls that might break the baby’s water sac.

Lie on your back: Never lie on your back for long during this phase because this position can reduce blood flow to your uterus and brain.

Over-exercise: While a little exercise everyday is recommended, don’t stress your body more than required. This puts extra pressure on the muscles, abdomen and uterus.


Stay around loud noise for long: High decibels can harm the developing foetus. Loud noises impair the baby’s growth, causing several health problems and prenatal fatalities.

When you are 10 weeks pregnant, you should be doing all that you can, to ensure that your child is safe inside your body. To ensure this, you must keep in mind the symptoms and the rules, and follow up on them for expert assistance from your doctor.
