11 Romantic and Amusing Valentines Day Games for You


Love sync, love is blind, picture it, the treasure hunt, truth or dare, the pot of fantasies, the ping pong surprise and walk and strip are some of the romantic and amusing valentines day games for you.

Valentine’s Day, celebrated every year across the world on 14th of February is the day of love and romance. Nevertheless, many of us do not know the epic and heroic story behind it. This day of love comes from history. Valentine’s day is named after the roman saint, Saint Valentine, also known as Valentinus. In the 3rd century, Claudius II ruled Rome. At that time, the Romans were converting into Christians and Claudius wanted the Roman soldiers to be completely committed and devoted to Rome. Hence, he created a law that prevents the Roman soldiers to get married. Behind his back, Saint Valentine married the soldiers to the ones they loved secretly in unofficial ceremonies.

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valentines day games


He broke the law several times because he believed in love and its importance. As time passed, Claudius eventually came to know about the dishonored acts of Saint Valentine followed by his imprisonment thereafter. It is believed that Saint Valentine cared a lot for his fellow prisoners and also his judge’s daughter who was blind. He gave his eyes to the girl and cured her blindness as an act of love. Before being executed, Saint Valentine wrote a love note which was signed as ‘From: Your Valentine’. This was Saint Valentine’s last act before his execution (i.e.,) sentence to death on 14th of February in the year 270.

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Hence, this day is celebrated as Saint Valentine’s day every year to show tribute and respect to the late Saint Valentine. Over time, this changed to Valentine’s day in the modern world today – the day on which people all over the world show and spread love.

Valentines celebrate this day together going out on a date and indulging in fun activities filled with love, care and romance. Here are 11 romantic Valentine’s day games to keep all the Valentines engaged for the day, making it impossible to get bored on the day of love:

11 Fun-Filled and Romantic Valentines Day Games

Love Sync


  • Tennis balls or Ping pong balls
  • Co-ordination of the couples

How to Play

All the people must be paired with their partners to play this game. Everyone must stand facing their partner, keeping the ball in between their foreheads. One person plays as the instructor who gives instructions throughout the game. Instructions can be anything like – ‘one step forward’, ‘jump’ or ‘two steps to the left and a turn’. All this has to be done by the couple together keeping the ball intact between them. The last one to stand without dropping the ball wins.

Love is Blind


  • Blindfolds
  • Music

How to Play

All the couples have to be blindfolded. Male and female members should stand in separate rows distanced a bit far from each other. Music will be played and everybody should walk around and shuffle. The female partner should guide the male partner with clues to where she is going. The music must be loud making it difficult for the couples to listen to each other. The first couple to find each other and hug each other wins.

Picture It


Game – 1

  • Small box, huge dice or a big cube
  • Pictures for action
  • Glue

Game – 2

  • Chart
  • Dice
  • Glue

How to Play


Gather printouts of pictures of your choice and paste them on all the sides of the cube using glue. For example, pictures showing a hug, a kiss, etc. Throw the dice and do whatever the dice shows taking chances. This game can be turned to more fun by pasting the pictures on a chart and numbering them. Two dice should be used so that it’s not limited to only six. Dice with more than 6 sides can be used too. The person who throws the dice has to do whatever the number adds up to as shown on the chart.

The Treasure Hunt


  • Notes
  • Pen
  • A gift

How to Play

Yes, this is the usual treasure hunt game but with some love and romance filled in it apart from the fun. Hide some cute and romantic notes with clues all over the place leading your partner to a special gift in the end. Each clue note can also be kept inside an envelope for more fun. The top of the envelope can include certain tasks or actions which must be completed by the partner in order to get the clue inside them. The final treasure can be anything that your partner likes, for example – a dress, candlelight dinner, a romantic getaway, etc.

Truth or Dare

Game – 1


  • Soft drink bottle or glass bottle

How to Play

This game never gets too old to play. It is always a go-to game which is very fun to play, especially with your partner as it is more indulging. This game connects the partners more. It is more fun and exciting if it is played with more people. One person will spin the bottle and whoever is pointed at will be asked – ‘Truth or Dare’. The person who is pointed at by the bottle must choose truth or dare. If truth is chosen, a question is asked to which the answer must be completely true. The question will be asked by the person who is pointed at, by the other end of the bottle. If dare is chosen, a task is given.

Game – 2


  • Soft drink bottle or glass bottle
  • Notes or paper chits
  • Pen
  • Bowls

How to Play

The same truth or dare can be played in a slightly different way. Questions for truth and tasks for dare can be written in notes or chits. These notes must be folded and separated according to truth & dare. The chits for truth must be kept in one bowl and the chits for dare must be kept in the other. The one who is pointed at can choose truth or dare and pick up a chit from the respective bowl.


The same game can be played by keeping all the chits of truth and dare inside the bottle together by mixing them up. In this case, there will not be an option of choosing truth or dare. It will be a surprise.

The Pot of Fantasies


  • Bowl
  • Notes or chits
  • Pen

How to Play

The couple should write down various tasks on the paper and fold them into small chits. The activities can be anything from funny tasks to romantic gestures or tasks and personal fantasies. All the chits must be mixed well and put in the bowl. Then, the couple should ask each other a set of questions about each other or anything of interest. Whoever fails to answer correctly has to take a chit from the bowl and fulfill the task.

The Ping Pong Surprise


  • Table
  • Plastic glasses or cups
  • Ping pong ball
  • Notes or chits
  • Pen
  • Alcohol or juice (as per the interest)

How to Play


The cups must be kept on either side of the table in a triangular shape. They can be filled with juice normally or alcohol can be filled to make it more fun. Chits should be prepared with certain tasks, desires, funny actions or fantasies and placed below each cup. The couple should stand on either end of the table and aim to throw the ping pong ball in the cup. If the ball falls inside the cup, the person must drink from the respective cup and fulfill the task mentioned in the chit. Whoever finishes all the tasks first wins the game.

Walk and Strip


  • Several layers of clothing

How to Play

One person must wear several layers of clothing and stay on the bed. The other person must stand at the doorway of the bedroom. The person on the bed must ask their partner several questions one by one. If the question is answered correctly, then the person takes a step forward and if the question is answered wrong, then a step backward. For every correct answer, the person on the bed strips off one of their clothing. This leaves the other partner eager and impatient heating things up. How they answer the questions reveals how much they know about you. This is a game of love and romance together.

Try all these valentines day games to make your Valentine’s day more special, engaging, passionate and romantic. These games make partners comfortable with each other. They are also ery effective to heat some romance up and also to get to know each other better.Keep spreading the love. Happy Valentines!
