How Much Time You Should Spend With Your Child In A Week?


Engage in activities that promote a strong relationship and constructive communication to make the most of your time with your child. Youngsters flourish when given quality time rather than a lot of it. According to published research, parents’ time spent with their kids is less significant than how much they loved becoming parents.

time to spend with your child

According to India’s top Play school chain,“Footprints”, “Instead of just increasing the time spent together, parents should concentrate on making that time joyful and meaningful. Parents who enjoyed raising their young children were 28% less likely to have kids who struggled with behavior issues between ages nine and eleven. In the long term, parents and kids may benefit from taking breaks and putting their health first.”

Why Should You Spend Quality Time With Your Kids?

Life is busy, especially for parents and families. On certain days, taking care of our children’s needs takes up so much of our time that we hardly have time to catch our breath. It seems absurd to neglect them when we have so much to attend to, including cooking, washing dishes, doing laundry, dealing with mischievous behavior, and enforcing rules.

Spending quality time with your kids fosters the relationship between you and them, which in turn helps them grow into more self-assured and independent adults, which is crucial for their emotional and mental health. 

It may be as easy as spending a few minutes each day alone with them, free from any other distractions, to show them how much you care and love them.


Here are some reasons why you should find out time to spend with your child—

1. Create A Strong Foundation Between Children And Parents

Regularly playing with your child fosters relationships and lays a solid basis for future talks. Also, it enhances their social and cognitive abilities, emotional control, and stress resistance. 

Playtime doesn’t have to be difficult or expensive, and straightforward pursuits like reading books, playing board games, or taking a stroll may foster relationships and promote learning. 

It may also be pleasurable and engaging to reduce stress and improve your relationship with them.

2. Maintains A Positive Atmosphere At Home

Parents must prioritize spending time with their kids despite their hectic schedules. Spending quality time with children benefits the child’s growth and the relationship between parents and children. 

Children who spend meaningful time with their parents typically perform better in day care, have greater social abilities, and are emotionally healthier.


Establishing effective communication skills early on is crucial, such as being present and paying attention. 

This will support the development of your child’s communication skills and a solid basis for your relationship based on mutual respect and trust. 

To ensure you have it properly, pay attention to what your child is saying and paraphrase how they feel.

3. Sets Up A Natural Communication Line Between Parents And Children

Since it enables family members to convey their needs, wants, and worries to one another, communication within the family is crucial. 

Also, it strengthens bonds between people and fosters communication and mutual understanding. 

In order to have meaningful talks with their kids daily, parents should practice open-ended questioning, attentive listening, and being encouraging and non-judgmental. 


This may lessen the likelihood of misunderstandings and disputes and assist in increasing communication and developing family ties.

At family dinners, turn off phones, laptops, and televisions, talk about commonplace issues, foster a warm and inviting environment, and encourage everyone to express their opinions and feelings without passing judgment or criticism. 

4. Helps Parents Unwind

When there is an imbalance in the family, spending meaningful time with your child alone is crucial. 

A parent will get more in touch with their kid and receive a useful perspective on life by investing a whole day, half day, or even just an hour of quality time with a child who is really child-oriented. 

It is a reminder of a child’s innocence, kindness, and beauty when a parent takes the time to listen and engage in their tale. 

It also makes us think of how adorable youngsters can be when they are one moment so happy and excited and the next so upset when their project fails or blows away. 


Youngsters have strong emotions and are enthusiastic about life.

How Much Time Should You Spend With Your Child In A Week?

University-educated mothers in America spend an average of 120 minutes a day with their kids, implying that they value having quality time with them. 

Nevertheless, this average may change based on the children’s ages and the mother’s kind of work. 

Dads with college degrees only spend 85 minutes a day with their children, indicating that there is still a gender gap in parenting obligations. 

Both parents must share caregiving duties and be active in their children’s lives.

Parents without a college degree spend 20% less time with their kids than those with a degree, underscoring the need for society to address gender-based parenting responsibilities and offer flexible work schedules. 


Furthermore, as caring is crucial to the proper development of children, it is necessary to acknowledge and honor this role.

For The Working Parents

Around seven in the morning, the 4-year-old must use the restroom, get dressed, and have breakfast. 

Following breakfast, your child is free to read books, play games, or go on walks. 

They can read tales and play from 8 to 8:30 in the morning. 

After work, spending time with the kids can assist in improving family ties and maintaining a feeling of normalcy. 

Many parents still need to balance their career and family obligations despite the dangers. 


You can drop your kid off at preschool at 8:30 am and then go for a walk. 

Start playing with them at 4 and continue until 6:30. This 40 minutes playtime, post supper, can be really refreshing and bonding for both the parent and the children.

Then you can read a story till it is time for bed at 8 o’clock.

For your child’s emotional and cognitive growth, as well as to strengthen your relationship with them and make enduring memories that will benefit you both in the long term, you must spend quality time with them.

For The Stay At Home Parent

Stay-at-home parents with child should place emphasis on quality over quantity and participate in activities that foster connection and growth. 

It’s crucial to treasure these occasions and make enduring memories with your child.


It is important to note that 390 minutes, or 6.5 hours, of time spent with a kid is still useful and may greatly influence their growth and development even if both couples retire early. 

Making the most of this time may be accomplished by engaging in shared interests after your child returns from their playschool, such as playing games, reading books, or taking walks.

The best way to make the most of the time you have with your child is to dedicate it to certain routines or activities that you both like, like reading aloud before bed or taking regular trips to a favorite park or museum. 

This may deepen your relationship and produce priceless memories that will last a lifetime.

How To Add Value To The Time You Spend With Your Children?

We may spend meaningful time with our children by following routines and rituals. 

You can spend quality time with your children by singing to them as they take a bath, making brushing their teeth fun, reading them a tale before bed, and praising their accomplishments. 


Although challenging, your kids’ expectations for quality time may be reasonable. 

Sports are busy and entertaining, board games are a terrific way to socialize, and you can even dance or sing. 

A practical illustration of demonstrating that their thoughts and views count is introducing them to games and television shows that require arithmetic and strategy.
