11 Things to Remember Before you Start Trying for a Baby


Kudos! If you made up your mind on joining the band wagon of parenthood. Hold on! Just wait for a couple of months before trying for a baby. Try to give yourself the best chance for a healthy pregnancy coupled with a healthy baby. There are some things that you need to be aware of before you proceed to the road of conception.

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Things to Remember Before Trying For a Baby

1} Begin with a preconception visit

Schedule a pre appointment with your family doctor for a routine check-up. Certain medicines may not be recommended during the course of pregnancy and you would need to switch them off before trying for a baby. They could store as fats in your body and linger there.

The practitioner is going to provide inputs about your exercise regime, diet and lifestyle habits. If you have any pre-existing medical conditions you could be referred to a medical specialist.

2} Consumption of folic acid and have an eye on vitamin A

Consumption of folic acids is crucial. Ideally consumption of 400 mgs of folic acid prior to a month of pregnancy works wonders. It does decrease the chances of a baby being born with a neural tube defect. Consumption of folic acid reduces the chances of other birth defects

Folic acids are available at most medical counters, or you could opt for a regular multivitamin as well.  Be sure that it contains the recommended dose of folic acid.


3} Quit alcohol or smoking if you are into any of them

If you are into smoking or alcohol, then it is high time to stop. Studies do point to a risk of miscarriage, underweight babies along with premature birth. Be aware of the fact that some drugs are even found in your system after their effect is removed.

Moderate drinking is allowed when you are trying to conceive.  Medical experts suggest that drinking should be a total no during the course of pregnancy as it can lead to harmful effects on the baby.

start trying baby

4} Your fridge should be a storehouse of healthy foods

The baby is yet to arrive, but the planning has to start now itself. Incorporate your body with a healthy dose of foods so that the baby has all the essential nutrients.

The recommended doses are 2 ½ cups of vegetables along with 2 cups of fruits on a daily basis. The dose of protein should be high and that includes nuts, meats etc.

Read More: 10 Pregnancy Foods to get a Fair Baby


5} Try to keep your weight levels stable

The main aim of pregnancy should be to conceive at a healthy weight. If a woman has high body mass it does make it difficult for them to conceive. If the correct weight is maintained it does help pregnancy to start off on a right foot.

Women who have low BMI are likely to have underweight babies. Do discuss with your health care provider on the option of having a healthy baby.

6} Formulate and follow a fitness plan

Sticking to a fitness plan paves way for a healthy pregnancy. A healthy exercise regime should incorporate 30 minutes of walking or modern levels of exercise in combination with some light weight lifting.

To ensure flexibility stick to yoga or opt for stretching. If exercise is not your cup of tea, then trying getting into that routine.

7} Analyse monetary matters

With pregnancy looming around in the future, it is better to have an idea about anticipated expenses. If you have a health insurance plan, discuss with them the type of prenatal coverage they offer. In case if you have a particular doctor in mind figure out the cost of hiring their services.

8} Figure out your mental health

The trend is that woman who encounter problems with depression are more likely to have fertility issues. The logic holds forth, if someone is mentally sick, then how on earth can they take care of the baby. From a practical perspective, it does make little sense to conceive when you are mentally depressed.


9} Avoid infections

When you are pregnant it is suggested to keep away from infections. Wash your hands before eating and do keep away from dairy products. While digging in the garden it is better to wear a pair of gloves.

Avail a flu shot during the course of pregnancy. If you have flu when pregnant it can lead to serious complications like preterm labor or pneumonia.

10} Remove environmental risks

You cannot remove them on a full scale, but you can restrict their exposure to a minimum level. Some routine jobs could be hazardous both to the mother and the growing baby. Examples could be routine exposure to chemicals during pregnancy.

Do keep in mind that cleaning products, solvents or pesticides are dangerous for a developing baby. Have a discussion with your doctor on how you can restrict the exposure of the chemicals in your daily life.

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11} Analyse your decision

Have a child is a commitment that extends to the rest of your life. Before you are trying to venture into this world try answers to the below questions

  • Will you be able to handle the responsibilities of the child and at the same time balance your professional and personal life
  • Will you be able to take care of a child with special needs
  • If both the parents are equally committed in raising up the kid
  • If there are religious differences between both the partners, then how do you plan to rise up the baby?

To conclude, trying for a baby could be the most exciting time in our life, but it brings forth new challenges. Once the baby arrives, your excitement levels are at its peak. But within a few months things are going to go tipsy curvy if proper planning measures are not adopted. Pregnancy is not a cake walk and both the partners should be equally committed in rising up the new born.

If you are looking at professional help, then do discuss it with your health care provider before you take a plunge. After all it is a long term commitment.



