What is Tabata Training? Does it Work?


Exercising to remain fit is something that is recommended for everyone. With every passing day, new kinds of exercises keep coming up. HIIT exercises are no different. They are basically short but intense exercise routines, meant to replace long and steady routines. Tabata training is a form of this. In this article, we aim to present a guide for Tabata training. Just read on to find out everything that you need to know about Tabata training.

tabata training

In This Article:

All You Need to Know about Tabata Training

What Is The Tabata Workout?

Tabata training is a form of exercise that was developed by Izumi Tabata, Ph.D., at the national institute of fitness and sports in Tokyo. This form of training alternates between 20-second intervals performed at maximum effort and 10-second stages of rest. Tabata workout is repeated eight times for the four-minute workout. In a time where most of the people are checking out efficient and effective workouts, high-intensity interval training (HIIT) techniques like Tabata are ideal.

By definition, it only requires one exercise, but you’ll compose a Tabata workout from an enormous array of strength and aerobic exercises (think: rowing or running), earnest says. The gist is it incorporates a greater workload or intensity and hits a greater range of muscle groups than traditional cardio during a shorter amount of your time. Tabata workouts are so grueling that they force you to figure above your lactate threshold, meaning your effort is painstakingly hard.


How Long is Tabata Training?

A Tabata workout is, at its simplest, a 4-minute workout (not including a warm-up and a cool down) that has 20 seconds of very high intensity or anaerobic training followed by 10 seconds of rest. You repeat this cycle 8 times for a total of 4 minutes for a really short, very intense workout.

How Many Times a Week Should You Do Tabata Training?

Trainers recommend doing Tabata two to three times a week, allowing at least 48 to 72 hours of rest between each session since you’ll be working for every major muscle group during each workout.

What are 10 Examples of Exercises to Use for Tabata?


Burpees are the form of Tabata exercises, that are considered to be extremely effective and also one of the toughest Tabata workout exercises. If you practice burpees on a daily basis you’ll experience increased strength, endurance, and power. Repeat the exercise as repeatedly as you will in 20 seconds.


Jumping Lunges

Jumping lunge requires additional strength and power as its difficulty level is above that of traditional lunges. This workout targets the hamstrings, quads, glutes and also helps in improving cardiovascular fitness. Repeat the exercise as repeatedly as you will in 20 seconds.

Jump Rope

A jump rope is an efficient and portable sort of exercise. It can deliver an excellent leg and cardio workout because it sculpts your chest, shoulders, and arms. It is better to perform it on a wooden floor or a bit of plywood so as to avoid injury. Do this continuously for 20 seconds.

Squat Jacks

Squat Jacks are a mixture of the two preferred weight exercises which are the squat and jumping jack. It is an excellent workout for legs and therefore the cardiovascular system. Repeat the exercise as repeatedly as you will in 20 seconds.

Tabata Sprints

One of the foremost challenging exercises for beginners is the Tabata sprints. It is practiced on a treadmill or outdoors. This workout starts with a 20-second sprint and is followed by 10 seconds of jogging, walking or rest. Go as far and fast as you’ll for 20 seconds.


One of the foremost simple and familiar exercises is pushups. It works as an excellent upper body workout. Repeat the exercise as repeatedly as you will in 20 seconds.


Superman helps in strengthening the rear and working the core, glutes, and hamstrings. Do as many reps as you will in 20 seconds.


Plank Jacks

They are simple to do and effective for toning the core and providing a decent cardiovascular workout. Do as many reps as you will in 20 seconds.

Mountain Climbers

It increases the heart rate and improves leg strength and endurance. It is an extremely effective exercise for beginners. Do as many reps as you will in 20 seconds.

Windshield Wipers

This exercise is an excellent core and oblique exercise that’s quite easy to try to. You can also hold a cushion or a folded towel between your knees for added stability.

It is time to build your stamina and strength. So go ahead without any fear, put on your workout gear and get ready to sweat it out with these high-intensity exercises. But you should keep in mind that not every exercise is made for everyone, and doing exercises without any discretion can do more harm than good. So make sure to consult a trainer and a doctor before venturing to do any of these exercises.

