Why is My Baby Sweating while Sleeping?


New parents often hit the panic button when they notice the slightest signs of discomfort in their babies, so it’s understandable if you’re slightly freaked out if your baby is sweating for no reason in their sleep.

In this article:

Is it Normal for a Child to Sweat a Lot?
Why does My Child Sweat so much in their Sleep?
Reasons Behind Baby Sweating while Sleeping
What can I do to help My Baby?
Points to Remember

Is it Normal for a Child to Sweat a Lot?

Often, sweating is a sign and a normal phenomenon in children (while sleeping). This is actually called Night SWEATS, which refer to excessive sweating or perspiration by children, particularly during the night.

sweating while sleeping


Why does My Child Sweat so much in their Sleep?

If your baby sweats a lot while sleeping, it might be a symptom of an infection that they are suffering from, and thus, must not be ignored.

7 Reasons Behind Baby Sweating while Sleeping

The good news is that in most cases, the scary wet patch behind your baby’s head is really nothing to worry about. Here are some possible reasons behind it:

Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is a common cause of night sweats in babies and children. This condition makes the baby pause for at least 20 seconds while breathing. Hence, the infant’s body has to work much more harder to breathe. This is common in premature infants, and other symptoms include bluish skin and wheezing.

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)

 This condition causes ‘overheating’ of the child’s body at night, which makes the baby fall into a deeper sleep. It will be difficult to wake up the baby.


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Congenital Heart Disease

Babies who suffer from congenital heart disease may sweat too much, particularly during the night as well as excessively sweat while eating and playing as well. It occurs due to a defect in the development of the heart in the fetus.

Position of sweat glands is different

A baby’s most active sweat glands are located on their heads. This makes them sweat excessively, particularly at night when they don’t change their positions much. So the lack of movement and the presence of sweat glands on the head explains your baby sweating while sleeping.

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If your child is in a cool room and is still sweating excessively, they may be suffering from hyperhidrosis. sweaty head, hands, and feet define this condition. However, this is not a serious health issue and can be managed easily.

Immature nervous system

The nervous system of newborn babies isn’t fully developed yet and consequently, the nervous system isn’t able to regulate the body temperature of a newborn the way it does for adults.


Too hot for them

A simple and obvious reason your baby is sweating at night is that the room is too warm, or they are too warm. Some parents like to dress their babies in thick pyjamas that cover them from head to toe. In addition, they swaddle the baby and use blankets, comforters or quilts to cover them.

What can I do to help My Baby?

There are a number of simple steps that you can follow, in order to keep a check on night sweating in your baby:

Control the room temperature

The best way to deal with your baby’s night sweats is to keep the temperature of the room cool and not too hot to cause sweating.

Stay cool

Remember to dress your baby in comfy and light clothes. This will keep the baby’s body temperature under control and reduce the night sweating.

Stay hydrated

It is essential that you hydrate your baby well before putting them to sleep. This will help to make up for the fluid loss that takes place because of the sweating


Points to Remember

  • You should go and consult a doctor if your baby continues to sweat at night, even after taking the above precautions. The reason behind night sweating in babies must be diagnosed at the right time for appropriate treatment.
  • If excessive head sweating is accompanied by dry stool and dry skin, this could be an indication that the baby has weak kidneys, and it is advisable to consult your doctor.
  • Look out for other signs or symptoms in your baby, like headbanging, rocking, teeth grinding, snoring and snorting. If you see any of these symptoms, along with night sweating, in your baby, then you must consult your paediatrician ASAP.

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