Can I Get Pregnancy Without Period?


Many women battle the problem of absent or irregular periods and thus may face difficulties in getting pregnant. But it does not mean that such women cannot get pregnant. If you have no periods in a month or you have an irregular period, it is very much possible that you may get pregnant.

Is It Possible to Get Pregnant without Periods?

can you get pregnant without a period

Periods and Conception

When you have your period, it is an indication that your reproductive system is in place or it is in a functional state. However, just having a period does not guarantee that you can get pregnant. As you start with your monthly period, your ovaries start developing an egg. The egg keeps maturing inside a follicle for up to 12 to 14 days (the days may vary). Once the egg is fully matured the follicle bursts open, and ovary releases the egg. This process is called ovulation and the egg thus released is only potent for 12 to 24 hours.

If you engage in sexual intercourse with your partner within five after the ovulation has taken place, there are chances that fertilization may take place. This happens because the sperm can stay alive inside the female reproductive system for up to five days. Once the sperm meets the egg, you will be pregnant.

Once the ovulation is over, the hormone progesterone signals your uterus to prepare for the embryo to implant itself in the uterine lining. The uterine lining is called endometrium, and it keeps getter thicker for 10 to 15 days. In case, you get pregnant the embryo implants itself to the uterine lining within 7 to 10 days after ovulation, and thus various hormones changes happen in your body, and your body starts preparing for pregnancy.

However, if there is no fertilization, then the hormone progesterone drops to considerable amounts signaling the uterus to shed its lining or endometrium. The shedding of the uterine lining is your monthly period. After this, your body prepares for the same process again.


Pregnancy without Menstruation

Yes, it is very much possible to ovulate and get pregnant without your periods. This is most likely the case with women who face the problem of irregular periods. It is important to understand that ovulation is important for getting pregnant and if you have your periods regularly, then you are ovulating regularly too, which means you can get pregnant. However, women who have irregular periods may not have their periods regularly, but they are ovulating, which means they can get pregnant even if they do not have their period.

Causes of  Irregular Periods


Many women who practice exclusive breastfeeding may not have their periods till the time they are breastfeeding their babies. However, it usually depends on their personal biology and also how frequently they feed their babies.

Birth control

Certain birth control methods such as birth control pills may hamper with the regularity of your periods.


If you have irregular periods and all of a sudden you are not getting any periods, then there is a great possibility that you are pregnant. Get pregnancy and test and check for the pregnancy.


Obesity is one of the main reasons for irregular periods and infertility. It will be a good idea to exercise and lose some weight to regulate your monthly cycle.


Apart from birth control medication, there are other medications also that may stop your periods. These may include medication for blood pressure, allergy, psychiatric drugs etc.



Not only obesity but being underweight may become the reason for your irregular periods too. The lack of fats in your body may adversely affect your reproductive system.

Hormonal imbalance

Some ailments such as diabetes, thyroid imbalance, endometriosis etc. May affect the hormonal balance of the body resulting in irregular periods.

If you are an athlete

It may sound strange, but women athletes may have problems in having a regular menstrual cycle. This is because athletes have muscular bodies and very less fat in their body. Less fat in the body can make the periods irregular. Also, excessive exercising may also interfere with the regularity of your periods.

If you have pcos

Pcos or polycystic ovarian syndrome is one of the major reasons for irregular periods and infertility in the present generation.

If you have high-stress levels

In case you are extremely stressed then your periods may get affected. You may experience irregular periods or in some cases, your periods may stop for months. It is very important that you keep your stress levels under check.

If you have poi

Poi or primary ovary insufficiency, which is also called premature ovary failure, is a condition that may make your period stop. In some cases, a woman with poi may not have her periods for months or even years.


If you are having problems in your uterus

Sometimes a uterine surgery or d&c may make your periods irregular. This happens due to the scarring of the uterus during the surgical procedure.

If you are entering menopause

Is it very common for women, who are entering menopause to have irregular periods. Early menopause may sometimes be the cause of your lack of periods or your irregular periods too.

What if you want to get pregnant but are not getting your periods?

Wondering how to get pregnant without a period? Then it will be a good idea to get in touch with your doctor. If you are less than 35 years of age, your doctor may ask you to try for a year before suggesting, you any fertility evaluation test.

If you are not getting your period, it is suggested that you get a thorough check-up done in order to establish the exact cause. On the basis of the evaluation, your doctor will recommend the right course of treatment.


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