101 Cute Palindrome Names for Girls and Boys


Probably, one of the most difficult jobs as parents at the first place is deciding a name for your little one and by name; I mean a good, interesting and an uncommon one. Once you search on the internet, you may be able to find hundreds of good names for your child but they may not be that uncommon. So, we have got an idea for you! Accordingly, there can be nothing more interesting and unique than giving your little one a ‘palindrome name’.

Palindrome names are those names that are spelled the same backwards and forwards and that is what makes these names more attractive. Weather you have a baby boy or a little princess, we have collected some of the most unique palindrome names from all around the world for your little one. Given below are 101 palindrome names for your baby boy and baby girl. Read below to find more:

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Baby Boy and Girl Names: 101 Palindrome Names

palindrome names

Names Meaning
1.       Anna grace, favour
2.       Nosson god of the ocean
3.       Amma females born on Saturday
4.       Anina answer my prayer
5.       Nirin eternal
6.       Alla this name is variant of ella.
7.       Aidia help
8.       Ailia light
9.       Afifa sounds similar to aviva, avivi , avivah
10.   Ada wealthy
11.   Nitin morality
12.   Nolon noble
13.   Ramar god-like
14.   Adda wealthy
15.   Alala war goddess
16.   Asa grateful
17.   Renner to run; messenger
18.   Ava refuge in battle
19.   Sos bear
20.   Ata a Ghana name, for twins
21.   Aza powerful
22.   Salas man of the forest
23.   Pip lover of horses
24.   Azza a girl’s name that sounds similar to azia anmd aza
25.   Habibah beloved, sweetheart
26.   Aja an Arabic name meaning ‘priestess of Mecca’
27.   Eve life
28.   Bob famous
29.   Azia precious
30.   Nadan son
31.   Nannan benevolent
32.   Natan god has given
33.   Reinier deciding warrior
34.   Aviva springtime
35.   Savas war
36.   Maham piece of the moon
37.   Sebes fast
38.   Kok cuckoo; wolf
39.   Maram inspiration
40.   Assa fair
41.   Utu fine mist
42.   Ara brings rain; opinionated
43.   Asa grateful
44.   Eevee girl born on Christmas eve
45.   Hayah life
46.   Izzi a girl’s name that sounds similar to izzy and Izzie
47.   Natan a Figtree
48.   Siris shepherd
49.   Talat prayer
50.   Nayan eye
51.   Eidie spoils of war; wealthy
52.   Sylys derived from silas, the Greek god of forests
53.   Kanak gold
54.   Lil flower
55.   Otto wealthy
56.   Noon brightest time of the day
57.   Viv alive
58.   Reinier deciding warrior
59.   Layal night
60.   Ece queen
61.   Ede wealthy guardian
62.   Nan grace
63.   Neven middle
64.   Naman be kind
65.   Ieri one who nurtures; guardian
66.   Bob bright and shining
67.   Iggi only son
68.   Aoloa distinguished person
69.   Bab grandfather
70.   Kuruk bear
71.   Lehel to breathe
72.   Lel taker’
73.   Neven saintly
74.   Ege chief sea
75.   Itati stone
76.   Ivi mighty
77.   Hannah grace
78.   Halah halo
79.   Eme loved
80.   Emme universal; whole
81.   Iwi tribesman
82.   Jalaj lotus; born of water
83.   Kilik blind
84.   basab Indra
85.   Lal red; sweetheart
86.   Lel diamond
87.   Navan king of the Jews; champion
88.   Nayan eye
89.   Nen ancient waters
90.   Nin sapphire
91.   Anuna not inferior
92.   Ata one of twins
93.   Balab very sweet
94.   Ewe sprout; lineage
95.   Heh god immeasurable
96.   Jaaj warrior
97.   iyayi faithful
98.   kanak gold
99.   kaninak boy; young
100. katak army; troop
101. Nisin miracle

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