135 Funny and Clever Never Have I Ever Questions for Kids


The world of fun and games amongst children just keeps going on and on until they land up into a world full of surprise where they get a different game to play and while away their time. Hence out of the many interesting games out there, let’s take a deeper look into “never have I ever”. A game that truly inspired many children to actually be different in their thought process and create a difference in their speech as well. Therefore, without further ado, let’s take a broader look into the top 175 never I have ever questions for kids. Let’s get started.

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135 Good Never Have I Ever Questions for Kids

never have i ever questions

With so many “never have I ever” questions available out there, it’s always a tough choice in getting the right balance between what is funny and what is not. Therefore, we have rounded up a few of the best ones and given it below. Take a look.

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  • Never have I ever watched the Ghostbusters remake.
  • Never have I ever wanted to be one of the Kardashians.
  • Never have I ever dressed as the opposite sex.
  • Never have I ever watched SpongeBobSquare pants.
  • Never have I ever cried during a Pixar movie. (Darn you, Bing Bong!)
  • Never have I ever had a crush, or man crush, on Ron Swanson.
  • Never have I ever ‘cleaned up’ by piling everything into a closet.
  • Never have I ever sung karaoke.
  • Never have I ever watched the “Gangnam Style” music video.
  • Never have I ever had a crush on someone from “Full House”.
  • Never have I ever watched an episode of “Gilmore Girls”.
  • Never have I ever pretended to know a stranger.
  • Never have I ever worn sleepwear and pretended it was clothing.
  • Never have I ever said ‘excuse me’ when there was no one around.
  • Never have I ever scared myself in a mirror.
  • Never have I ever missed a high five.
  • Never have I ever heard someone else doing it.
  • Never have I ever sang in the shower.
  • Never have I ever blamed farts on an animal.
  • Never have I ever secretly wished I were a wizard at Hogwarts.
  • Never have I ever slept in regular clothing.
  • Never have I ever had a nightmare about zombies chasing me.
  • Never have I ever pretended to laugh at a joke I didn’t get.
  • Never have I ever been scared of clowns.
  • Never have I ever thought a cartoon character was hot.
  • Never have I ever faked being sick so I could play video games.
  • Never have I ever liked Star Wars more than Star Trek.
  • Never have I ever tried out to be an extra in a movie.
  • Never have I ever scored over 100 while bowling.
  • Never have I ever used an Instant Pot.
  • Never have I ever played Candy Crush.
  • Never have I ever won a game of Scrabble.
  • Never have I ever made a duck face when taking a selfie.
  • Never have I ever looked out the car’s passenger seat window and imagined it was a scene from a music video.
  • Never have I ever actually laughed out loud when typing “LOL”.
  • Never have I ever reread an email immediately after sending it.
  • Never have I ever daydreamed about being on a talk show and what I’d talk about.
  • Never have I ever Googled my own name to see what comes up.
  • Never have I ever pretended I was running from zombies while on a run.
  • Never have I ever sat in the shower.
  • Never have I ever tried something I saw on Pinterest.
  • Never have I ever ugly cried for no reason.
  • Never have I ever crept on someone I just met on social media.
  • Never have I ever thought about how a loved one could identify me if my face was horribly disfigured in an accident.
  • Never have I ever answered someone ‘left’ or ‘right’ without thinking, because I have a 50/50 chance of being right.
  • Never have I ever been out of the country.
  • Never have I ever regifted a gift card.
  • Never have I ever traveled out of state by myself.
  • Never have I ever flown in a helicopter.
  • Never have I ever been on stage in front of a crowd.
  • Never have I ever lied in a job interview.
  • Never have I ever stalked a crush.
  • Never have I ever sung karaoke.
  • Never have I ever agreed with something Donald Trump said.
  • Never have I ever thought about what type of dog I would be.
  • Never have I ever watched children’s cartoons I’m too old for.
  • Never have I ever lost sunglasses that I was already wearing.
  • Never have I ever locked my keys in my car.
  • Never have I ever not tipped at a restaurant.
  • Never have I ever given money to a homeless person.
  • Never have I ever tried to look at the sun.
  • Never have I ever bungee-jumped.
  • Never have I ever had surgery.
  • Never have I ever jumped out of a plane.
  • Never have I ever made a wish at a fountain.
  • Never have I ever accidentally eaten a bug.
  • Never have I ever cut someone in line.
  • Never have I ever stayed up all night.
  • Never have I ever read a single Harry Potter book.
  • Never have I ever been inside a library.
  • Never have I ever lied about my age.
  • Never have I ever shot a gun.
  • Never have I ever had a cavity.
  • Never have I ever been mini golfing.
  • Never have I ever seen an elephant in real life.
  • Never have I ever been to Disney World.
  • Never have I ever bought clothing online.
  • Never have I ever had someone draw a caricature of me.
  • Never have I ever owned an Xbox.
  • Never have I ever spent hours watching funny videos on YouTube.
  • Never have I ever seen Titanic.
  • Never have I ever met a celebrity.
  • Never have I ever thought a movie was better than the book.
  • Never have I ever voted.
  • Never have I ever owned a watch.
  • Never have I ever ridden a skateboard.
  • Never have I ever learned how to play a musical instrument.
  • Never have I ever seen snow.
  • Never have I ever finished a Sudoku puzzle.
  • Never have I ever Googled something so I’d know how to spell it.
  • Never have I ever cheated on a test.
  • Never have I ever cried watching Homeward Bound.
  • Never have I ever licked a frozen pole.
  • Never have I ever had gum in my hair.
  • Never have I ever taken a horrible picture on picture day.
  • Never have I ever been a bully.
  • Never have I ever wanted to be a superhero.
  • Never have I ever been scared of the dark.
  • Never have I ever had trouble sleeping after watching a scary movie.
  • Never have I ever stayed up all night.
  • Never have I ever been to a sleepover.
  • Never have I ever had a birthday party.
  • Never have I ever cried at school
  • Never have I ever sang on a stage.
  • Never have I ever performed in a talent show.
  • Never have I ever killed ants with a magnifying glass.
  • Never have I ever dropped Mentos into Coke or Pepsi.
  • Never have I ever eaten something on a dare.
  • Never have I ever used the excuse “my dog ate my homework”.
  • Never have I ever sucked my thumb.
  • Never have I ever believed my toys had feelings.
  • Never have I ever watched Blue’s Clues.
  • Never have I ever been terrified of a theme park ride.
  • Never have I ever been to a haunted house.
  • Never have I ever dressed up as a zombie for Halloween.
  • Never have I ever been sent to the principle’s office.
  • Never have I ever done an Easter Egg Hunt.
  • Never have I ever built a fort with blankets.
  • Never have I ever fallen off a bike.
  • Never have I ever played video games all day.
  • Never have I ever stolen money from a sibling’s piggy bank.
  • Never have I ever wished I had bunk beds.
  • Never have I ever played Pokémon.
  • Never have I ever been on a family road trip.
  • Never have I ever named a stuffed animal.
  • Never have I ever used training wheels.
  • Never have I ever eaten only candy for dinner.
  • Never have I ever stayed in character all day.
  • Never have I ever lied about being related to someone on TV.
  • Never have I ever written notes on the desk to use during a test.
  • Never have I ever tried to sign a permission slip for my parents.
  • Never have I ever stolen a friend’s story and pretend it happened to me.
  • Never have I ever thrown something out of the school bus window.
  • Never have I ever lied about staying after school and went somewhere else.
  • Never have I ever hopped seats on the school bus.

Therefore, with so many “never have I ever” questions available out there, you can choose from the variety of questions that are given above. So all the best and do the needful.


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Never Have I Ever Questions
