Mittlelschmerz or Painful Ovulation: Signs and Symptoms


What causes painful periods? Women the world over suffer from painful ovulation and know not what to do. Here are the signs and symptoms that you may be suffering from Mittlelschmerz- and need medical attention without further delay.

The female menstrual cycle involves a phase called ovulation. During this phase, the ovary releases eggs. Until menopause, this process continues once in every month. Some women suffer from pain during mittelschmerz and it adds to the discomfiture of the body. This is evident in around 20% of the women. You may suffer from this pain for a maximum of 48 hours, although variations occur from person to person. However, you have nothing to worry about it, as it is a part of the normal functioning of the body. You simply need to comfort yourself as much as possible to keep down the pain. However, in certain cases, it may be a symptom of gynecological conditions, particularly if severe pain lasts for a long time.

Read More: 11 Signs and Symptoms of Ovulation

You should see a doctor if you find that the pain has not subsided within three days. You should also seek medical advice in case of heavy bleeding.

Causes of mittelschmerz

Two popular theories reason up this syndrome in women:

Emerging of follicles

Around twenty follicles are produced by the ovaries due to hormonal activities. An immature egg, known as ovum, is present in each of these follicles. From these 20 follicles, only one survives till the end and mature. The pain during ovulation may be caused when the membrane of ovary stretches.


Rupture of follicles

Ruptured follicles may be another cause of painful ovulation. On maturity, the egg bursts out from the follicle. This may cause a little bleeding as a result of the rupture caused to the follicle. As a result, the lining of the abdomen may suffer from certain irritations, when the fluid flows over it. This may amount to the pain during mittelschmerz.

Mittlelschmerz or painful ovulation

Symptoms of mittelschmerz

You may come across a number of symptoms of painful ovulation. The most common include:

  • You might suffer from lower abdominal pain, particularly in the area inside hip bone.
  • You can also identify the symptom by observing the timing. It generally occurs a couple of weeks before the menstrual period.
  • The area of pain may vary, depending on the ovary releasing the egg. It may occur in the right side in a certain month, and then in the left, according to the internal functioning of the body. It may remain on the same side for a number of consecutive cycles. However, there is no definite rule determining the side where the ovary will mature.
  • The nature and intensity of pain varies from person to person. In some individuals, it may result in an uncomfortable pressure. You may also have sharp pains and twinges. In certain women, it results in cramps that intensifies the pain.
  • The duration of pain is also variable, it can last for a few minutes, or can extend up to two days.

 Should you go for medical treatment?

As such, this problem has no medical treatment other than consuming birth control pills. It is a part of the systematic functioning of the body and you need not control it. The only thing you need is to soothe the problem. A number of commercial medicines are available to control the pain, but it will not stop the process completely. Apart from these, you can go for the natural remedies or home remedies. Various herbal treatments can give you considerable relief, especially during cramps.

Read More: 11 Home Remedies to Overcome Painful Ovulation

When should you see a doctor?

It is not necessary to see a doctor under ordinary ovulation pains. However, you need medical attention in the following cases:

  • Pain with urination: At times, you may feel a particular pain during urination. Inform your physician about the pain and seek necessary medical advice.
  • Fever: If you suffer from fever along with ovulation pain, you should visit the doctor. Inform the doctor whenever you notice something unusual during ovulation.
  • Redness in skin: Some people suffer from a burning feeling in the skin, at the site of pain. You may be catching other infections, particularly if your skin is reddened. Have a talk with your doctor in these cases.
  • Vomiting: You may have an internal irritation in your system, resulting in vomiting. Seek medical help under these circumstances.

Apart from these, you may seek professional advice if the pain lasts for more than the usual duration. A number of diagnostic methods are applicable for treating these disorders. However, in most of the cases, the pain subsides within 48 hours.

