51 Unique Mexican Girl Names with Meanings


A name is something that forms the main part of one’s identity. Every culture has its own list of names that are not only beautiful and charming but have many different, yet wonderful meanings. Mexico is a multi-cultural land and sometimes, it is reflected in the names that we know to be very popular amongst the Mexicans. Mexico has many of the names originating from different parts of Europe, these names are also known to be Mexican as they are so commonly loved and used by the people.

51 Beautiful Mexican Names for Baby Girl with Meanings

Name Meaning
Abril April
Adalia Kind and noble
Adana Created by God
Adonica Sweet
Anika Grace or sweet-faced
Antonia Priceless, flourishing, praiseworthy
Benita Blessed one
Bibiana Lively of full of life
Bonita Pretty little one, beautiful and lively
Chiquita Little girl
Ciri Lordly and proud
Clarisa Bright, shining, clear
Coco Help
Desideria Desire
Dia Day
Dulce Sweet or candy
Elena Shining light or bright light
Estelle Star
Eva/Evita Giver of life
Esmeralda Bright green gem
Felicita Happy or lucky
Florencia Flowering or blooming
Francisca Free one
Heloise Renowned warrior
Henriqua Rules the home
Ileana Shining light
Ines Pure
Irene Peace
Izar  Star
Jacinta Beautiful girl
Jade Jewel
Karmen Orchard or the fruit garden
Kesara Youthful
Lan Bringer of peace
Leticia Full of joy and happiness
Lila Bearer of good news
Lisa Devoted to God
Maria Rebellion
Mira Extraordinary
Mora Little blueberry
Nana Grace
Noemi Pleasant
Olina Protector
Olivia Olive
Ora Gold
Osana Health
Paloma Dove
Patricia Noble one or devoted to God
Ria Small river
Sofia Wise or wisdom
Tianna Princess
Ula Well-spoken
Zita seeker
