11 Most Effective Home Remedies for Keratosis Pilaris


Home remedies for keratosis pilaris are Coconut oil, apple cider vinegar, baking soda, oat meal scrub, flax seed oil, milk bath, olive oil, yogurt, tea tree oil, aloe vera and glycolic acid.

What is Keratosis Pilaris?

Most commonly known as “chicken skin”, Keratosis Pilaris is a harmless skin condition that causes small rough bumps over your skin, mostly red in colour, especially over your arms and legs. It is nothing to worry about as overproduction of keratin, a skin protein, causes the clogging of pores in the skin and gives rise to these bumps. Apart from occasional itching they have no harmful effects. However it can be embarrassing as all of us would love smooth skin.

Here are some popular and widely believed home remedies which provide easy relief from this condition.

11 Ways to Get Rid of Keratosis Pilaris

keratosis pilarisImage Source: WebMD

Coconut oil

Virgin cold pressed coconut oil is almost like a magic elixir. 2 Tbsp coconut oil mixed with 2 Tbsp granulated sugar/brown sugar is a great exfoliator that can be used as a natural remedy.  Heat this mixture, apply it over affected area for 3-5 minutes and wash it off. Doing this everyday moisturizes your skin. Coconut oil also helps in removing the scars on the skin caused due to keratosis pilaris.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider is an easy natural remedy for keratosis pilaris. The acidic content of the vinegar helps to remove the excess keratin from the skin pores and open them. Mix 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar with 1 tablespoon coconut oil and 1 teaspoon honey. Apply it on the affected area and wash it off with water after it dries. Apply this every day for effective remedy. This will remove the dead skin cells and excess keratin which causes the bumps on the skin. It will also moisturize the skin.


Baking Soda

Baking soda removes dead skin cells because of its exfoliating capability. Exfoliation removes the clogged pores of the skin and improves blood circulation to give the skin a smooth look. It it. To use baking soda as an effective and easy remedy, mix 2-3 tablespoons baking soda with water in such a ratio that the mixture has medium consistency. Apply this on the affected area skin and massage softly in circular motions for three to five minutes. Then wash it off with water.

Oat Meal Scrub

Oat meal scrub can also be used as a natural remedy for keratosis pilaris. It has anti-oxidants and fiber which enriches your skin and makes it healthy. Mix a handful of oatmeal powder with lukewarm water. You can mix it in your bath water or apply a paste of medium consistency to the affected area. Doing this every alternate day will lessen the symptoms of keratosis pilaris.

Flax Seed Oil

Flax seed oil is very effective in providing natural relief from the symptoms of keratosis pilaris. The oil is rich in omega 3 fatty acids and anti-oxidants and is well known to improve skin health. Applying flax seed oil on a daily basis will smooth skin irritations and soften the roughness on the skin. With daily use on the affected area, flax seed oil will moisturize and nourish the skin and smoothen the red bumps caused by keratosis pilaris.

Milk Bath

Milk is a very easy home remedy as it is an essential item available in every household.  Lactic acid can reduce pigmentation and hydrate dry skin. Mix milk to bathing water and soak yourself in the mixture for some time or soak raw milk in a cotton ball and apply on affected area. Repeat the remedy regularly for getting relief and to nourish your skin.

Olive Oil

Olive oil is a natural remedy as it contains vitamin E and anti-oxidants. Applying it to the skin makes it healthier. It also cures cracked skin.  You can also use a mixture of 1 tbsp olive oil and 3 tbsp table salt. Using this to scrub your skin will remove the dry unhealthy skin forming the bumps as a symptom of keratosis pilaris. The mixture serves the double purpose of being an exfoliater and a moisturizing agent which nourishes the skin.


Yogurt has healthy bacteria, probiotics, protein, calcium and lactic acid content in it.  These properties help in providing a natural remedy for keratosis pilaris bumps in the skin. A yogurt scrub can be used to remove the dead skin and excess keratin deposits and provide a natural glow to the skin. The milk fat moisturizes the skin.


Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is an easy remedy for keratosis pilaris. It has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. To use tea tree oil mix 2 drops tea tree essential oil with 10 drops coconut oil as the carrier oil. Apply on the affected area and leave it on till it is absorbed by the skin. Tea tree oil helps in reducing redness and swelling leaving you with clear and healthy skin.

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is a known herbal natural remedy which boosts our immune system and nourishes our body from within. To apply fresh aloe vera gel to affected area use a cotton pad and leave it on for a few minutes. Then gently massage the gel to help it get absorbed in your skin. This routine can be repeated twice or thrice daily. The anti-inflammatory properties of the aloe vera gel soothe the skin and provide an easy home remedy for keratosis pilaris.

Glycolic Acid

Glycolic acid is famous for its effectiveness as an exfoliator and hydrator. Apply any cream or oil containing a high percentage of glycolic acid and massage it to the affected area on a daily basis to get easy relief and watch the red bumps vanish.

All these remedies are hassle free, simple, fast and effective. It is important to follow the routine and use them daily. Apart from that, to keep your body hydrated and healthy, it is important to drink enough water ( 2 liters ) and consume a diet rich in fiber, anti-oxidants and omega-3 fatty acids for long term treatment of keratosis pilaris.



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