Infertility Treatment for Females: Ultimate Guide


There are many causes of female infertility. Some are detectable and curable. While there are some causes, which are irreversible. However, if you are trying hard and not getting pregnant, then there must be certain factors contributing to the issue. It is important that you know the causes of infertility along with the factors which contributes to it.

Causes of Female Infertility

There are a number of things which can prevent your chances of getting pregnant. The following is an exhaustive list of causes of female infertility, detecting by science, so far.

Damaged Fallopian Tubes: The fallopian tubes carry the eggs from the ovaries to the uterus. However, there are chances that these tubes can get damaged. The tubes get damaged due to some scars from pelvic infections, endometriosis, and pelvic surgery. This can stop the sperms from entering the egg.

Hormonal Problems: Hormones responsible for releasing of eggs and thickening the lining of the uterus can sometimes be missing from your body. This can be a major factor for female infertility.

Cervical Issues: In some cases the condition will be such that it will prevent the sperm from passing the cervical canal.

Uterine Trouble: The presence of polyps and fibroids on the lining of the uterus often prevents you from getting pregnant. This is mainly caused due to the growth of too many cells in the endometrium.


Unexplained causes: Sadly the cause of 20% of female pregnancy is still unexplained. Research is still going on, in this field.

Female Infertility

Tests for Female Infertility

There are several tests which can be conducted in order to determine whether or not you are actually infertile.

Hysterosalpingography (HSG): This kind of tests involves the ultrasound or x-ray of your entire reproductive system. The doctor injects dye or saline along with air, into the cervix. This travels via your fallopian tubes. This is a method to check whether your fallopian tubes are blocked or not.

Laparoscopy: The doctor first makes a small cut near your belly button. Then through that hole he/she puts a slender tube fitted with a tiny camera. It is called a laparoscope. This lets him/her view the region surrounding your uterus, ovaries, and fallopian tubes. In this way the doctor ensures whether or not there is any abnormal growth or whether the fallopian tubes are blocked.

Treatments of Female Fertility

There are many methods by which abnormal growths and blockages can be removed. Most of these methods involve surgery. Here is an exhaustive list of methods of treating female fertility.


> Laparoscopy: Any sort of tubal or pelvic diseases can be sorted out by surgery. The surgery will help you reconstruct your reproductive system. By means of laparoscopy, your doctor can remove scar tissue, treat endometriosis, open blocked tubes, or get rid of any sort of ovarian cysts.

Hysteroscopy: It is a process where the doctor puts a hysteroscope through your cervix into your uterus. This cure is mainly used to remove the polyps and fibroid tumors. This process is also adopted for dividing scar tissues or unblocking any tube.

> Medication: If you are not ovulating properly then drugs and medications can help. Medicines such as clomiphene citrate (Clomid, Serophene), gonadotropins (such as Gonal-F, Follistim, Humegon and Pregnyl), or letrozole are often prescribed by the doctors.

Drugs like Gonadotropins often help you to trigger ovulation. These medications might also help you get pregnant as they trigger the production of multiple eggs in your ovary. Under normal circumstances, each month, only one egg is being released. However, these drugs increase the number of egg production to ensure pregnancy. Doctors often prescribe Gonadotropins when your infertility is unexplained.

Metformin is another type of drug which will help you achieve normal ovulation in case you are suffering from insulin resistance or PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome).

> Intrauterine Insemination: In this method, the doctor places semen directly into your uterus at the time of your ovulation. In order to ascertain pregnancy, through this method, the doctor rinses the semen in a special solution. It is sometimes done along with the medication to increase your production of eggs.


> In Vitro Fertilization (IVF): It is a technique where the doctor places pre-fertilized eggs directly into your uterus.

Firstly you need to be on gonadotropins, to make sure that you produce more than one egg. Once the eggs get matured then it is collected via a vaginal ultrasound probe. Then on another side, sperms are being collected, cleansed and added to the eggs in a dish. Then after waiting for few days, the eggs which are being fertilized, by the sperm, are being put back into your uterus. This process is conducted through a device called intrauterine insemination catheter.

Upon the agreement of you and your partner, the additionally fertilized embryos can be frozen and stored for future use.

> Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICS): In this method, the doctor directly injects sperm into the egg, in a dish. The egg then is placed in your uterus.

> GIFT (Gamete Intrafallopian Tube Transfer) and ZIFT (Zygote Intrafallopian Transfer): These are similar methods like the IVF where the doctors mix the , retrieved egg with the sperms. In the case of ZIFT, the doctors place the fertilized eggs, within 24 hours, once they become zygotes, into your fallopian tubes. In GIFT the sperm and eggs are mixed together before putting them back into your uterus.

> Egg Donation: This treatment can work when you have a normal uterus but your ovaries are not working properly. This process involves the removal of the eggs from the ovary of a donor, who has passed the fertility test or is on fertility drugs. After the process of in vitro fertilization, the doctor will place the eggs inside your uterus.


In the recent era, most of the cases of female infertility are cured with time and effort. The methods though appear to be complicated, work out for many women who have the desire to become a mother. Becoming a mother is always a special feeling and if you are finding it hard to conceive then you must consult your doctor and undergo the tests.
