Herpes on Penis in Teenagers: Symptoms, Causes and Treatment


As genital herpes is one of the most common and leading type of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), it is of most paramount to be aware of genital herpes symptoms to best protect ourselves against it and to help you seek early treatment if you are at high risk of exposure to it.

Teens are foremost and most common prospects to contract the infection. To know about the herpes symptoms and its likely treatment, this can help you manage the infection. Many times the infected person is even asymptomatic. However, they can still actively transfer the infection to their partners who may end up manifesting all the symptoms. Transmission can occur even when the infected person is not having an outbreak of the related symptoms.

Read More: 7 STDs That Can Affect Fertility

A Guide for Herpes on Penis in Teenagers

herpes on penis

About genital herpes

  • This is a sexually transmitted infection and is caused by herpes simplex virus (HSV).
  • There are two variants of the herpes virus. One is the HSV-1 and the other is HSV-2 which causes the most types of genital herpes infection with genital contact during sex and only affects the genital regions.
  • HSV-1 mostly causes cold sores (fever blisters) around the mouth. However, it can still spread to the genitals during oral sex through saliva.
  • But woefully, there is no direct cure and this disease never completely clears up. Even though an infected person may not be showing symptoms, the virus tends to hide away in the infected person’s body during and between outbreaks.

Herpes on Penis Signs & Symptoms

If a person does demonstrate physical symptoms, they will typically experience about four to five outbreaks every year.

  • Symptoms usually become clear within the first two to three weeks of catching the infection.
  • The blisters will appear mostly on the penis and around the anus.
  • Symptoms start out with itching or pain around the genital area followed by the characteristic sores. These sores may be present on penis, scrotum or anal region or on the buttocks.
  • The sores develop initially as red bumps and these later turn into red, watery blisters that may open up, burst and ooze out pus and blood.
  • There will be burning during urination.
  • Other symptoms might include flu like symptoms including headache, body aches and swollen lymph nodes.
  • Symptoms of outbreak include tingling, burning and itching in places where the sores were present before.

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Herpes on Penis treatment options

There are available a few types of treatments although there is no way to completely cure herpes. It can be treated with:

  • Medication to reduce the intensity of the symptoms produced. Outbreaks exhibit many symptoms including sores and fever. Though they will be less severe and will not last long.
  • Anti-viral medicines are usually prescribed to control the genital herpes symptoms in its outbreaks
  • A doctor will help and explain the best ways to keep sores clean and dry so there is less pain and controlled infection
  • Daily suppressive therapy medicament is available to reduce the chances of transferring genital herpes to other sexual partners.

How is genital herpes transferred from person to person?

  • Genital herpes is a sexually transmitted disease, it spreads through any form of unprotected sexual act like oral sex. This occurs by fever blister present on the mouth through oral sex when comes in contact with the genital organ. Also genital to genital contact in persons with the sores, also easily spreads the disease.
  • You cannot in any way catch the infection from objects like toilet seats, these all are mere misconceptions. The proof lies in the fact that herpes virus cannot live outside the body for a long period of time.
  • Transmission has more success rate when transferred from a male to female rather vice-versa, which is why more females than males are affected by the disease.

Read More: Herpes During Pregnancy: Is It Risky for My Baby?

Herpes Prevention

  • The only way for a person to avoid getting genital herpes or for that reason any other type of sexually transmitted disease is by completely abstaining from any kind of sexual acts which involves unprotected genital contacts or mouth to genital contact.
  • Using a latex condom may reduce the risk of contracting genital herpes, however, it does not protect areas that it can’t cover like the mouth, around genitals or anus.
  • When outbreak occurs avoid any kind of sexual acts until and unless the blister has healed, the scab has fallen off and the skin appears normal again.

Read More: 11 Advantages of Using Female Condoms

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