101 Baby Names Inspired from Greek Mythology


While narrating heroic stories, what is better than Greek mythological stories? Greek mythology is a body of stories concerning Gods, heroes and the rituals of the ancient Greeks. It forms a part of the religion in ancient Greece. Also, the names of the Greek mythological characters not only sound great but also has a great meaning to them. If you are so much inspired by the Greek mythology and want to name your baby with the best name that suits your baby, here are 101 best baby names inspired from Greek mythology.



Top 101 Baby Boy Names Inspired from Greek Mythology

Name Meaning
Apollo God of music, arts and knowledge
Ajax A Greek hero with an important role in Homer’s Iliad
Ares Greek god of war
Castor The twin brother of Pollux who was transformed into the constellation
Damon Symbol of trust and loyalty in friendship
Dionysious God of wine, festivals s=and party
Hector Greatest fighter for Troy
Hermes God of trade and travel
Jason Greek hero famous for hi role as the leader of the Argonauts
Paris The boy who married Helen of Troy
Perseus A demi-god who rescued Andromeda
zeus God of thunder and the sky
Theseus To set
Thanatos Greek god of death
Poseidon Unruly god of the sea and earthquakes
Proteus Prophetic god of the sea
Adonis Lord
Adrastos Not inclined to run away
Aeolus Greek god of the wind
Aeson Jason’s father
Agamemnon Very steadfast
Atlas The titan who was punished by Zeus
Achilles Pain
Argus Shining
Aristaeus God of agriculture and cattle
Bacchus Greek god of Dionysus
Brontes The name of one of the three cyclopes
Cephalus Head
Cepheus Husband of Cassiopeia
Cerberus Name of the three-headed dog that guarded the entrance to Hades
Chryses Golden
Charon Fierce brightness
Daedalus Athenian inventor who was banished to Crete by Zeus
Damocles The people
Eros Love
Evander Good man
Glaucus Bluish gray
Helios Sun
Iacchus To shout
Koios The titan God of intelligence
Kreios Ram or male sheep
Leander Lion of a man
Linus Flax
Lycus Legendary ruler of Thebes
Mealnthios Black and Anthos, which means flower
Morpheus Shape
Neoptolemus New war
Okeanos A body of water
Perseus To destroy
Loki God of mischief in Norse mythology
Nereus Father of the sea mymphs

Baby Girl Names Inspired from Greek Mythology

Name Meaning
Phoebe Shining and brilliant
Rhea Mother of Zeus
Selene Greek goddess of the moon
Penelope Faithful wife of Odysseus
Iris Goddess of the sea and sky
Helen Daughter of Leda and Zeus
Here Queen of heaven and the goddess of marriage
Gaia Goddess of Earth and the primordial dieties
Daphne The daughter of Greek river god
Clio The daughter of Zeus and Mnemosyne
Astraea Goddess of justice
Athena Goddess of courage, law, wisdom and justice
Calliope Greek muse of epic poetry
Cassandra The daughter of the King and Queen of Troy
Acantha Thorn, prickle
Adrasteia Another name of the Greek Goddess nemesis
Alcippe Mighty
Anthea Flower
Aphrodite Goddess of love
Atlanta Fast-footed maiden who refused to marry men who lost to her in the race
Briseis The daughter of Briseus
Danae the princess of Argos
Dike Justice
Erato Lovely
Euphrosyne Mirth and merriment
Europa A Phoenician princess who was abducted and taken to Crete by Zeus
Evadne The wife of Capaneus
Harmonia Harmony
Hebe The goddess of youth
Hecate Far off
Hestia The goddess of the hearth and domestic activity
Hippolyta The daughter of Ares
Ianthe Violet flower
Andromeda Advising like a man
Jocasta The mother and wife of Oedipus
Kallisto The nymph whom Zeus loved
Lachesis One of the three Fates
Larisa The daughter of Pelasgus
Melaena One of the nymph
Melete Practice, exercise
Nyx The goddess of the night
Cassandra Shining upon a man
Pahedra Bright
Phaenna Shining
Pistis Trust and faith
Tisiphone Avenge
Thalia The muse of comedy and pastoral poetry
Tethys The name of Titan of the sea
Terpsichore The goddess of dance and dramatics
Semele One of the many lovers of Zeus
