11 Food that Helps Shrink Uterine Fibroids


Fibroids are tumors and are common to women. In fact, about 75% of women around the world experience them at some point in their lives. They can cause bothersome symptoms, such as heavy or painful periods, uncomfortable fullness in your abdomen, frequent need to urinate, pain during intercourse and pain in your lower back. However, the size of uterine fibroids varies from one person to another depending on their health conditions. In some cases, the person may not experience any symptoms as well.

11 Food that Helps Shrink Uterine Fibroids 

Whether you have such uterine fibroids or not, it is better to take some measures that naturally help to avoid such fibroid growths in the uterus. However, one can obstruct the growth of fibroids and minimize symptoms as well by including certain foods in your diet. Eat a healthy diet that includes fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, etc. It can help reduce the chances of developing uterine fibroids.

1. Cabbage

Cabbage contains high amounts of indoles, which reduce uterine fibroids. Cruciferous vegetables like cabbage contain a compound called indole-3-carbinol which can convert I3C estrogen from its strongest form (estradiol) in its weakest form (estrone).

2. Whole Grains

Women who suffer from painful uterine fibroids should make a conscious effort to increase their intake of fiber-rich foods such as whole grains. Whole grains such as wheat, rye, oats, barley and brown rice are rich sources of soluble and insoluble fiber. Dietary fiber can help reduce uterine fibroids.

Shrink Uterine Fibroids

3. Fatty Fish

Non-vegetarians who consume a lot of red meat should switch to lean meats such as fatty fish. Fatty fish is a rich source of essential fatty acids, especially omega 3 fatty acids. Omega 3 fatty acids can reduce inflammation in the body. This can help alleviate some of the unpleasant symptoms of uterine fibroids.


Eating fatty fish such as tuna, salmon, mackerel, and herring can also help reduce the body’s total fat content. Reducing body fat content is a natural way to reduce uterine fibroids. In addition, fatty fish can also eliminate or expel excess estrogen from the system. Reducing the body’s estrogen levels is a natural way to reduce uterine fibroids.

4.- Change to Organic Foods

Eating organic foods can help reduce uterine fibroids. Pesticides can affect estrogen and hormonal balance. Since maintaining hormonal balance can affect the growth of fibroids, you have to reduce the intake of pesticides, as much as possible.

5. Limit Caffeine

Excessive consumption of caffeinated beverages may show a negative impact on the liver. The consumption of more than two cups of coffee a day can affect your estrogen levels and this could even worsen your condition. Therefore, it is necessary to limit your intake of caffeine, as it would be easier for your body to promote detoxification of the liver and maintain a good hormonal balance, thus reducing uterine fibroids.

6. Get a lot of Beta-Carotene

After digestion, beta-carotene is converted into vitamin A by the human body. Vitamin A is essential to promote the growth and repair of tissue, maintain hormonal balance, thus helping to reduce uterine fibroids. Include carrots, sweet potatoes, beets and kale in your diet.

7. Ingestion of Iron-rich Foods

Fibroids can sometimes cause women to lose more blood during menstruation. This can lead to anemia. To replace the excessive loss of iron, include foods that contain an abundant amount of iron such as legumes, spinach in your diet.

8. The soy

This is one of the best foods that can help reduce painful uterine fibroids. Soy is a rich source of phytoestrogens. Phyto-estrogen is an estrogen and found in a wide variety of foods of plant origin. Phytoestrogens help balance the body’s high levels of estrogen by binding to estrogen receptors. Excess estrogen or estrogen dominance has been linked to uterine fibroids. Reducing the body’s estrogen levels by eating phytoestrogen foods can help reduce uterine fibroids. In addition to soybeans, pinto beans, alfalfa, and black beans are also rich sources of phytoestrogens.


9. Guavas

Guavas are rich sources of vitamin C. Increase consumption of foods rich in vitamin C, such as guavas can help regulate the body’s estrogen levels. Controlling the body’s estrogen levels can help reduce painful uterine fibroids. In addition, eating foods rich in vitamin C can also help control excessive vaginal bleeding. Abundant vaginal bleeding is one of the main indicators of uterine fibroids. A single guava can provide as much as 126 mg of vitamin C.

10.- Snack in Flaxseeds

Flaxseeds help balance the levels of estrogen in the body and help reduce fibroids. In addition, flaxseed oil is another option. You can sprinkle two tablespoons of flaxseed on your oatmeal recipes.

11.- Say No to Alcohol

Alcohol stresses the liver and overeating can even cause nutritional deficiencies that can lower your immunity levels. In addition, the consumption of alcohol can even lead to inflammation. Therefore, avoiding it can show a positive impact on your hormonal balance and help reduce uterine fibroids.

There are numerous treatment measures for uterine fibroids. Detailed medical research has established a positive relationship between simple changes in diet and uterine fibroids. Making smart changes to the diet plan can really help reduce uterine fibroids.




