8 Must Know Car Safety Tips During Pregnancy


During Pregnancy we get the jitters about traveling by car or any other mode of transport. However,  traveling by car is not a risky business if you are taking the necessary precautions. As such your baby is quite safe inside your tummy, but as a would-be mother it is your duty to practice the best precautions possible for both your baby growing inside of you and yourself when traveling in any sort of vehicle.

safety tips for driving during pregnancyWe know it is always better to be safe than to be sorry and this is especially true in case of a baby. As a mother the guilt would eat away at you if you somehow find yourself and your unborn child in a vehicular accident – no matter how small it may be. So in stead of rueing the consequences lets us find out some must know car safety tips that can be followed during your pregnancy to help protect both your child and yourself from harm.

Must Know Car Safety Tips During Pregnancy

Always be the passenger: As your pregnancy progresses your baby will grow more and more inside your womb and your belly will increase in size. This is a fact that even a child knows. As your belly grows it will come closer and closer to the steering wheel and can be easily hurt even in the case of a minor accident. Unless you have no choice it is best that you always be the passenger during your pregnancy and refrain from taking the driver’s seat. Even if you simply HAVE to take the wheel then think twice of all the consequences and try and keep people informed of your movements.

Buckle Up Correctly: Seat belts save lives. This is the basic fact that we are all aware of. So when there is a life growing inside of you it is must that you buckle up to protect him or her. Seat belts hold you in position even in the tiniest of jerks keeping you and your baby inside of you safe. The correct way to wear your seat belt during pregnancy is to keep the shoulder portion positioned above the collarbone, that is between the arm and the neck. The lap portion should be kept as low as possible – preferably over the thigh. Never, never, never put the seat belt over or upon the baby bump. The shoulder strap should run across your chest but never across your back or your arm. Double check the lock of the seatbelts to make sure they are secure.

Do not lean forward: During pregnancy sickness and discomfort can easily make you want to lean forward for relief. The chaining effect of the seat belt may also give rise to further discomfort and make you want to barf. But its best not to lean forward. What you can do is maybe loosen your seat belt a little and sit back for better comfort and air. Turn down the windows for fresh air to cool you down. Leaning forward can lead to grave injuries to both the baby and the mother in case of an accident. You will also be able to get better benefits of the airbags in case you are leaning away from the dashboard.

Make a conscious effort to stay away from the steering wheel: If you under some unforseen circumstances do have to get behind the wheels make sure you always maintain a safe distance from the steering wheel and your baby bump. Maintain atleast 10 inches of gap between you and the steering wheel. When you feel that you are comfortably seated then make sure to tilt the steering wheel away from your belly and towards your breastbone. Push back your seat as far as comfortable to increase the distance between your bump and the wheel.


Be sure to wear both the shoulder and lap belts: It is true that wearing the seat belt during pregnancy can lead to discomfort, but for the protection of your baby and yourself wear both the shoulder and the lap belts. This is the least you can do for the safety of both your baby and yourself.

Drive Safely: As a mother to be your protective instinct will be on an all time high by default. You will instinctively do everything in your power to keep your baby from harm’s way. So, in case you do have to drive, drive safely keeping in mind all the traffic rules. Do not break speed limits, overtake and drive rashly as you need to remeber that all your decisions will be automatically made for two.

Keep your doctor on speed dial: It is never too much to keep your doctor on speed dial. Call him or her immediately in case you feel any kind of discomfort from your car journey. Be it a rough speed breaker or a discomfort from the seat belts, let your doctor know. If you feel that a situation could have been even a slight bit detrimental to your or your baby’s health intimate your doctor immediately. Keeping your doctor on speed dial would also come in handy in case you have an actual accidental emergency.

Pregnancy doesn’t have to mean the end of life as you know it and you can continue your life as before. Maybe with modifications which would be for the benefit of you and your baby both. Your instincts kick in and its because you realise that you are now responsible for two people. So when you go for a drive or have to drive during your pregnancy just keep in mind the above tips to avoid any emergency situations.
