Baby Neck Rash in Infants: Symptoms, Home Remedies and Prevention


The skin of a new born baby is so sensitive that, it is easily vulnerable to rashes. Different parts of your baby’s body, especially in the folds of thighs, elbow, and neck region, your baby might develop small rashes, which though are a common issue; new parents tend to worry about it. Therefore, in this article we will learn what the causes of these rashes are, symptoms, and the treatment methods.

baby neck rash

In this article:

What is Neck Rash in Babies?
Causes of Infant Neck Rashes
Neck Rash Symptoms in Babies
Treatment for Infant Neck Rashes
Treating Heat Related Rashes
Home Remedies to Cure Neck Rash
Preventive Methods
When to Call a Doctor

A Guide for Baby Neck Rash in Infants

What is Neck Rash in Babies?

A neck rash is referred to when the skin near or on the neck turns red and itchy. It can sometimes also appear bumpy and scaly. Usually, rashes appear in the folds of your baby’s body, and the first six months after birth is the most crucial for your baby as most of the rashes occur during this period. Most of the skin rashes are harmless and vanish on their own after a few days.


Causes of Infant Neck Rashes

There can be many reasons why rashes appear on your baby’s skin. Few rashes appear on the neck region, whereas the others appear on the folds of thighs, elbows, and diaper area, and armpit area. Here are few causes for neck rashes in infants:

Prickly Heat

Also called as heat rash or sweat rash, these kinds of rashes appear due to extreme heat. Mainly during summers, your baby might get affected by these rashes, which are caused due to sweat getting trapped below the skin blocking the sweat ducts. Rashes caused due to sweat are itchy and may also become red and bumpy.

Stork Bites

Stork bites are small pink spots that look like birthmarks, which appear during the 2-3 months after birth. These rashes mostly appear on the neck region, which actually are blood vessels collected in a particular region of the dermal layers of skin. In most cases, these rashes do not need any treatment, as they disappear on their own in a few days.

Fungal Infection

Candida fungus is a type of fungus which grows and thrives on the infant’s neck region due to the formation of folds. Most neck rashes are caused due to fungal infections. Excess moisture and perspiration add to the growth of this fungus allowing it to survive days.

Spilling Milk in Neck Region

Babies spill excess milk onto their neck region during breastfeeding. When this milk is not cleaned properly, makes the neck region moist and susceptible to neck rashes.


Skin Irritation

Your baby’s neck is plump and chubby which makes the skin rub against each other. Since babies can’t hold their necks upright or lift their neck during the first 4-5 months, the skin in the neck region stays moist and rubs against each other. This causes irritation in the skin and results in neck rashes.

Neck Rash Symptoms in Babies

These are the most common symptoms of neck rashes in infants:

  • Red spots on skin
  • Itchiness and pain
  • Fever in some cases
  • Loss of appetite
  • Irritable and distressed feeling

Treatment for Infant Neck Rashes

Since neck rashes are not a serious problem, they can be treated easily. Here are some treatment methods for neck rashes:

Clean and Soothe  

Use a mild, fragrance-free baby wash, wash your baby’s neck gently. Make sure you rub the skin gently to avoid any further skin irritation. Then use a soft cotton towel to pat the skin dry. Air-dry the skin folds near neck to remove all the moisture. Use a gentle moisturizer or rash ointment like Aquaphor, A & D ointment to soothe your baby’s skin.


Dealing with Common Rashes

For any common skin rashes, or neck rash, clean the affected area with cold water and pat it dry. This brings relief to the itchiness and pain caused to your baby. If you think that the rash is caused due to fungal infection, then consult a doctor. The doctor might recommend yeast cream or antifungal cream like Lotrimin to treat the neck rash. You can also apply topical1% hydrocortisone cream which is effective (prolonged use is not advisable).

Treating Heat Related Rashes

Do not over dress your baby. Let your baby’s body breath and cool off. Keep your baby in cool or air-conditioned room to relieve from irritation and discomfort. Lacto Calamine lotion is a comforting and soothing for your baby’s skin, you can give it a try.

Home Remedies to Cure Neck Rash

Along with the treatment, you can use some home remedies to get rid of your baby’s neck rash faster:

Use Light Fabrics

Dress your baby in light and soft clothes. Try to use cotton clothes as much as possible. Change the diaper every 2-3 hours, this will avoid diaper rashes. Wash your baby’s clothes separately with mild detergent.



Sprinkle some cornstarch on the affected area after bathing your baby. This will help remove any moist on the neck area and will also prevent rashes from increasing.

Cold Compress 

Soak a clean cotton cloth in a tub of cold water and apply it on the neck region of your baby. This will give relief to your baby by reducing burning sensation and decreases inflammation. Once you are done pat the skin dry and do this process 3-4 times daily. Cold compress is a very simple yet effective way to treat rashes.


Follow a good skin routine for your baby to prevent or avoid any rash formation. Since your baby’s skin is easy to get affected, you need to be extra careful when it comes to your baby’s skin health. Make sure that your baby is always clean and dry.

Coconut Oil

This is a natural healer which keeps your baby’s skin smooth and healthy.  The anti-bacterial properties of coconut oil keep your babies skin clean and soft, preventing inflammation and rashes. Massage the affected area with coconut oil for few minutes and then clean it off with a wet cloth to avoid stickiness.

Use Boiled and Cooled Water 

The regular water which you use may not be suitable for your baby’s skin as they might contain harsh mixtures or harmful microbes which can make your baby’s rash worse. Use boiled and cooled water to clean them or bathe them. Use lukewarm water instead of hot water to bathe them.


Add few spoons of oats in your baby’s bathing water. This will keep their skin fresh and rash free. It will also treat the already existing rashes. Another way to do it is by soaking oats tied in a cloth in warm water for 5 minutes. Then remove it and squeeze the water from the compress on the affected area. This will eliminate the rashes rapidly.


Apply Baby Talcum Powder

Use a good quality talcum powder on the rashes to keep it moist-free. This will prevent from any rash formation as well as deal with the existing rashes.

Baking Soda

Add 2 teaspoons of baking soda to the infant’s bath water. Baking soda will help treat fungal infections and also soothes the already affected area.

Skin Creams and Lotions

Use mild and soft lotions for your baby. Also consulting a pediatrician before using any lotion or cream on your baby is recommended, since your baby might be allergic to some ingredients which can be harmful for their skin.

Maintain Good Skin Hygiene

By following a regular bathing and good hygiene practice for your baby, you may treat and prevent your baby from these skin rashes.

Preventive Methods

Certain preventive measures can keep your baby away from skin rashes:

  • Clean your baby’s neck properly and make sure to keep it dry.
  • Avoid over bathing your baby
  • You can wipe your baby clean using a wet cotton cloth
  • Avoid heat and humidity
  • Keep your baby in cool and air-conditioned room
  • Do not over dress your baby, or cover them in heavy blankets
  • Clean milk drool properly after feeding them.
  • Clean the folds of your baby’s body properly, since they’re the most easily affected areas.

When to Call a Doctor

The common rash may go away in a few days after your proper care. But in severe cases you might need to approach a doctor.  Call a doctor if you notice the following symptoms:

  • If there’s no improvement or the rash doesn’t disappear
  • If the rash spreads to other parts of the body
  • If the baby has fever along with the neck rash
  • If the neck rash turns into pus-filled blisters

The first few months are crucial for both the baby and the parents. You need to be extra careful when it comes to your baby’s health. Make sure to use chemical free products and also keep your baby clean and dry to avoid rash occurrence. If the rash turns severe, consult a doctor as soon as possible.


Hope this article was of help for all our parents!! Please share your comments/queries/tips with us and help us create a world full of Happy and Healthy Babies!!