201 Unique and Beautiful Baby Boy Names Starting with G


If you are looking for baby boy names starting with G, here are 201 best baby boy names starting with G with meanings.

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201 Cute Baby Boy Names Starting with G

Names Meaning
Gardie A person who guides towards the garden.
Gardner One who is a care-taker of a garden
Gared A person who is very powerful in handling a spear.
Garek A person who leads the nation with a spear.
Garey The person who is with a spear.
Garfield English – Triangular Field; Battlefield; Spear Field; A variant of name Garfeld
Garhault A logical, able and over sensitive person
Garick Refers to an oak timber.
Gariland A person comes from the land of spear.
Garlon A winning crown that places on the head of a victor.
Garman Spearman
Garmann A person who is very talented in handling the spear.
Garmond The one who defends with a spear.
Garmund A person who shelters others with a spear.
Garner One who is the keeper of grain
Garnet A form of Garnett
Garnett Armed with a spear
Garnier Gloomy red color priceless gem stone.
Garr Refers to junior Gar or son of Gar.
Garrard The person who is bold and strong as javelin or spear.
Garraway Person who engages in battle by holding a spear in his hands.
Garred The one who commands others with his spear.
Garrett Derived from Gerald (rule of the spear) or Gerard (brave and strong as spear)
Garrie One of the weapons used in the battle field , spear.
Garrison Spear Fortified Town; Old English – Son of Garret; Son of Gary; From Garriston; A variant of name Garret
Garritt Variant of Gerald name, (who commands the people with the power of the spear)
Garroway The person who is fighting with a javelin only.
Garrson Junior Gar or son of Gar (Spearman)
Garrwood The forest or woodland which is full of green trees and bushes.
Garry Spear
Garryck The one who is ruling the domain by the power of spear.
Garrytt One who has the power of a spear
Garsone One who was born to Gar, the man of spear.
Garton Triangle shaped landmark or place.
Gartrett One who rules by the spear; attractive
Garu One who is powerful like a spear
Garwen The one who is excellent in handling spear.
Garwig The one who leads the battle with spear.
Garwin One who likes spear a lot.
Garwood Refers to the person who comes from evergreen woodland.
Garwyn The one who keeps the spear always near him.
Garwynn Person who holds the spear very close to him.
Garyson Junior Gary or the son of Gary (spear)
Gates Refers to hurdles or barricades.
Gatlin Old English gaedeling which means Companion or Kinsman
Gatsby A left-handed person, or a person from Gat
Gauge Measurer
Gaukroger Great and at the same time awkward.
Gauwyn Variant of Gawain (white hawk).
Gawyn Bird hawk that is used in the battle field.
Gaylon Free from disturbance or interruptions.
Gaynes Becoming a wealthiest person or who is getting more money.
Gearard One who is mighty as spear.
Gearey One who is unpredictable or unstable.
Gearie English – Changeable; A variant of the name Geary
Geary Someone who is willing to make concessions.
Geatela An expressive and happy individual
Gebmund The protection of the God of earth
Ged The one who is very gallant as spear.
Gede One of the weapons, sword, mere, puddle.
Geerardt A hard or a bold spear
Geffron One who is spiritually calm and has great power.
Gehard The person who is fluent in spear throw.
Geldart An occupational name for the tends of ox an horses
Geldfrith A tender of peace and safety
Geldhere The descendant of a wealthy person
Geldwine The friend of a wealthy person
Gemail One who is efficient and has thoughtful nature
Gendoc A direct, original and excited person
General The important person, high ranked
Gentry The one who has high dignity by his birth.
Geoffry A concord of God.
Geogia A farmer one who plough the land
Geol The one who was born during the Christmas season.
Geor Pet form of George that means a farmer
Geord Short form of Geordie (cultivator)
German A person who hails from Germany, a language
Gernebern One who lives in a castle
Gerome A form of Jerome
Gerred The person who leading with spear.
Gerret One who has mighty power as spear.
Gertrudes A mighty person with spear
Getla One who belongs to the town of dark people
Gewargis A form of George. It means farmer.
Gheraid An ethical and good natured individual
Gherardo English name meaning spear head
Ghiath An individual who is aggresive and cares for personal gain
Gib Gib is male name and means Servant of St.Bridget. It is a Scottish, German, English name that originates from an old German name Gil that means Bright Pledge.
Gibbesone A male English name that means Son of Gilbert.
Gibbons English name meaning spear head
Gibbs Gibbs means Servant of St.Bridges. It is a male name of English, Irish and German origin. Gibbs is more used as a surname.
Gibby Gibby is a male name and means Son of Gilbert. It is of English and Irish origin.
Gibson The name Gibson means Son of Gilbert. It is commonly used as a surname, rarely a given name. It is a male name of English origin.
Giby Giby is a male name of English and German origin and is a deminutive of the name Gilbert.
Gicsa Gicsa is a male name. It is of English origin and is used as a nickname of Gib, which means Servant of St.Bridges.
Giffard The name Giffars means Puffy Cheeks, Brave Giver. It is a male name of English and German origin.
Gifflet Gifflet is a male English name that is mentioned in old legends. According to one Arthurian legend Gifflet throws the Excalibur sword into the lake after King Arthur’s death.
Gifford Gifford is a male name. In English the name means Gift of Bravery, in French it is Chubby Cheeks and in Teutonic the name means Brave.
Gifuhard The meaning of the name Gifuhard is Gift of Bravery. It is an English male name.
Giga Giga is a male English, Georgian name. It originates from the Greek word for Giant.
Gilford The name Gilford means Ford with Yellow Flowers. It is a male English name.
Gillam A variant of William; is generous
Gilloman Gilloman is a male English name. Gilloman is a very rare name and originates from French and Gaelic name and means Young Man, The One full of Youth.
Gillson Gillson is an English male name and means a Son of Gilbert, Son of the Bright Pledge.
Gilmar The name Gilmar is a male English name. Gilmar means Famous Hostage.
Gilpin Gilpin is a male English name and means Trusted, The One who can be Trusted.
Gim Gim means Pricous Stone, Gem in Old English
Gimer The name Gimer means Famous in Battle.
Gingalin The name Gingalin has roots in Arthurian legends and means The Fair Unknown.
Gip The name Gip means The Bright Pledge.
Giselbert The meaning of the name is Trusted
Giselmaere The meaning of the name is Famous Hostage.
Gistlerth A restless and dynamic individual
Gistrerth An over sensitive and friendly natured
Gladwin Gladwin means A Happy Friend
Gladwinn The meaning of the name is A Joyful Friend.
Gladwyn Gladwyn is an English name means a Happy Friend
Gladwynne The name Gladwynne means a Friend who is Happy
Gleawfrith A confident and self assured individual
Glein Glein means From the Valley
Glendakay A charismatic and friendly person
Glenden Glenden means From the Dark Glen, From the Dark Valley
Glendin The name Glendin means From the Dark Valley
Glendon Glendon name means From the Dark Glen
Glenton The name Glenton means The Man from the Valley
Glenwood Glenwood is a male name and means Wood in the Valley
Gloier A spontaneous and easy going person
Glover The name Glover means A maker od a Seller of Gloves. Mostly used as a surname
Glywys The name Glywys means The King from the Valley
Godbert Godbert is an unusuall surname of old ages. It means bright god.
Goddard The name is composition of two word. God which is used here to be meant as good and hard which meand strong and brave. As a whole Goddard means a good or greate brave person.
Godefrid a person who loves to be in peace, a peace of god
Godefryd a person who loves to be in peace, a peace of god
Godelive A person who is God’s beloved.
Godewinus The one with high ambitions, dynamic nature, generous and clever mind.
Godewyn Old English – Friend of God; Good Friend; A variant of Godwin
Godfred The one who will live in peace and give peace to others, who will love and give love to all others.
Godfrey The one who will live in peace and give peace to others, who will love and give love to all others.
Godfry It is the derived from German name Godfrid. The one who will live in peace and give peace to others, who will love and give love to all others.
Godhelm Protection of God, Saved by the God, In care or guarianship of God, Guard from dangers and harms by God
Godhere Army of God, Someone who will be on righteous path from God and will save and protect others
Godhold Brave, Courageous, Ready to face the dangers and unpleasent conditions, Warrier
Godid To whome one can share the memories and good or bad experiences. He will protect the secrets.
Godin Good Protector, The one who will save and protect others with strong and courageous powers. Protector for all others.
Goding the descendant of Goda, The person who lives with and after us, Who will help everyone, keep happy everyone
Godmaer Good Water, One will be with good heart and good spoken who can raise in the public and can raise his voice.
Godman To Shine, One who has the quality of forgiveness, to shine and to guide others. Who can create a better world for others.
Godmann Good Man, It is the new version of Guðmund. The one with good qualities and abilities.
Godmund Protection, To one who will protect the family, nation or public. Who is ready to sacrifice for the nation.
Godred God’s Peace. The one who will live in peace and give peace to others, who will love and give love to all others.
Gradon Graden name is the varient of name grayson which means the son of a gray haired person. In simple words son of an intelligent person.
Grady Grady means a noble person or a sign of nobility.
Grae Gray Hiared man. In simple word it means a very intelligent person.
Graega Graden name is the varient of name grayson which means the son of a gray haired person. In simple words son of an intelligent person.
Grahaem A variant spelling of name Graham which means “From the great Meadow; Farm House” in Old English
Granger They are handsome and charming. Hey love to live in dream world.
Grangere They are handsome and charming. Hey love to live in dream world.
Grantland They are handsome and charming. Hey love to live in dream world.
Grantleigh They are vesatile,responsible but lazy.They are active and fulfill all their promises.
Grantly Grantly means the gray meadow. A meadow which is full of treasures.
Gravadain Gravadain means a creative person who loves to explore the world and do new thing.
Graves Graves is the surname which was use in old days.
Gray Gray may be a n ickname of a person who have gray here. Or who is very intelligent.
Grayden Grayden means a person who have gray haired. Gray hair are sign of intelligence.
Graydon Graydon means a person who have gray haired. Gray hair are sign of intelligence.
Grayer Grayer means a person who have gray haired. Gray hair are sign of intelligence.
Graylin Graylin means a person who have gray haired. Gray hair are sign of intelligence.
Grayling Grayling means a person who have gray haired. Gray hair are sign of intelligence.
Greydon A person who leads everyone as a king or a leader.
Greylond A person who leads everyone as a king or a leader.
Greysen Graysen means the son of steward, guardian or wardun.
Greyson Son of the Steward
Grifud High Energy. Person who is always active and ready to do anything with great energy and power.
Grifudi High Energy. Person who is always active and ready to do anything with great energy and power.
Grimbaud Lively and Imaginative person who lives life with a great optimisim. A person who loves his life.
Grimcytel Grimcytle means a person who knows how to manage and organize things to live a great life.
Grimold Grimold is the varient of name grimbald. Which means a fierce bold and brave person.
Grimshaw Grimshaw is an ancient, historical surname which reffers towards a brave and strong family.
Gringamore Gringamore is a mesculine version of feminine name , which means a person who is not american. Or we can say a person from latin who is settled in america.
Grisham Old English – Grassland farm; From the grazing; A variant name of Gresham
Grubbs The name Grubbs also has German origins, where it means a Mine, Pit or a Hollow and was mostly given as an occupational surname to mine workers.
Guidgen A first century Welsh saint who drove the resistance against the Romans.
Guidlovius Guidlovius means the person who can guide a group or a cummunity.
Guilbert Guilbert means a trusted person. Everyone can trust him.
Guilherme determined protector. A person who is determind about the security and protection of his family.
Guitain guitain means the person from gaeta. Gaeta is the ancient city of Italy.
Gulliver Guliver is the surname of english persons.
Gullonar They are individual and independence.They are good friends and establish every thing very well.
Gunware occasionally,suffer with feelings of self-pity,finally success is limited.
Guordic adventure,excitment and freedom.Clever,quick-witted and unusual adoptable.
Gurcimanu graceful,respectful in nature,unsophisticated.
Gurcinnif laxuary Italian fashion brand good or doing fine.
Gurdocui They love, care and help other. They are of the generous personalities.
Guronui Guronui means old or ancient like a hidden treasure.
Guthfrith Guthfrith means the peach of God. Guth means God and Frith means Peace.
Guthlac Guthlic was the name of an ancient saint of Christianitys.
Guthlaf Guthald means an unpredictable person with a good and great nature.
Guthmaer Gentle, understanding and soft natured person. Who loves everyone.
Guthred Gentle, understanding and soft natured person. Who loves everyone.
Guthrie Gentle, understanding and soft natured person. Who loves everyone.
Guto A strong chief or a person who have ability to lead a group with management.
Gwari An independent and positive person who lives life like a love story.
Gwasdewi Generous and warm person. Gentle mind and loving for all.
Gybon One who is a notable hostage

These were some of the best baby boy names starting with G, for more baby boy names suggestions, visit below links.

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