21 Benefits of Jamaican Black Castor Oil for A Beautiful You


Get rid of acne, stretch marks, corns on feet, unwanted moles, dandruff, dry scalp, Reduce fine lines and wrinkles, Heals cracked and dry heels, Soften cuticles and gets rid of brittle nails, Hydrates chapped lips, Soothes mouth sores, Lengthen your eyelashes, Get thicker eyebrows, Moisturizes and hydrates hair, Use it as a natural toner, Strengthens hair, Prevents Hair Breakage, Treats Split Ends, Get long, lustrous hair, Deep Facial Cleanser and Relieve Sunburn are some of the benefits of jamaican black castor oil for a beautiful you.

Jamaican castor oil is extremely popular oil used to promote hair growth and provide easy solutions for many skin related problems.

21 Wonderful Jamaican Black Castor Oil Benefits for Beauty

jamaican black castor oil

Get rid of acne

Acne causes irritation and inflammation.Place a towel over your face and bring your face close to a bowl of boiling water. This opens up your pores and lets the castor oil penetrate deeply. Use circular motions and leave the oil overnight for best results.

Get rid of stretch marks

Sudden and fast weight gain or pregnancy causes the skin to stretch and leaves marks.  Castor oil’s rich content of fatty acids moisturizes the skin. Apply Jamaican black castor oil to broken skin.

Reduce fine lines and wrinkles

Black castor oil is penetrates deep into the skin and promotes elastin and collagen which increase the skin’s elasticity. Clean your face with cold water and apply castor oil every night to hydrate your skin.


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Heals cracked and dry heels

Castor oil is rich in nutrients and vitamins which hydrates the skin and makes it softer. Apply generous amounts of black castor oil and put on a pair of socks to keep it overnight to get relief from cracked heels.

Soften cuticles and gets rid of brittle nails

Jamaican castor oil has a high concentration of Vitamin E that nourishes the nails and makes them healthier. Massage castor oil into your cuticles and nails for strong, smooth nails.

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Hydrates chapped lips

Lips tend to lose moisture and chapped but the hydrating properties of the Jamaican black castor oil nourish your lips. Apply castor oil on lips mixed with some beeswax, butter and an essential oil of your choice instead of a drugstore lip balm.

Soothes mouth sores

Castor oil contains anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that destroy the bacteria causing mouth sores. Apply castor oil to affected area for cooling and pain-relieving effect and risen it after a few minutes. Repeat it daily for effective results.


Gets rid of corns on feet

Corns are grainy painful growths on your feet. Castor oil has anti-inflammatory and moisturizing properties. For effective treatment soak your feet in a warm bucket of water mixed with a few drops of castor oil.

Lengthen your eyelashes

The anti-oxidant and anti-bacterial properties of castor oil promote hair growth. Black Jamaican castor oil nourishes the hair follicles and promotes growth of longer lashes. Apply castor oil with a mascara stick onto your eyelashes.

Get thicker eyebrows

Castor oil is well known for its hair regenerative properties. It grows and strengthens your hair by nourishing the hair follicles with its nutrients and vitamins. Apply castor oil daily to your eyebrows and leave overnight.

Moisturizes and hydrates hair

Jamaican black castor oil contains rich nutrients that help moisturize hair and treat related problems like itchy scalp and dandruff. Apply a mixture of one tablespoon each of Jamaican black castor oil and extra-virgin olive oil, and the juice of half a lemon after heating it for a while to your hair.

Deep Facial Cleanser

Jamaican black castor oil is a deep cleanser that getsrid of pimples fast, deep-cleans your skin and gets rid of dirt, dead skin cells, and excess oils. Massage castor oil into your skin firmly and risen your face after ten minutes for soft, supple and flawless skin.

Relieve Sunburn

Castor oil contains similar cooling agents like in aloe vera and provides relief from sunburn. The ricinoleic acid content prevents blisters from popping up on the skin. The anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties also prevent infection from the blisters. Mix a drop of castor oil with your regular sunscreen for effective results.


Get rid of unwanted moles

Mix a few drops of castor oil with baking soda for removing moles you want to hide. Make a paste of thick consistency and apply the paste to the affected area and cover it with a bandage. Continue doing this daily before going to bed and see results after 4 to 6 weeks.

Use it as a natural toner

Apply Jamaican black castor oil to your skin to remove dirt from the clogged pores of your skin. Your skin will get firmer and toned with daily application.

Strengthens hair

The rich content of omega-9 fatty acid and omega-6 fatty acids in Jamaican black castor oil improves blood circulation to the scalp, nourishes the scalp and strengthens the hair roots. Mix 3 tablespoons of the castor oil, 1 tablespoon of jojoba oil, and apply it directly on your scalp. Massage the oil gently through the entire scalp in circular motions and leave it overnight for best results.

Prevents Hair Breakage

Strong hair is rooted firmly to the scalp and does not break while combing. Massage castor oil directly onto your scalp.

Leave it on for two hours and wash off as usual. For deep conditioning, apply it overnight and wash it off in the morning.

Treats Split Ends

Mix equal amounts of castor oil and mustard oil, then rub it onto your scalp and split ends. Cover your hair with a shower cap and wash it off with a mild shampoo after 30 minutes. This remedy also helps in detangling your hair


Get rid of dandruff

Jamaican black castor oil is rich in nourishing nutrients and moisturizes your scalp. Dandruff is caused due to dirt and unhealthy scalp. Mix 1-2 drops of castor oil with your regular oil for smooth and healthy scalp.

Get rid of dry scalp

Jamaican black castor oil contains vital nutrients and nourishes the roots of our hair strands and improves the scalp circulation in order to promote beautiful hair. Massage it daily to moisturize your scalp.

Get long, lustrous hair

Jamaican black castor oil is rich in nourishing fatty acids which when applied to roots, makes the hair strands thicker and healthier and promote hair growth.



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