Chickpeas During Pregnancy: Benefits and Side Effects Every New Mom Should Know


Pregnancy is the time when you should shift your focus to a healthy diet and avoid all sorts of junk food.  There have been a number of studies in the past few years to understand the benefits and side effects of chickpeas during pregnancy in a better way. While on one side, a number of women increase their intake of chickpeas during pregnancy, there are others who are pretty much aware of the side effects of it as well. In short, too much of anything is bad. We will consider below the side effects as well as the benefits chickpeas serve, at the time of pregnancy. Read below:

Chickpeas During Pregnancy: Side Effects and Benefits

chickpeas during pregnancy

Side effects

Gas and bloating

Excessive consumption of chickpeas can lead to the formation of gas which may cause a slight tightness in the stomach. This mas as well lead to bloating and can result in an unpleasant feeling.

Chickpeas allergies

Chickpeas are not recommended for people who are allergic to soybeans, the condition is termed as intolerance towards chickpeas. It may thereby result in vomiting, itchy skin, stomach ache or nausea. Therefore, it is advised that you should always try a little amount of it at first and then continue with it if it does not lead to any of these reactions.


A condition that leads to a loose motion for thrice or even more a day, is called as diarrhea. One may also suffer from extreme weakness. Thus, over consumption of chickpeas can lead to an upset stomach or may even show symptoms like stomach cramps.

Stomach ache

Now, this one is pretty common. Too much consumption of chickpeas leads to a pain sensation around the naval that can be a symptom of gas.  The accumulation of the gas exerts a pressure on the inner lining of the stomach, leading to stomach ache.


Benefits of chickpeas during pregnancy


It is somewhat normal to experience mild anemia during pregnancy because of increased production of more blood by the body to cater to the needs of the fetus. And for this, you would be required to intake adequate amounts of iron, which otherwise can lead to mild anemia. Chickpeas can thus increase the amount of dietary iron intake.

Brain development

Chickpeas consist of a macronutrient called choline that helps in the development of the brain, better nerve functioning and leads to a healthy metabolism. Chickpeas will further help your little one to develop a healthy brain and spinal cord. Beef liver, salmon and eggs are some of the other foods that can increase your choline intake.

Healthy growth of fetus

Chickpeas are a rich source of manganese, which is vital for the cartilage and bone formation. Furthermore, manganese protects the cells and is also involved in the metabolism of amino acids and carbohydrates, overall leading to a healthy growth and development of the baby.


The most common frustration faced by pregnant women is lack of energy. However, this decline in the energy level can be easily solved by taking a nap, exercising a little and more iron intake. But the most important among these is a healthy diet. Chickpeas consist of vital nutrients such as significant amounts of protein, iron and calories that can be a lot effective to solve this issue.

Neural tube effects

Neural tube defects commonly occur in the first month of pregnancy and the only cure recommended by the doctors is, having enough folates in the body. Chickpeas are a rich source of folic acid that prevents neural tube defects like spinal bifida and anencephaly. Chickpeas serve to provide more than even 40% of the daily recommended folate intake, which is quite a good amount.

Bine health

Chickpeas consist of calcium, phosphate, iron, zinc, manganese, magnesium and vitamin K that helps to build the structure and strength of the bones. However, maintaining the balance of phosphate and calcium is extremely vital, as consumption of too much phosphorus with too little calcium can even result in bone loss.


Better heart health

Chickpeas consist of significant amounts of fiber that helps to lower the amount of cholesterol in the blood. This reduces the risk of any heart diseases.

Even though chickpeas consist of all the nutritional benefits one needs at the time of pregnancy, but these should be consumed in moderation. This does not mean that you have to overconsume them in order to seek the benefits in shorter duration of time, because then it will prove to be detrimental to your health. Apart from the listed side effects and benefits of chickpeas, do comment below if you know of any other side effects of chickpeas.

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