11 Popular Myths About STIs


Sexually transmitted infections or diseases are of various kinds, some of which are common and some of which are rather rare. Every person is at some risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections if they are sexually active. The key causes are not what most people think of commonly. There are some myths surrounding these infections, which must be broken. The eleven most common myths are:

11 Myths About Sexually Transmitted Infections(STI)

Popular Myths About STIs

Only people who have multiple sexual partners contract such infections

The highest rate of belief when it comes to STIs is that people with many sexual partners are at the highest risk of contracting them. To break the popular myth, medical researchers say that STIs do not act on the basis of one’s sexual life or history of intercourse. If there is an element of STI present in somebody, it is bound to be passed on to their partner’s body too. Hence, the best method to be safe is to use effective contraceptives and by consulting your gynaecologist about the same.

STIs can subside on their own, if not too serious

Many people feel that conceiving an STI is like a common cold, which will leave the body on its own, in due course of time. It is vital to understand that STIs do not work in that way. Once infected, they will spread inside your body until you make it stop with effective medicines. This way, you not only cause harm to yourself, but you also put your partner at risk of the same.

It is always too easy to catch if somebody is already infected

Many people think that sexually transmitted disease have obvious physical symptoms that are visible, like marks, lumps, and unusual discharge with foul odour. It is vital to know that STIs do not have any particular physical symptoms until a few weeks into their settling inside the victim’s body. It is best not to assume anything as a sign of STI or the lack of such signs as a safe area to play in, without condoms. Always keep yourself protected to reduce the risk of contracting and passing unnecessary diseases or infections.

There is no need to worry about STIs due to easy medication and cure

It is true that there are a lot more medicines to treat STIs nowadays as there were earlier. However, this does not give you any liberty to go easy on protection during sex. Contracting these diseases is definitely not good as there is always a threat to your partner as well. Moreover, some viruses like herpes stay inside your body even after medical intervention. They become active at times and need to be addressed to with medicines. It is better to be safe than to be sorry.


Testing for STIs is an extremely painful process

To detect the presence of an infection, you generally have to undergo a urine test, blood test, or a genital swab. Neither of these is painful, as they do not involve intensive bodily aberrations. They are also done in a jiffy, taking only about 10 minutes of your time. You can get your results in just a day’s time. No more worrying for weeks!

One can contract such diseases by using a shared toilet

This is one of the most common and biggest myths doing the rounds. If this were true, then more than half of the people in the world would have been affected with STIs! Such diseases are transmitted only through intercourse, sharing common sex toys, and genital contact. There has to be some skin to skin contact for spreading of STIs. So, don’t worry and go ahead with answering nature’s call in public places, however keeping in mind the general hygiene level!

Only gay men contract STIs

Sexually transmitted diseases and infections can be passed from one person to another during sex. This has nothing to do with homosexual partners in particular. Anybody can contract diseases through sexual activities at any given point.

Drug addicts are much more prone to get infected

Being addicted to drugs is not a good thing for sure, but there is no point is stigmatising people who take them, for almost everything. Sexually transmitted infections can be passed on to different people during genital contact and intercourse. There is nothing related to drugs in this case. The best way to keep yourself safe is to use condoms, which are readily available in the markets.

Oral contraceptives are good enough for protecting people from contracting STIs

Oral contraceptives are effective when you want to prevent pregnancy. They do not help in preventing the passage of sexually transmitted diseases from one person to another. You have to use condoms and other medically approved forms of contraception to make sure that you are protected well.

Oral sex cannot lead to these infections

Although the risk is very little, yet it cannot be denied that one cannot contract sexually transmitted diseases or infections through oral sex. The safest possible method to protect yourself from getting or passing diseases during oral sex is using both male and female condoms. The most common infections passed on through oral sex are gonorrhoea, herpes, and syphilis.


A person once affected by any STI cannot contract it again

Although in most cases it is believed viruses that affect the body once and are eradicated through medicines cannot affect again, some of them remain inside the body in a dormant state. One such virus is the one that causes herpes. You have to consult your doctor and go through proper medication in case you notice any symptoms.

Brushing these myths aside, read up a lot more about sexual health and even ask you gynaecologist or personal nurse about the same. Shying away will only worsen any situation. Make sure that you are clear on every arena, in terms of medical theory. While it is vital to protect yourself during sex using all the viable and clinically approved methods, you don’t have to necessarily hold yourself back from having fun!

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