11 Effective Remedies for Skin Tag Removal During Pregnancy


Some of the most effective home remedies for skin tag removal during pregnancy include tea tree oil, apple cider vinegar, onion juice and garlic. Also banana peel, vitamin E oil, oregano oil and liquid iodine work wonder for curing these skin growths.  Even castor oil and lemon juice are wonderful natural treatment for skin tags during pregnancy.

What are Skin Tags?

Skin tags are small fleshy lumps on skin that commonly occur during pregnancy.  These skin growths are usually benign in nature. But they are not aesthetically pleasing at all. Usually skin tags fall off on their own after delivery. But there are many skin tag removal natural remedies to make those annoying skin lumps disappear. These remedies are completely safe and easy to use.

The natural remedies for skin tag removal are given below:

11 Remedies for Skin Tag Removal during Pregnancy

Use of Tea tree oil for Skin Tag Removal

Tea tree oil has strong anti-fungal and antiseptic properties. This oil dries out the skin tags and they fall off eventually. The antiseptic properties of the oil also heal the skin after the skin tags fall off.

You need to soak a cotton pad into natural tea tree oil. Be gentle while applying the tea tree oil. Then leave it for some time. If you have very dry skin, you can mix a little olive oil with tea tree oil for better results. Regular application of this oil thrice a day is going to make the skin tags disappear in no time.

Apple cider vinegar

One of the best home remedies for treating skin tags is apple cider vinegar.  The acidity of the vinegar helps in breaking down the excess cells in the skin growths and removes these naturally.


skin tag removal

Dip a clean cotton swab into the apple cider vinegar. You have to directly apply this cotton pad on your skin tags. You have to keep the cotton swab on the skin lumps for about three hours and then wash it off with warm water. Doing this for three to four times every day will remove the skin tags within four weeks.

Onion juice

The juice of onion is very acidic in nature. The acidity breaks the cells of the lumps. This helps in effectively getting rid of those ugly skin tags naturally. At first you need to add half teaspoon of salt to small pieces onions and keep it overnight in a container.  The extracted juice of these onions is a natural remedy of skin tags. Apply this juice on your skin tags before going to bed and keep it covered with a bandage. Wash the juice off next morning with moderately warm water. Repeating this process for a week at least will work like magic.


Fresh garlic is very useful in treating various skin problems. The enzymes that are present in garlic will shrink your skin tags and make them disappear. Make a paste by crushing a few garlic pieces. You have to apply this paste on your skin tags, cover it and leave it the entire night. Wash it off with warm water next morning. Do this for a few days to get amazing results.

skin tag removal

Banana peel for Skin Tag Removal

Banana peel has antioxidant properties which is very effective in getting rid of the skin tags. You have to place the inside of the peel over your skin tag, cover it with a bandage and leave it for the night. Wash the area next morning.  Every night of following this will make the skin tags fall off in a few days.


Castor oil

Castor oil effectively removes skin tags by dissolving them. Ideally, you should mix baking soda with castor oil and make a paste. You have to apply this paste every night and cover it with a bandage. Wash the paste with warm water next morning. Do this regularly for about two weeks.

Oregano oil

The oil extracted from oregano has anti bacterial properties. This oil is very useful to cure skin tags. It can prevent inflammation of the skin tags as well. It is important to mix it with coconut or almond oil and apply. Do this regularly two three times.


Liquid iodine is very helpful in removing skin tags. Apply coconut oil on the healthy skin around the skin tag. Then gently apply a cotton swab with few drops of iodine.  Repeat this twice daily until the loose skin growth falls off.

Lemon juice

Raw lemon juice is the best natural remedy for skin problems. The citric acid of lemon erodes the skin tags naturally. Apply lemon juice on your skin tags with a cotton ball regularly, twice a day. Wash it off before going out in the sun. Otherwise you might have skin irritation. This will give results within two weeks.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E oil is widely used for treating skin problems naturally. This oil has antioxidant properties that help in skin tag removal. Apply vitamin E oil a few times each day to remove the skin tags.

Aloe vera gel

Pure aloe vera gel is a very effective home remedy for skin tag removal. The gel of aloe vera has anti oxidant and anti inflammatory properties. It is very safe and does not cause any pain or skin irritation. Apply the gel on your skin tags and massage it for some time. Doing this three times every day will remove the skin growth within a week or two.



Skin tags are annoying side effects of pregnancy. They might be harmless but they put a damp on your pregnancy glow for sure. The upside of having skin tags is that you can get rid of them easily. There are many home remedies that can remove skin tags. However you must not apply these natural remedies if your skin tags appear in sensitive areas like eyelids or groin. You have to be careful that the skin growth is skin tag and not anything else that might need proper treatment. If you notice any redness or soreness in your skin tag, urgently notify your doctor. It is best to consult a dermatologist before applying any of these natural remedies.
