Indoor Activity For Toddler – Bag of beans


How to keep on active toddler busy on a rainy day? I am sure that’s one concern on every mother’s mind. Try the activity below and keep your child busy for at least 30 mins – 1hrs.

Bag of beans is a simple yet exciting toddler activity which would help your child develop sensory as well as motor skills. So let’s get started.

toddler fun activity with beansThings you’ll need:

  1. A box or a small bath tub ( lying around in the house)
  2. 4-5kgs of rice, dried beans ( I used jowar grains as they are one of the cheapest)
  3. A few cups, scoops, and toys from around the house.

Fill the tub with beans and use cups of different sizes/colors so you could talk about scooping beans in large cups / small cups/ green color cups/red color cups.

You could also hide his small toys in the grain and ask him to search for it. This activity can keep your child entertained for hours.

PS – Spread a large cloth on the floor before starting the activity, so it is easy to wind up the small beans at the end.


I would love to hear about more such fun activities from you. Do share what your kid loves?
