Week 20 of Pregnancy – Pregnancy Week by Week


At 20 weeks pregnant, your baby is as big as a banana! The foetus now weighs approximately 10.2 ounces and is about 6.5 inches. At this stage you have come exactly about halfway through your pregnancy journey. The 20 weeks foetus, whose sex you probably know by now, is developing well and just waiting to see you!


20 Weeks Pregnant Symptoms

Vaginal discharge

It is common to experience excess vaginal discharge when you are 20 weeks pregnant. This is likely to increase over the next few months, until delivery. This is your body’s method to get rid of the bad bacteria. Unless the discharge is yellow, green, or foul smelling, you have nothing to worry about.

Leg cramps

The 20 week’s foetus keeps adding to your weight, resulting in extra pressure on your legs. Do stretches regularly to avoid cramps.

week 20 pregnancy


At 20 weeks pregnant, it is common to suffer from gas, indigestion, and heartburn. Stick to and iron-rich foods to aid your digestive health. In case of extra internal irritation, consult your doctor.

High energy

One of the perks of being 20 weeks pregnant is that you have a high energy level. Use it well before you move on to the later stages of pregnancy!


Swelling of limbs

You body at during this phase goes through lots of hormonal changes. Mild swelling of the limbs, especially legs, is common. Continue to exercise regularly. Always sit with your feet on the ground and not dangling.

Abdominal cramps

As the 20 week’s foetus grows in size and moves around inside the womb, you are likely to experience cramps. Those tiny legs kicking the walls of your uterus are surely strong by now!


This is a condition in which there is an increase in the blood pressure and protein in your urine and fluid retention. The symptoms include extra dizziness and vomiting. A blood test is done by the gynaecologist, followed by appropriate medicines, and prescribed bed rest.

Pregnant Belly:

Now you simple cannot avoid the frequent kicks inside your uterus! Starting from 20 weeks pregnant, the doctor will measure your ‘fundal height’ during each visit. This is the distance between the pubic bone and the top of the uterus. At 20 weeks pregnant, your belly should measure about 18 to 22 centimetres. It should increase by a centimetre every week.

Pregnancy Ultrasound

Your 20 weeks pregnancy ultrasound will show you that the baby is now gulping bits of the amniotic fluid and preparing to swallow your milk after birth. The baby’s lungs, kidneys, brain, and heart have well developed by now. The baby is now producing a dark green sticky substance called “meconium”, which consists of the foods that it ingests while inside the uterus. In this prenatal test, your doctor will test whether both the baby and its mother are doing well and are healthy.

Dos and Don’ts during Week 20 of Pregnancy

Dos –

Exercise: Keep doing mild exercises and stretching activities to keep your pelvic muscles and leg muscles in shape. Walking at a moderate speed reduces led cramps and swelling.


Start searching for paediatricians: At 20 weeks pregnant, it is high time that you start searching for a suitable paediatrician for your child. Do good research and narrow down on a few big names. After this, consult your spouse, close people with good knowledge, and your gynaecologist to select the perfect one.

Eat apples regularly: Week 20 of pregnancy brings a lot of indigestion and heartburn. Apples contain vitamin A, vitamin C, potassium, antioxidants, flavonoids, phytonutrients, and fibre. All these ingredients help digestion and aid the baby’s growth. An apple after every meal might help digest food better.

Eat essential fatty acids: Omega 3, 6, and 9 fatty acids are vital to the growth an immunity development of the 20 weeks foetus. These keep premature labour, underweight foetus, and mental retardation of the baby at bay.

Don’ts –

Keep eating all the time: While it is important to eat healthy at regular intervals while 20 weeks pregnant, you must take care to not eat continuously. Eating more than required does not help at all. In fact, it leads to unnecessary weight gain and obesity in the child. Munch on fresh fruits and nuts to keep you from feeling like hogging all the time!

Stay in places with loud noise: By this time, the 20 weeks foetus has developed a keen sense of hearing. The baby is now easily disturbed by loud noises. Stay in a quiet and peaceful environment so that the baby gets its full 20 hours of required sleep.

Miss your appointments with the doctor: Pregnancy makes you forgetful. To avoid missing your screening and check-up dates, make monthly charts and hang them around wherever possible! It is vital to attend the prenatal screenings to keep a tab on your baby’s growth.


Do heavy housework: Don’t stop doing all the work and keep sitting for the whole day. Keep yourself active, but make sure that you don’t overburden yourself. Get some help if required. Stick to basic household work like cooking light breakfast, wiping the tables, organising the laundry, and watering the plants. Lifting and pulling heavy objects is a strict no-no.

At 20 weeks pregnant, you are accustomed to the vagaries as well as the joyful moments of this wonderful journey of becoming a mother! Make sure that you use this opportunity to the fullest by following everything that your doctor says. Follow the diet chart, visit the gynaecologist for regular screenings, and stay away from toxic environment for your baby’s healthy growth. The weeks coming up are going to be more hectic, so enjoy whatever comes in your way during this week!
