21 Funny Ultrasound Quotes


During this hard time of pregnancy, where you have been going through almost every thing that has been stressing you out, one of the most pleasant times is when you went for your ultrasound for the very first time. Well, none of us could really forget that precious time when we get to feel our baby with all our heart. This is a memory that we get to hold on for the rest of our lives. We are all excited and at the same time nervous before our ultrasound appointment, but this is what life is all about! Among all this hustle and bustle of appointments during the pregnancy time, this is one of the appointments that we eagerly wait for. So, we have got a joyful time for you and your baby. Listed below are 21 funny ultrasound quotes that I’m sure you will relate to. Have a happy time mommies!

Baby Ultrasound: 21 Funniest Quotes

ultrasound quotes

But, I never do that!

 ‘’I am here to perform your

 ultrasound and also listen to every inappropriate detail of your life that you are likely to share with me.’’

I missed it again!

‘’I need a stat ultrasound. I forgot to order the test yesterday so now it is definitely stat.’’


‘’Not everything is black and there are things more than 50 Shades of Gray


Just ask a sonographer’’

I care, I really do!

‘’Nothing says ‘’I care’’ like a trans-vaginal ultrasound’’

Ha-ha. Sorry what?

‘’The sonogram shows that you are having twins. I think they are going to get along very well. They seem to be hugging.’’

The new Generation?

‘’And there’s the hands- It looks like – well, it looks like he’s texting.’’

Found one or not?

‘’I love my easy job!

I just press buttons and take pictures of babies and pelvic organs every day’’


Said no ultra tech ever.’’

I tell this to people all the time

‘’Sonography School: the only time to tell someone they are gassy.’’

The construction Era

‘’In the pregnancy process I have come to realize how much of the burden is on the female partner. She has got a construction zone going on in her belly.’’

Would rather sing Bieber’s – What do you mean?

‘’My sister has a baby, I am recording all the noises he makes so I can later ask him what he meant.’’

Reunion, what’s that?

‘’Never go to your high school reunion pregnant or they will think that is all you have done since you graduated.’’

Where’s my cash bag?

“I’d be a millionaire if I had a dime for every time I have been asked what the sex of the baby is while doing a gallbladder ultrasound on a male patient.’’


Funny Doc 

 I am sorry to say all your visceral organs are missing.

‘’Oh, I think you are rubbing the pillow’’

Ouch, that hurts!

‘’ took my cat for ultrasound to check how the ultrasound was going, turned out she was just fat.’’


 ‘’ my wife was pregnant with twins when we first went for our first ultrasound at 2 months, now at 3.5 months we found out that we are having triplets! Beyond excited (maybe) !!!!

Confused soul, I guess!

 ‘’ yes, I am here for an ultrasound. But I am not pregnant .’’

Wifey is always right

 ‘’ I am not sure if our baby is a boy or a girl but one thing is certain…


… It takes after my wife. ‘’

I didn’t get it either!

 ‘’ the patient has a broken finger?

Then order a transvaginal ultrasound…STAT ‘’

A sonographer’s mind

 ‘’ if I had said everything I was thinking out loud…

I would have lost my job long time back.’’

Okay sorry

 ‘’ I’m sorry to hear about your abdominal pain .. If you could put down the Mountain Dew and wipe the Cheeto dust 0ff your fingers, I’ll jump right on your emergency.’’


Pizza is life

 ‘’ My mom just found an ultrasound picture of a baby eating pizza. I’m sure that was me and not my sister.’’

Weren’t these quotes amazing? We all have gone through at least one or even more of such situations listed above and there could be nothing more enjoyable than reminiscing these sweet memories and cherishing them all way long.

Hope this article was of help for all our parents!! Please share your comments/queries/tips with us and help us create a world full of Happy and Healthy Babies!!