11 Foods to Eat and Avoid During Typhoid Fever


While you are suffering from typhoid, you should have foods that are a rich source of protein and low in fiber and fat. More importantly, the food should not stress the digestive system and should be soft and easily digestible. During the first few days, you should only have liquid diet and then gradually start to take certain fruits. Apart from this, focus on increasing your water intake and other fluids. We will discuss 11 foods to be eaten and avoided during typhoid fever in this article. read below:

Symptoms of typhoid:

Symptoms are likely to show up 6 to 30 days after you have been exposed to the bacteria. Fever and rash are the most common symptoms of typhoid. The rash is particularly the rose-coloured spots that are seen on the neck and abdomen. Some other symptoms of typhoid fever can include weakness, constipation, headaches and abdominal pain. This can also include vomiting, confusion and diarrhea, but these are quite rare to take place.

If left untreated, typhoid can also give rise to a perforated bowel. This can cause peritonitis that is an infection of the tissue, lining the inside of the abdomen.

Typhoid Fever Diet Plan

typhoid fever

Foods that can be eaten during typhoid:


While you are suffering from typhoid, you must pay attention to having lots and lots of water. Also, you can have fluids in the form of fresh fruit juice, coconut water, barley water, vegetable soup, electrolyte fortified water or buttermilk. This will help to bring your body temperature back to normal.


After you have started taking liquid diet for a few days, start moving towards taking fruits such as bananas, cantaloupes, watermelons, peaches, apricots and grapes. It is better not to eat solid foods unless you are extremely hungry.


Read More: 11 Serious Symptoms of Typhoid in Children

Semi-solid foods

Your appetite will get better overtime and so you can start to consume semi-solid foods including boiled rice, soft-boiled or poached eggs, baked potato, yoghurt, vegetable soup and baked apple etc.

High-calorie foods

You can have foods such as white rice, potatoes, pasta, white bread, fruit juice and bananas, which are high in calorie and will also prevent you from losing weight while you are suffering from typhoid. However, do not eat foods that contain roughage as it can be hard you to digest such foods and also irritate your intestines.

Yogurt and eggs

After you have recovered from the typhoid fever, you can begin to have yogurt and eggs which are comparatively easier to digest than meat. This will serve to provide you with adequate protein. For vegetarians, legumes, lentils and cottage cheese will serve the needs.

Read More: Typhoid in Children – Treatment and Prevention


Mix a tablespoon of lemon juice in a glass of lukewarm water and take this on an empty stomach, which is good for digestive system. Lemon is a rich source of vitamin C and will help the liver in regaining its strength.


Foods to be avoided during typhoid:


Coffee is not good for the digestive system as it consists of caffeine. Also, this will only worsen the symptoms of typhoid fever like worsening diarrhea. It is thus recommended to stop drinking coffee in case you have it frequent times.


You should highly avoid eating meat for at least two weeks during typhoid. As meat is a rich source of carbohydrate, the liver will need to produce more bile for the digestion of these foods and may worsen the condition.

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High fiber foods

You must avoid high fiber foods during the fever as it can add on to stress on your digestive system. Thereby, high fiber foods such as whole wheat bread, oatmeal, raw vegetables in the form of salads should be completely avoided.

Fried food

Fried food can badly affect the liver and digestive system. It is advised to avoid eating fried food while you are suffering from this fever.

Spicy food

Avoid eating spicy food at all costs during this fever as this is not suitable for the digestive system and may worsen your fever.



Antibiotics are the most effective treatment for typhoid and ciprofloxacin (for non-pregnant adults) and ceftriaxone are the most commonly used amongst them. And apart from antibiotics, it is also vital for you to stay hydrated throughout the day. And in case the condition gets severe, surgery may be the only option for perforated bowel.


  • Stay hydrated throughout the day and drink lots of boiled water.
  • Avoid having large meals and rather have small meals frequently so as to ease the digestion process. This will also provide for maximum nutrient utilization for the body.
  • Completely avoid having spicy food or adding spices in your food till the recovery.
  • You must consume at least three to four litres of water a day.
  • You can slowly add on protein in your diet and then, increase the portion size with time.


In addition to the antibiotics, it is vital for you to focus on your diet as well. For fast recovery, you must ensure that you intake adequate amounts of fluids and other essentials fruits and foods. Also, avoid any such food that can make the situation worse for instance spicy food or fried food etc.

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