11 Tips To Get Rid Of Belly Fat Post Delivery


Once you’ve had your baby, a look at your body will reveal loose stomach muscles, extra flab and a relaxed pelvic girdle–just what go to make up belly fat that hangs. But this needn’t be forever, you can get rid of this look and get your old body shape back by doing a few exercises and adopting a healthy lifestyle.

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11 Tips To Get Rid Of Belly Fat Post Delivery

You need to burn a few calories and tighten your pelvic girdle, among other things. To know just what you can do, read on:

1. Exercise with your baby

Begin aerobic exercises like walking and burn 100 calories. When you do go out for a walk, take your baby with you in his stroller. Start small and as you go along and feel fitter and more confident, invest in a jogging stroller while also increasing your pace.

2. Yoga and Pilates

If your core is loose, tighten it with Yoga or Pilates. Do pelvic tilts to begin with and add on more exercises later.

3. Avoid stress

Being under stress causes the body to release the stress hormone cortisol into the bloodstream. This causes you to be tired, irritable and add on weight. With high cortisol levels, your craving for sweet foods can also increase. Match your baby’s sleep time with yours so that you’re not as stressed out and feel better too.


lose belly fat after delivery, how to reduce belly fat after delivery, how to lose belly fat post delivery, reduce belly fat after delivery

4. Eat veggies and healthy foods

By eating nutritious foods like vegetables, proteins, fruits, etc, while you’re breastfeeding, you can lose that ugly belly. Don’t skip meals at this time as your belly will remain since your metabolism will slow down now.

5. Breastfeed your baby

If you breastfeed your baby, you automatically lose weight faster than those moms who bottle-feed. As a result, your body will release the hormone oxytocin which will help to shrink the uterus to its normal size. You can also burn more calories without working for it.

6. Keep hydrated

Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Keeping your body hydrated can help with your skin elasticity, weight loss and general health after child birth. Aim for at least eight, 8 ounce glasses a day, and even more if you are breastfeeding.

7. Belly wrapping

Wrapping your body in maternity belts around the abs is believed to help the uterus regain its original size faster than any other method. New moms also regain their posture and get rid of back aches. You can tie a sash around your stomach to avail of this benefit.

8. Say ‘no’ to empty calories

In this phase of your life, you shouldn’t really be eating cookies, chocolates, candies, chips, etc. as your carbohydrate consumption usually converts into sugar which settles in the abdomen and hips. Instead, opt for whole grains and low fat dairy products.


9. Drink green tea

Green tea is renowned for aiding the fat burning process and thus reducing your belly size. So, opt for drinking green tea now. It is also rich in antioxidants that protect cells from the damaging effects of free radicals. It also increases body metabolism which helps weight loss. A cup of green tea after exercise can increase your weight loss dramatically.

10. Go in for massages

A stomach massage can help reduce your belly fat considerably because it targets the cellulite in this area. A good massage also helps to redistribute the fat and releases it in the body for better absorption. Since it also improves the metabolism, it burns up nutrients much faster and this leads to weight loss. If done after exercise, a massage is very beneficial to weight loss.

11. Make cabbage a part of your diet

Cabbage is not only a good source of dietary fiber but it also enhances the absorption of nutrients and maintains smooth bowel movements. It also contains vitamins riboflavin, pantothenic acid and thiamine and is a low calorie vegetable.

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It’s wise to be patient at this time. After all, it took you nine months to stretch your abdomen to accommodate your baby, so restoring it to its normal size will also take some time. So, don’t rush into tightening your belly muscles. Set normal expectations and move at a steady pace.
