Tips for Breastfeeding in Public


Many women cringe at the thought of nursing their baby in public. Yes, it can be embarrassing for many, but is a natural process and nothing to feel ashamed of. If you feel out of the place when breastfeeding your baby in public, here are a few tips that are sure to come in handy for you. Read on for more!

One of the most innate bonding between the mother and the child is breastfeeding. This justifies all those mothers who opt to breastfeed even in public. Lactating mothers are, however, many a times criticized for their decision with this concern. Well, the solution to the problem is just being confident and be acquainted with your rights concerning public breastfeeding.

Read More: Is Breastfeeding In Public A Problem?

Top Tips for  Breastfeeding in Public

There are numerous women going through the fear and anxiety regarding others’ opinion about breastfeeding in public. When adults can eat out, why can’t babies do? Do away with your hesitation about public breastfeeding. Here are some simple tips for breastfeeding in public.

1. Be informed

Breastfeeding is the most natural source of nutrition for your baby. Above all, it is very much legal besides being a good thing. Adding further, besides benefiting the baby, you are also educating the new generation about the benefits and the rights as well. Many countries and states even have laws with rights to breastfeeding in public, stated explicitly in the law books. You cannot be disturbed, asked to cover up, or to move to a more discreet area while breastfeeding in public.

2. Begin with breastfeeding in a non-threatening place

While starting to breastfeed in public, avoid starting with in place that is packed with people, like a food court in the mall or a baseball game grandstand. Rather, start in a place which is quieter and less chaotic, like a bench in a park or a mothers’ room in the mall or a mellow café. Once you get used to breastfeeding in public, you can do it even in the most crowded place. Till then, be relieved of stress and practice at places which provide lesser stress.


breastfeeding in Public

3. Use a wrap or sling

Feeding the baby in public becomes easier using a wrap or a sling as it covers the baby as well as your breast. Besides, you can even breastfeed while walking around. However, if you have pulled your shirt up so as to make the breast accessible for feeding, you might require a tank top or a belly band to prevent your tummy from being exposed. If you are not able to get commercial wraps or covers, you can also use a shawl, blanket, or a poncho for the purpose.

4. Select an easy-access bra

There are many women who opt for a stretchy sports bra for it works fine for them. It is quite difficult to undo a strap and then fastening it again. With a sports bra, you just need to pull the cup down under the breast and start feeding. Besides, special nursing bras are also available in the market. These involve lowering the cup to feed the baby. While using such bras, ensure practicing at home so that you can undo it and fasten it easily with one hand, confidently while in public places.

5. Pick your spot

While selecting a place for feeding your baby, two things are generally looked for

  • It should be comfortable to sit in
  • You are away from the visibility of the general public
  • Relax by taking a deep breath

Even though there are very few people who may not value why you feel breastfeeding in public is right. Presume such people to be a part of the minority. Take a deep breath to relax yourself and continue with your act.

6. Still nervous, look at your baby

Nothing in the world is more peaceful than having a look at your infant while nursing. Besides, you get a sense of happiness and being contended with what you both are involved in. So, keep all your worries aside and be least bothered about others’ glares and comments.


To conclude with, breastfeeding is something that makes you proud. So, enjoy your motherhood!
