7 Precautionary Measures to Fight Dengue


It is that time of the year when you hear cases of Dengue in just about every town. Left unattended Dengue can turn fatal. Thankfully, Dengue can be easily treated. What’s more? With a few precautionary measures, you can easily fight the infection. Read on for more.

Dengue is one of the mosquito-borne diseases, common during monsoon. It is carried by the Aedes mosquitoes. It is necessary to know the preventive measures for dengue, as no vaccines are presently available for the disease. Under severe conditions, it can even cause death. Therefore, it is necessary to take adequate measures to prevent the disease. You should avoid being bitten by mosquitoes. However, the best remedy lies in eliminating the mosquitoes from the residential areas. Here are seven precautionary measures to find dengue that you will find useful.

7 Precautionary Measures to Fight Dengue

Do not allow water to settle around you

People have a misconception that dengue mosquitoes breed in stagnant water. They can rapidly multiply in fresh water as well. Therefore, you need to remove waste water from settling around residential areas. The larvae of Aedes mosquitoes are often found in water accumulated in flower pots, pails, waste tyres and other areas. You need to clean these places regularly. Take care of your backyard and garden, ensuring that no water accumulates here. This precautionary measure has to be intensified during the monsoon, as rainwater easily accumulates in these areas.

measures to fight dengue

Use mosquito nets

It may happen that you keep your compound clean, but the mosquitoes find their breeding grounds elsewhere. In these cases, you should use a fine net around your windows to prevent the mosquitoes from entering the room. At night, use a mosquito net around your bed to prevent being bitten by mosquitoes. Make sure that these nets do not have any holes.

Focus on clothing

Proper clothing may help you to keep off mosquitoes. Wear full sleeve shirts to avoid mosquitoes from biting you. If possible, wear garments covering your legs even inside the home. The lesser area of your body you expose, the minimum is the chance of getting bitten. Particularly, if anyone in your home catches dengue, the risk of infection in the other members increase. This is because, mosquitoes biting the person may bite you as well, thereby spreading the disease.


Use mosquito repellent sprays

Another effective way to combat the spread of dengue is to use mosquito repellent sprays. You need to spray them in the outdoor areas, particularly in the garden or compound. The drains should be cleaned regularly and sprayed with chemicals to keep off mosquitoes making fresh larvae. You should spray them in the indoor areas like shoe racks, bathrooms, terrace, balconies and other moist areas where the mosquitoes are likely to lay their eggs. You may also use a mosquito repellent lotion to prevent them from biting you.

Change the stored water in your bathroom

Many families store water in their bathrooms for weeks together. Aedes mosquitoes lay eggs in these areas. You should be changing the stored water in your bathroom regularly, so as to prevent them from reproducing in your home. In many houses, people keep the water stored for emergency purposes, particularly if the area is prone to water crisis. In these cases, make sure that the containers are covered. It will prevent mosquitoes from laying their eggs.

Change water in your flower vase

Well, most of the people change the water in flower vases once a week, or even after longer intervals. This makes their families prone to dengue. The mosquitoes lay eggs in this water, however little it is. Evidently, the spread of mosquitoes cannot be stopped and they multiply in the home itself. You should change the water in the vases every day. Even if you place no fresh flower in the vase, you need to remove the stale water to prevent the spread of dengue.

Clean your dustbins

The dustbins in your home are ideal for the mosquitoes to multiply. You should not allow the garbage to accumulate. Clean the dustbin every morning and get rid of the wastes. Even when you clean the dustbin regularly, use a cover to prevent mosquitoes from getting inside. Throw only dry wastes into the dustbin, as liquid wastes may invite mosquitoes from breeding there.

You may also grow plants like Tulsi around your home. The scent of this plant keeps off mosquitoes. If you find the symptoms of dengue, consult the physicians immediately. However, it is wise to stay safe and prevent yourself from getting affected by the disease.




