7 Best Natural Birth Control Methods


A newly married woman always wants to avoid pregnancy, and this is successful only because of various birth control methods. The following article explains the 7 best natural birth control methods.

birth control

What is Natural Birth Control?

When pregnancy is prevented without the use of medications or physical devices, then this is natural birth control. Natural birth control methods rely on observations about the woman’s body and her menstrual cycle. Fertility awareness methods are included in natural methods of birth control.

What Are The Most Effective Methods of Birth Control?

The order of the most effective method of birth control to the least effective is as follows:

  • Sterilization: It is a surgical procedure to prevent pregnancy. Vasectomy is the surgery for males and tubal ligation is the surgery for females.
  • Long-acting reversible contraceptives: Intrauterine devices and hormonal implants are the long-acting contraceptives that provide birth control with a 3 to 10-year lifespan.
  • Short-acting hormonal methods: Pill, mini pills, patch, and vaginal ring are taken every day or month to control birth.
  • Barrier methods: Condoms, diaphragms, sponges, and cervical caps are used each time during sex.
  • Rhythm method: The rhythm method is based on the ovulation cycle. In this method, there should be abstinence on the days when a female is most fertile and most likely to become pregnant.

Natural Birth Control Methods


After birth, continuous breastfeeding (lactational amenorrhea method) can postpone ovulation for up to six months. By continuous breastfeeding, the hormone which is required for the production of milk prevents the release of the hormone which triggers ovulation.

A woman should not rely on this method for more than six months or if she has forgotten her periods since giving birth.


Withdrawal Method

In this method, the man withdraws his penis from the woman’s vagina before he ejaculates, by doing these sperms which are released from the penis does not enter the vagina. Coitus interruptus is another name of the withdrawal method.

There are many problems with this method. First, small amounts of sperm may release before actual ejaculation. Secondly, there should be self-control and a man needs a precise sense of timing to be able to withdraw his penis from the vagina before ejaculation. The effectiveness of the withdrawal method is only 75%-80% in preventing pregnancy.

This is a non-hormonal birth control method which is also known as the pull-out method. It is still in common use today.

Basal Body Temperature

This method depends on the fact that the body temperature of a woman drops 12 to 24 hours before an egg is released from the ovary and then once the egg is released from her ovary, the temperature again increases. But this difference in temperature is not very large. The difference is less than 1 degree F when the body is at rest.

A woman should take her temperature every morning before she gets out of her bed, this is required in this method. A special thermometer that is more accurate and sensitive is used and the daily variations of the temperature should be noted. This is to be done every month.


A woman should refrain from having sexual intercourse from the time her temperature drops until at least 48 to 72 hours after her temperature increases again to use this method.

Calender Rhythm Method

A woman’s fertile period is calculated on the calendar to avoid pregnancy in the calendar rhythm method. In the calendar rhythm method, the fertile period is calculated in which a woman subtracts 18 days from her shortest menstrual cycle which will tell her about her first fertile day and if she subtracts 11 days from her longest menstrual cycle, then it will tell her about her last fertile period. By this, she can calculate the total number of days during which she may ovulate.

There will be a greater number of days during which a woman might become pregnant if her menstrual cycles are quite irregular from month to month. The effectiveness of this method is 80% in preventing pregnancy and it is outdated and ineffective when used alone.

Mucus Inspection Method

A woman produces a particular type of cervical mucus in response to estrogen, this method depends on the presence and absence of this cervical mucus. When an egg is going to release from a woman’s ovary, there is a production of a large amount of more watery mucus than usual. This is known as egg-white cervical mucus (EWCM) which when pulled apart stretches up to an inch.

By examining the appearance of mucus on underwear, pads, and toilet tissues a woman can learn to recognize differences in the quantity and quality of her cervical mucus. Between the time of the last menstrual period and the time of change in the cervical mucus, a woman may choose to have intercourse. During this period it is difficult to determine the nature of cervical mucus because of the presence of seminal fluid. If she wants to avoid pregnancy, then she should not have sexual intercourse for 3 to 4 days after she notices changes in her cervical mucus.


Abstinence means not having sexual intercourse at all. No sexual intercourse means there is no chance that a man’s sperm can fertilize a woman’s egg and by this pregnancy can be prevented. Abstinence can be practiced by a man or a woman for a specific period or continuously throughout one’s lifetime. The effectiveness of abstinence is 100% in preventing pregnancy. One of the best benefits of abstinence is that it prevents sexually transmitted diseases (STD).


Herbs for Natural Birth Control

Herbs can be effective at preventing pregnancy. Herbs are preferable to chemical-based agents, synthetic hormones, and methods of birth control.

Some suggested herbs are as follows:

  • Neem
  • Castor beans
  • Gossypol
  • Thunder God Vine
  • Evodia
  • Wild carrot
  • Ginger root
  • Thistle

The herbs help to prevent pregnancy in the following manner:

  • They prevent sperm from fertilizing an egg
  • They prevent the release of an egg
  • They prevent implantation of the fertilizes egg


Birth control is a personal decision of a couple. They should keep in mind that most of the methods of birth control either they are natural or traditional will not protect against sexually transmitted infections except condoms.

A couple should discuss their needs and ideas of birth control to their doctor and develop a plan that will be effective for them.

