11 Must Know Ways Music Can Boost Your Child’s Brain Power


The search for a healthier lifestyle for your kids can definitely seem daunting. From monitoring what they eat, to making sure they get the right amount of exercise, the task is never ending. However, many parents focus too much on the physical wellbeing of their little ones. They forget one aspect that is critical to helping them grow better. This is the boosting of their brains. You may be surprised to hear this, but music plays an integral part in boosting your child’s brain power. Intrigued to know more? Then, read on to find out the 11 ways that music can boost your baby’s brain power.

Music for Brain Power: 11 Ways to Improve Your Child’s Memory

Ways Music Can Boost your child's brain power

Helps them become more perceptive

Listening to the right piece of music can make your child more mentally alert. It helps their brains retain important information. This is especially useful in the case of exams. Studies have shown that kids are more likely to be perceptive towards important details when listening to music.

Having background music on can also help your child prepare better for exams. It also helps them become more efficient at processing sounds.

It can enhance their reading ability

An October 2011 research conducted by the Auditory Neuroscience Laboratory at Northwestern University showed positive links between a child’s ability to read and his or her musical ability. Musical training has seen to have a positive correlation with learning. There is evidence that shows that you can improve your child’s reading ability with musical training.

This is because musical training helps to make your kid have more auditory memory. It also improves their attention leading to better grades and improved learning.


It helps your baby communicate better

A study from McMaster University of 2012 found that music can benefit your baby even before they can talk or walk. Babies who have been exposed to interactive musical lessons showed better early communication skills. They were able to point to objects and also wave goodbye.

Babies who are part of interactive musical classes from a young age are easier to soothe. They have also been found to smile more often. They also show more sophisticated response brain responses.

It helps rewire your baby’s brain

Musical training requires your little one’s brain to carry out several complex cognitive processes at the same time. These include playing the instrument, understanding the theories behind it and improvising. Playing any musical instrument requires al these processes to run simultaneously.

As a result, different areas of your child’s brain associated with these skills get more developed. With regular musical training, your baby’s brain can become far more developed than those who don’t practice.

Music makes your child happier

Whether it is practicing music or simply listening to music, research has shown that both have a positive impact on your baby’s mood. They are more likely to be happier and smile more. Musical training or even listening to music can ease pains. Some doctors suggest musical therapy for kids who are cranky.

This is because music has a tendency to lift up the spirits. Light music may even be able to increase the production of happy hormones in your baby’s brain. This makes them less moody and sullen.


It can help your baby solve problems quickly

A 2014 study of the Boston Children’s Hospital discovered a possible link between early musical training and the ability to solve problems quickly. This was seen in both children and adults. The improved executive functioning helps children make good choices and quickly process information.

It also helps your baby retain the information better, regulates their behavior and solve problems better than others. Musical training from an early age also helps them to plan and adjust better with the changing situations.

It can help them perform better at school

Musical training has been shown to have positive links to improved executive functioning in kids. This not only helps them make better choices in daily lives but can also help them perform better in academics.

Executive functioning has strong links to your baby’s IQ and academic achievements. Providing your child musical training from an early age can help set them up for a brighter academic future.

Musical training gives your child better multisensory processing skills

A 2013 study of the University of Montreal showed that trained musicians tend to have better multisensory processing skills. This ability is critical for your child in their daily lives. The ability to differentiate and integrate the information from all their senses is critical in many fields.

Giving your child musical training from an earl age is a great way to help their brains ability to adapt better. This can be a great boost to their careers later on in life.


Helps develop unbreakable concentration

If you’re worried about your child not concentrating at school, musical training is a great way to improve it. The discipline and dedication that is required for musical training has positive effects on the overall concentration levels in children. In the long run, children who have received early musical training are found to show better concentration than others.

If you’re looking for a more immediate effect, then letting your child listen to music along with different chores can also help a great deal. Different types of music can help them concentrate better at the tasks at hand. Soft instrumental music is a great way to help them achieve tasks that are complex or creative. In the case of repetitive or dull tasks, play an upbeat track and see the difference.

It makes them more confident

Music makes your child’s brain more perceptive, it helps them feel happier and solve problems quicker. All these together can make your child much more confident than others. It leaves them feeling less stressed and anxious and more adventurous. They are more willing to take on the challenges of life and adapt to the changing situations.

Music and musical training have also been seen to improve self esteem and confidence in children and young adults. Whether they train solo or in a group, they are more likely to overcome the hurdles. It reduces feelings of hopelessness and sadness and makes your child’s brain less prone to signs of depression.


In conclusion, music and musical training can greatly boost your child’s brain power. It is a rewarding experience and can greatly help them in their academic careers as well. It can greatly boost your little one’s cognitive functions. The boost to the brain power that your child gets is very helpful throughout their lives.

Music helps keep your baby’s brain sharp and can also help them feel more confident. It can also be a great way to improve their social skills and improve reading, writing and other academic avenues.

Hope this article was of help for all our parents!! Please share your comments/queries/tips with us and help us create a world full of Happy and Healthy Babies!!



