Health Benefits of Spirulina for Kids


Some of the health benefits of spirulina for kids include rich nutrient content, powerhouse of vitamins, and minerals. It is rich in protein, vitamins, minerals, carotenoids, and antioxidants that can help protect cells from damage.

It contains nutrients, including B complex vitamins, beta-carotene, vitamin E, manganese, zinc, copper, iron, selenium, and gamma linolenic acid (an essential fatty acid).

Is Spirulina Safe for my baby? 

Yes! Like any other plant-based superfoods, this blue-green algae is 100% safe for your child to eat. It represents a complete vegetarian protein source and can be used as a fantastic supplement. When you choose spirulina for your baby’s diet make sure that you choose one that is organic. Other kinds may have harmful additives such as nitrate compounds or may be contaminated.

The keys to safely giving your kids spirulina is to know that you are getting it from a safe, reputable source, and to know how much to give them. Spirulina is like the fuel that will boost your child’s overall development, growth and boost immunity.

Once weaned, you can easily introduce spirulina in your baby’s diet. You just need to be careful of the amount you feed. Your weaned toddler can begin consuming raw juices. It is a good idea to put a gram of spirulina powder into your baby’s juice. A 1-year-old baby can consume 3 – 4 grams per day, more if you want to raise them as a vegan.

Must Know Health Benefits of Spirulina for Kids 

It is very important for children to begin healthy eating habits at a young age. Rich nutrition is not only necessary for their bodies to grow, but it can also influence the way they eat throughout their life.


Spirulina for kids

Some of the benefits that Spirulina Possess are listed below:

1. Excellent source of Vitamins :

Spirulina is a powerhouse of vital vitamins that are needed for the proper growth and development of your child.

  • Vitamin E: Growing kids need plenty of vitamin E for proper growth and development. Vitamin E has been scientifically proven to play a vital role in gene expression and helps children convert the foods they eat into energy. Spirulina has a rich reserve of Vitamin E that helps to supply the RDA for your baby
  • Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid): It contains vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid. This is one of the most essential elements of any diet, and is particularly beneficial to the immune system, in helping to prevent colds and flu which children are quite prone to.
  • Beta Carotene (Vitamin A): Children require 3 to 6 mg of beta-carotene (the equivalent of 5,000 to 10,000 Units of vitamin A activity) per day. Spirulina contains beta carotene, that is pure vitamin A, this antioxidant aids vision in dim light. 

2.Abundant in Minerals: 

Spirulina is an excellent source of essential minerals. Minerals are one of the main building blocks required for the growth and development of your baby.

  • Iron : Infants ages 7-12 months need 11 milligrams of iron a day. Babies younger than 1 year should be given iron-fortified cereal in addition to breast milk or an infant formula supplemented with iron. Spirulina contains iron that can meet the daily requirement of iron in children. Iron helps carry oxygen throughout the body and is essential for healthy blood cells and keeps muscle healthy.
  • Potassium: Getting your baby in the habit of eating foods high in potassium may help him or her keep blood pressure in check as they age. Potassium helps produce new cells and enzymes and promotes the healing of wounds in your child. Spirulina is a great way that can help to meet your child’s daily recommended requirement for potassium.
  • Calcium: For your growing children and teens, getting enough calcium is crucial to building bone mass, which may help guard against osteoporosis and fractures later in life. But by age 12, fewer than 1 in 10 girls and 1 in 3 boys get adequate daily calcium: 700 mg for children ages 1 to 3; 1,000 mg for ages 4 to 8; and 1,300 mg — equal to about 4 cups of milk — for ages 9 to 18. Spirulina has enough calcium to fulfill this requirement of Calcium. 

3.Helps build Immunity:

Children are more prone to flu, as they come in contact with different people while in school, in play grounds etc. So it essential to to build their immunity. A number of animal and test tube studies suggest that spirulina increases production of antibodies, infection-fighting proteins, and other cells that improve immunity and help ward off infection and chronic illnesses.

4.Antibiotic-Related Illness:

Although antibiotics destroy unwanted organisms in the body, they may also kill “good” bacteria called probiotics, such as Lactobacillus acidophilus. This can cause diarrhea. In test tubes, spirulina has boosted the growth of L. Acidophilus and other probiotics. Hence Spirulina can be beneficial for your kid in case he or she is suffering from frequent diarrhea and stomach infections.


5.Prevents Allergic Reactions: 

Scientific research suggests that consumption of spirulina can help protect your baby against allergic reactions. This is done by inhibiting the release of histamines or substances that contribute to allergy symptoms in your child. Common symptoms such as a runny nose, watery eyes, hives, and soft tissue swelling can be prevented in your child with the help of spirulina.

6.Supplements Protein Requirement: 

Proteins are the building blocks of your child’s body. It is essential for proper growth and development to take place. Your child, in the growing phase of life, needs far more protein to perform all the bodily functions. Spirulina has a rich reserve of amino acids, in fact 62% of it is made up of amino acids. Owing to its high protein content you can use spirulina as a protein supplement for your baby.

What is the correct amount of spirulina to give to my baby? 

Children are smaller than adults because of this, the correct amount of Spirulina to give your children will differ depending on their age and weight. The typical correct amount will be less than an adult serving. Consider consulting your health practitioner prior to giving your children any supplement, including spirulina. 

What are the precautions that I need to take while giving spirulina to my kids?

There have been reported cases of allergies to spirulina among children. Some kids have mild reactions to spirulina. These allergic reactions may include a rash or skin discomfort. Rarely, severe reactions may occur. In additions your kid may also experience diarrhea and stomach upset, and heavy metal poisoning.


Always remember, never give spirulina or any other new food to your child without talking to your doctor first.
