Health Benefits of Sheep Milk for Babies


When we talk about non-human milk, there are just a few animals which can be relied upon, like goats, buffalo, cows, and sheep. Sheep milk has been used since ages as a form of sustenance throughout the world. Although not as common as cow milk, there are reasons for it beingconstantly popular. In fact, sheep’s milk is superior to cow, buffalo, and goat milk in few important aspects. Moreover, it also possesses a unique, delicious flavor that has become a cultural staple for cuisines in some regions.

However, sheep’s milk is difficult to get. Basically, sheep are naturally prey animals. This means that they have difficulty “relaxing” while being milked. It is difficult to milk them. Even if they get slightly scared, their bodies will produce alderline that counteracts the “letting down hormone” oxytoxin as well as the subsequent production of milk.

Sheep Milk Benefits for Babies

Health Benefits of Sheep Milk for InfantsSheep milk has numerous benefits. It is widely used in production of many popular cheeses, like Roquefort and feta, and various yogurts. Besides, it is also consumed as a standard beverage, although less commonly.  Consumption of sheep milk or its derivative products provides an impressive boost in carbohydrates, protein, beneficial fats, important vitamins and essential minerals. Sheep produce milk during only some parts of the year only. For this reason, sheep milk and products cost an extra bit and also hard to find.

Sheep milk contains the double protein content and higher count of the perfect types of vitamins, fats, and minerals, especially iron, calcium, magnesium, zinc, and phosphorous, while being lower in sodium.For these reasons, sheep milk is a preferred choice for athletes and sports persons. Sheep milk provides amazing health benefits for babies and kids as well. Some important ones include:

  • Growth and Development : When we talk about protein content, non-human milk is considered a great source. Of all these, sheep milk is considered to be the best. The high protein content makes it perfect for the healthy growth and development of babies as complete proteins are crucial for healthy production of tissues, cells, and bone matter in the body. Moreover, protein is an excellent form of usable, easily accessible energy that keeps you active while operating normally.
  • Boosts Immune System : The rich combination of minerals and nutrients existing in sheep milk, along with vitamin A and E, sheep milk provides a healthy boost to your baby’s immune system. Vitamin A and E act as antioxidants in the body, seeking out free radicals and eliminating them from the system. This further prevents the chances of chronic diseases. Furthermore, this type of milk is also very good to improve and maintain skin health for the occurrence of vitamin E.
  • Treats Birth Defects : Sheep milk is loaded with different vitamins from the B family, comprising high levels of folate, which is extremely important for overall metabolism as well as female reproductive health. Deficiency of folate is associated closely with neural tube defects. These defects can permanently affect the quality of life for your infant. This is where sheep milk comes to rescue. It balances hormones, thus ensuring healthy delivery and a healthy baby ahead.
  • Improves Bone Mineral Density : As with all other varieties of milk, sheep milk is loaded with an array of essential minerals, like zinc, calcium and magnesium. All these minerals are important to boost bone mineral density in the body. Sheep milk comprises twice the amount of calcium as contained by goat and cow milk, thus providing healthy bones and teeth to babies.
  • Carbohydrates and Proteins : Sheep milk is richer in proteins as compared to any other non-human milk. As much as 2% more! Protein from a mammal is also better in quality for comprising all essential amino acids. Getting sufficient protein is essential for the body to aid self-healing and self-repair. Furthermore, sheep milk also contains higher amount of lactose than goat and cow milk, therefore being good for lactose intolerant individuals.
  • Energy and Fat Content : Sheep milk consists of about double the amount of fat as compared to goat and cow milk. Besides, it also contains more calories, thus providing more energy to growing and physically active babies.
  • Loaded with Vitamins : Sheep milk is loaded with vitamin content. It contains considerably higher amount of riboflavin, vitamin C, vitamin B-12 and thiamin. While vitamin C is important for immune function and for collagen synthesis as well, riboflavin provides good and healthy vision. Vitamin B-12, to add further, contributes to making of red blood cells as well as the maintenance of the central nervous system.
  • Mineral Content : Sheep milk is loaded with essential minerals like calcium and zinc. The content of minerals is higher than what is contained by other animal milk. Due to high content of mineral, sheep milk is healthier and beneficial for the body. Furthermore, sheep milk is also rich in lactose, an excellent fighting agent against bone disorders such as osteoporosis. Yet another benefit of sheep milk for babies is that it is a great supplier of magnesium.
  • Easier to Digest : The high content of protein in sheep milk makes it easier to digest. However, this property doesn’t exist in buffalo milk and cow milk. When cheese or other processed milk products are prepared, whey protein is lost from the milk. Sheep milk contains thrice the amount of whey protein as compared to other sources like buffalo, cow or goat milk. Besides, the fat globules in sheep milk are smaller and more homogenous. This is what makes sheep’s milk easier to digest. Easy digestion makes it perfect for babies and children.

In spite of the considerable amounts of fat soluble vitamins in sheep’s milk, it is still considered as the creamiest of all. Adding further, sheep are also popular for the deliciously succulent cheeses that can be prepared using sheep’s milk. Sheep are efficient producers who feed on 100%grass to produce rich milk. This implies smaller fat globules and more medium-chain fatty acids that aid easy digestion.

