11 Amazing Health Benefits Of Dragon Fruit For Your Baby


Rich in Vitamin C and other minerals, dragon fruit offers many health benefits for your child. Dragon fruits are rich in antioxidants. They protect your child from diseases. They fight off common cough and flu. Dragon fruit also has cancer fighting properties. It is very low on cholesterol. That is why it is good for your child’s heart. It aids in digestion and boosts stamina. Dragon fruit helps in proper bowel movement. It increases your child’s rate of metabolism.

The antioxidants essentially will help your child to grow a health heart. Dragon fruits contain two of the most important vitamins for kids-Vitamin A and Vitamin C. The former helps your child to have healthy hair and good eyes. The latter will make sure that your child has good immunity and glowing skin.  There are numerous health benefits offered by dragon fruits.

dragon fruit

Can my baby eat dragon fruit?

There are no known risks of allergy caused due to the consumption of dragon fruits for that matter. It is a high fiber food alternative which is low in cholesterol and free of any sort of sodium. Normally, these are the combinations you seek for in a food alternative for your child.  Thus dragon fruits can be introduced to the child from 4 months to 6 months of age, depending on the recommended age of introducing solids. Whilst purchasing dragon fruits for your child try and find natural sources. Make sure that the dragon fruits are not dried with sulphur.

There are now many food stores and conventional groceries where dragon fruits are available, which are not dried or preserved with the help of chemical. You can steam, blanch or bake prunes to prepare the perfect baby food for your tiny one. You can also add dragon fruit in other items like salads or the Sunday Roast.

Health Benefits of Dragon Fruits


Dragon fruits contain a high level of anti-oxidants known as phenols. This protects your child’s cell membrane from any sort of damage caused by the free radicals. This means your child will be less prone to falling ill if dragon fruits are given on a regular basis. The antioxidants protect your child from falling prey to common diseases.


Protects Heart

Dragon fruits have great impact on your child’s heart health. It will protect your child’s heart and help it remain strong. If your child is not very physically active, then chances are that his/her heart might be at risk. Consuming dragon fruit ensures that it remains healthy.

Builds Strong Bones

Dragon fruits are rich in minerals like potassium. Potassium along with other phenolic and flavonid compounds helps your child to grow strong bone mineral density. This will also protect your child in the future by preventing the tendency of arthritis.

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Rich in Vitamin C

Vitamin C is needed for the development of your child’s bones and muscles. It is also good for the teeth. Vitamin C will aid your little one to develop blood vessels of your growing child. Vitamin C is also a great source to boost the immunity.

High Fiber

The fiber content in dragon fruits is very high. This helps your child to enjoy a very healthy digestive system. This stabilizes the blood sugar content. The fiber also helps your child gain healthy weight.


dragon fruit for baby

Cures Constipation

Plenty of sugary treat often causes constipation and gas in your little one. The high amount of fiber present in dragon fruit helps your child to digest food properly. This helps your child to regularize the bowel movement.

Dragon fruits are rich in fiber. For that reason it is improves your child’s digestion. The high fiber content of dragon fruits, help in the roughage formation. This regulates the bowel movement. So if your child is suffering from constipation, feeding him/her with dragon fruit is a good idea.

Rich in Vitamin A

Dragon fruit is a fantastic source of Vitamin A. It helps your child’s skin to remain healthy. Vitamin A is also good for your child’s little eyes. It will improve his/her vision and fight against any kind of infection in the body.

Strengthening Hair

Dragon fruits are a fantastic source of iron. That is why it boosts the red blood cell formation in your child’s body. It also strengthens and nourishes hair. If you are worried about the lack of hair on your child’s wee head then feed him/her with dragon fruits. The nourishment derived from this fruit will definitely boost the hair growth for your child.

Soothes Nerves

Dragon fruits are also rich in potassium. Potassium is a mineral which ensures proper functioning of heart and the nerves system. In the growth stage it is important for your child to keep his/her healthy and free of any sort of fat.


Good for Skin

Rich in vitamin C, dragon fruits are very good for your child’s skin. Your child’s skin might tend to lose the texture and tenderness due to constant exposure to the pollutant. Dragon fruit has the capacity of restoring your child’s skin health.

Keeps the Kidney Clean

The detoxifying capacity of dragon fruit can help your child get rid of any kind of toxins in the kidney. It keeps the kidney clean from any kind of toxic elements and consequently helps maintain a healthy urinary tract.


There are no known allergic reactions to dragon fruits. However, naturally made prunes can contain some pollen in them. So you have to look out for pollen allergies. Also dragon fruits are a bit acidic in nature. That is the reason why you should consult well with your child’s pediatrician before offering him/her with dragon fruits. The acid content of dragon fruit might cause adverse effect on your child’s digestive system.  If he/she is not allergic to pollen, then naturally dried prunes can be given to your six months old baby. But make sure that he/she is introduced to solids prior to that.

Dragon fruits can be mixed with other fruits in the form of apples, blueberries, peaches, cranberries and melons. It also goes well with yogurt. Dragon fruits also adds flavor to various chicken dishes that your child might enjoy.
