Top 7 Best Gummy Prenatal Vitamins of 2020


Gummy prenatal vitamins are products made of multivitamins and fatty acids and are used to prevent vitamin deficiencies that occur during pregnancy. They can also be used to treat the deficiency and can be consumed after the pregnancy. Pregnant women need to take more vitamins and minerals in their diet for the proper development of the baby and gummy prenatal vitamins are a good way to go about it. Here, you will get an idea of what the best prenatal gummy vitamins are and their benefits.

In this article:

Benefits of Prenatal Vitamins
When to Start Taking Prenatal Vitamins?
What Should be in a Prenatal Vitamin?
Is it Okay to Take Gummy Prenatal Vitamins?
7 Best Prenatal Vitamins of 2020

Benefits of Prenatal Vitamins

Some of the essential constituents in prenatal vitamins are folic acid, iron, multivitamins, and calcium.

  • Folic acid helps to prevent birth defects which affect the neural tube and the spinal cord. Foods containing folic acid are nuts, citrus fruits, and green leafy vegetables. However, it is still better to include a supplement that contains folic acid, to prevent any deficiency.
  • Gummy prenatal vitamins with iron are becoming largely popular. Iron is one of the most essential minerals in the human body and is a constituent of the red blood cells. It is good to include prenatal gummy vitamins with iron in your diet to prevent anemia.
  • Calcium helps the mother to maintain her own bone density and prevent osteoporosis, as the baby starts to take up calcium for the formation of bones.
  • Substances like iodine help in the normal functioning of the thyroid gland and help prevent stunted growth of the baby, miscarriages.

best gummy prenatal vitamins


When to Start Taking Prenatal Vitamins?

Ideally, if you are planning to get pregnant, you should start taking prenatal vitamins. The neural tube of the baby starts developing in the first month, when you may not even know you are pregnant. Prenatal gummy vitamins contain folic acid, a compound essential for the development of the neural tube.

If that’s not possible, start taking prenatal vitamins as soon as you realize you are pregnant and continue taking them throughout the pregnancy.

What Should be in a Prenatal Vitamin?

Prenatal vitamins are available in a number of pharmacies. You can ask your doctor for guidance to choose the one which is best for you. If not, below are some of the constituents you should look for in a prenatal vitamin supplement :

  • Folic acid: 600 mcg
  • Iron: 27 mg
  • Iodine: 150 mcg
  • Calcium: 1000 mg (you can take an additional calcium supplement if the prenatal vitamin does not contain the required amount. Keep in mind you already get most of the calcium from your diet.)
  • Vitamin D: 600 IU (most vitamins contain up to 400 IU, you can make up for the rest by your diet.)

Some other essential constituents you might want to consider are zinc, vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin E.


DHA is an omega-3 fatty acid, mainly found in fishes. It helps in the fetal brain and eye development. If you do not have fish included in your diet, or you are a vegetarian, you should include supplements that contain DHA from algae, a vegetarian source.

Is it Okay to Take Gummy Prenatal Vitamins?

Most people cannot swallow a pill, or keep it down due to morning sickness. It is indeed alright to take gummy prenatal vitamins if the normal vitamin supplements are making you nauseous or sick. To make the best of this situation, look for a gummy prenatal vitamin with plenty of DHA and folic acid. If the gummy prenatal vitamin does not contain calcium and iron, you can take some calcium chews and plain iron supplements.

If you are allergic to any substance or have any disorder, mention it to your doctor or pharmacist to ensure they give you the ideal gummy prenatal vitamin which suits your body.

7 Best Prenatal Vitamins of 2020

Nature Made Prenatal Gummy Vitamins

It is an excellent prenatal vitamin, providing you with folic acid, DHA, vitamin D, and even iron. You need to take only one capsule a day and one bottle can last you for up to 3 months. It contains only trace amounts of calcium, so include a calcium supplement separately in your diet.


MegaFood Baby and Me Vitamins

It is more expensive, but it boasts of a mostly naturally derived ingredient list. It is mostly organic, which is why it is heavier in the pockets. It is recommended that you take 4 pills a day. Include other supplements of iron and calcium along with these, as they do not meet the required standard for these two minerals.

Smarty Pants Gummy Vitamins

These are some of the best gummy prenatal vitamins out there, especially if you care about flavor. They come in orange, strawberry – banana, lemon flavor, making it easy for the soon – to – be a mom to consume them. However, you need to take 6 each day to get the required nutrients.

One a Day’s Prenatal Vitamins

It is one of the best prenatal vitamins out there. They contain the essential nutrients, along with added substances like vitamin B6.

VitaFusion Prenatal Gummy Vitamins

One of the most popular gummy prenatal vitamins is this one. They are packed with nutrients and contain 800 IU of vitamin D, which is more than the required amount. They come in lemon and raspberry flavors, making your taste buds love them.

Garden of Life Vitamin Capsules

One of the best organic gummy prenatal vitamins easily. It is made entirely from whole foods and contains an impressive ingredients list including 800 mcg of folate and almost 1400 IU of vitamin D. It also contains ginger, which may help with the nauseous feeling. It is a vegetarian product.

New Chapter Prenatal Vitamins

Another one of those organic gummy prenatal vitamins, entirely vegetarian and also sugar – free. They contain about 27 to 30 mg of iron, the required amount and can be taken easily enough to avoid any nausea on intake.


Please note that prenatal multivitamins are not a substitute for a healthy, balanced diet. Do not eat unhealthy food and take prenatal vitamins to make up for the loss of nutrients in your diet. They work best when taken regularly, with a good diet. You can also consult your doctor, to know which are the best prenatal vitamins suitable for your body.

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