31 Foods to Increase Breast Milk Supply


As your baby grows up, you try to ensure he or she remains in the best health and condition. No matter what you feed the baby for good health and nutrition, nothing can be the substitute for breast milk. As a mother, you want to stock up certain foods that help increase breast milk supply. 

Must Have 31 Foods to Augment Breast Milk Supply in Lactating Mothers

It is important for a lactating mother to make some alterations in her diet so that the vital nutrients get to the infant’s body in the natural way. Below are a list of foods that have helped women increase their breast milk supply. 

food that increase breastmilk supplyFenugreek-It is an ingredient that is used in many kitchens. It contains a good amount of nutrients, including vitamin C and iron.

  • It can be used in many forms in dishes.
  • However, those with allergies and hypoglycemia should proceed with caution.

Brewer’s Yeast– Also known as nutritional yeast, Brewer’s Yeast has phytoestrogens. Women who have taken it feel energetic in general.

  • You will find it in health food stores.
  • It does help in natural breastfeeding process.

Oats– Oats are good for everyone and lactating mothers should also take in oatmeal to increase breast milk supply. You can take one bowl at breakfast.

  • Oats are replete with anti-inflammatory and antibiotic agents.
  • Oats also affect milk-making hormones in your body.

Garlic– Garlic is another common kitchen ingredient. You can use it in soups, various dishes and salads.

  • Garlic may actually have lactogenic effect.
  • If you dislike the pungent smell, take garlic capsules every day.

Alfalfa– This leaf is replete with nutrients. It contains amino acids, minerals and vitamins. You may add it in salads and eat.

  • Alfalfa has estrogenic properties and so promotes pituitary functions.
  • It can also be taken in capsule form.

Sesame Seeds– You can take black sesame seed oil and use it for cooking. Ensure you intake crushed seeds.

  • These seeds are rich in calcium.
  • You may also try tahini- sesame seed in paste form.

Dandelion– This weed is also helpful when you want to enhance breast milk generation. It can be grown in your backyard easily.

  • All parts of this plant are actually edible- add them in salads!
  • You may also intake dandelion tree.

Fennel– You may eat Fennel either as a seed or vegetable. Its phytoestrogens play a role behind breast milk development.

  • It helps in reducing bloating and improving digestion.
  • You may take it in tea form to reduce colic symptoms in the baby.

Nuts– You may eat various types of nuts in raw form. The amino acids found in various nuts help in lactation in the human body.

  • The nuts can be helpful in developing serotonin, which is necessary for milk generation.
  • You may intake almonds for this purpose.

Salmon– Salmon is a tasty fish and you can opt for the wild variant for added health benefits. It is a nice source of Omega-3 Fatty acids.

  • It is a source of EFA which helps in lactation.
  • You should have salmon twice or thrice a week for the optimum benefits.

Spinach– The famous cartoon character Popeye made this vegetable popular. But Spinach can also be good for lactating mothers!

  • Spinach is fortified with calcium, folic acid and iron.
  • This vegetable also helps detoxify your body naturally.

Carrots– Carrots are definitely good for eyesight as you have been told since childhood. However, eating carrots can also be good for breast milk production.

  • Carrots have lactation promoting attributes.
  • The vitamin A in carrots helps produce more breast milk.

Bottle Gourd: This may not be your favorite vegetable, but include it in diet for enhancing breast milk production.

  • The vegetable has elevated water content and keeps your body hydrated.
  • It is easy to digest and aids in normal lactation.

Basil Leaves– Basil leaves used in preparing diverse type of dishes. You can also have basil leaves in tea form for boosting lactation capabilities.

  • They serve as great sources of anti-oxidants.
  • Basil leaves intake can enhance your immunity to a great extent.

Barley– No, it is not only ideal when you are ill. You can include barley in diet to boost lactating.

  • Barley keeps your body well hydrated.
  • You can cook it with vegetables of your choice if the taste seems bland to you.

Asparagus – This vegetable is essential for the nursing women. It can be cooked in many forms.

  • Asparagus is high in fiber and so it boosts digestive process in the body. It also has vitamin K.
  • It helps produce hormones in the female human body that help lactation.

Chickpea– Chickpea is a good source of vegetable protein. It can also be taken by lactating women.

  • This is a source of B-complex vitamins and calcium.
  • You can cook it with plenty of other vegetables.

Brown Rice– You may have heard about the various health benefits of eating brown rice. Include it in your diet, especially when you are lactating.

  • It has ingredients that help you cope with post delivery sleep patterns.
  • It also helps increase appetite to an extent.
  • Hormone stimulants in it that boosts milk generation.

Cumin Seeds– Cumin seeds are used to cook various types of dishes. They can be good to improve lactation prospects.

  • They serve as fat burners and appetizers.
  • Cumin seeds can also help you cope with acidity.

Oil – Oils are also needed in the human body as they are also required for lactation.

  • They are required to facilitate bowel movement.
  • It is better that you use olive oil and oils that are good for cardiac health.

Apricots– This is one fruit that tastes nice and has benefits for everyone, including women who are lactating.

  • Dried apricots have ingredients which help women deal with hormonal issues after childbirth.
  • Its high calcium and fiber is also good for lactation.

Cow Milk – Yes, even when you are lactating and nursing the kid, drinking cow milk can be quite beneficial.

  • Its calcium and EFA help boost milk production in the body.
  • You may have two glasses of cow milk every day.

Poppy Seeds– Poppy seeds have a sedative effect that is good for lactating mothers. It can be good for lactation as well.

  • You can make a paste and use it in curries.
  • However, do not go overboard eating it.

Dill Leaves– These leaves are green and silky in appearance. You can use them to make pancakes to eat. They can boost milk generation.

  • These leaves are rich in Vitamin K and fiber.
  • Intake of these leaves also helps replenish blood loss.

Drumstick– Drumsticks may not necessarily be your favorite, but eat them to boost lactation.

  • It has enough calcium and iron.
  • It enhances immunity along with the nervous system.

Sweet Potato– Sweet potato is yummy and it should be in your diet when you want to nurse the kid well. It can be cooked in several ways.

  • It has potassium that is essential for body functions.
  • It also has carbohydrate required for energy production.

Unripe Papaya– Ripe papaya is nice to eat but when you are lactating, develop the habit of eating raw papaya. Of course, you can cook it.

  • It works as a natural sedative.
  • You may use it in salads after boiling.

Water – well water is not exactly a food, but it is essential for living and boosting milk generation in the human body.

  • Drinking water keeps you hydrated and helps milk production.
  • You should drink water along with other fluids.

Ginger– This herb has strong anti inflammatory properties and is used in cooking in numerous ways. It is also good for lactation.

  • You can use it in soups and salads in many ways.
  • Using ginger to make tea is another option.

Lentils– Lentils of various types can be eaten to augment lactation in women. You can pick nearly any variant.

Red masoor daal is the best option for lactation augmentation.

  • You can cook the lentils in many ways.

Dry fruits– Eating dry fruits like dates and raisins can be quite good for lactation. They have nutrients that help your overall health too.

  • You may add these fruits in salads.
  • You can also eat these fruits as snacks.

Also, application of Betel leaves smeared with oil is said to promote secretion of milk when applied on the breasts during lactation.

Points to keep in mind


While eating the afore-listed foods can be good for lactating mothers, a few points should be kept in mind.  If you are allergic to certain foods like grains, fruits or animal meat sources- do not eat it for improving lactation. You should also take enough care to cook foods that you eat to ensure lactation is not affected. Overcooking, excess frying can spoil nutrients and lactation boosting properties in such foods.

Read : Food to Avoid While Breatfeeding
