7 Essential Oils to Decrease Milk Supply


Too much milk might make your breasts heavy. Also if your baby is growing up, then his/her eating habits will also change. That will mean that you will need to pump out your milk and waste it. The entire process is very jarring. It is not only emotionally painful but also will physically exhaust you.

There are natural ways by which you can reduce your milk production, gradually. They are free from any sort of side effects and can help you solve the problems quickly. There are several herbs and vegetables which are useful. They can solve the purpose. The herbs and vegetables can be easily made into paste or oil and applied topically on your breasts.

Remaining milk in your breasts can actually trigger many problems including thyroid. Fatal life threatening diseases like breast cancer can also happen if the milk turns into poison. These are the oils and the ways in which oil production in breast can be reduced.

Read More: 5 Essential Oils to Increase Milk Supply

7 Essential Oils to Decrease Milk Supply

Oils to Decrease Milk Supply

Sage Oil:

Sage (not to be confused with Clary sage as it will increase your milk supply) is a very useful herb in reducing milk supply. It is best suited if you are in the process of weaning. It is also helpful in cases of extreme oversupply. However, you need to be cautious if you are not exactly into the weaning process.


Along with sage oil, dry sage can also be used for decreasing breast milk supply. If you are using dried sage for reducing your milk supply, then you should take a quarter tea spoon of day and mix it into any vegetable juice like V-8. But remember that dry sage do not mix well with any other juices. For consumption purpose, you can mix it with broth and soup also. You can, at the same time, have dried sage in sandwich.

For consumption purpose, you can always use tincture sage. You can use 30-60 drops of the tincture. You can have it for 3 to 6 times on a daily basis. However, do not use sage oil for topical use. Sage should only be used for consumption.

Jasmine Oil:

Jasmine oil extracted from freshly cut flowers is very effective in reducing the milk supply. The oil has great effect in reducing the milk supply. Puerperal lactation can be suppressed by a great extent by the use of jasmine oil. The topical use of the oil is very effective.

Diffusing jasmine flowers also works. Especially during the weaning period a room diffused with the fragrance of jasmine flower helps in the milk production. It is known to be a great aid.

Apart from Jasmine oil, crushed jasmine flowers, if applied on breasts, reduces the milk supply. A study conducted by Australia New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology has collected evidence supporting it.

Peppermint Oil:

Peppermint oil is one of the well known milk reduction oils. Many women, around the globe, use this oil to reduce the milk production. It is a great cooling agent and topical use of this oil can lower the overall body temperature and hence the milk production.


Even consuming peppermint tea and peppermint candies like menthol will do the trick for you. Peppermint is widely known to have adverse effect on milk production. For that reason it has the potential to dry the milk producing ducts, completely.

Read More: 11 Must Know Benefits of Peppermint Oil for Kids

Spearmint Oil:

Like peppermint oil, spearmint oil is also a natural cooler. Topical use of spearmint oil can also help to reduce the milk production completely. Having spearmint candies and using spearmint based toothpastes are also very helpful during the weaning period. It helps in drying up the milk producing ducts, just like peppermint oil.

Black Walnut Oil:

Small dosage of black walnut is very effective in reducing the overall milk production. It is another galactofuge. Black walnut oil is good for topical usage. It will also help you reduce the overall milk flow and production in your breasts. It is good during the weaning period and also effective when your child has completely moved to solids.

Chickweed Oil

This oil is traditionally being used for many years as a natural milk production reducer for women. Like peppermint, large amount of chickweed oil is necessary to reduce the overall milk production in your breasts. You can also apply the oil, throughout your body.  It is need not be massaged on the breasts alone. Reducing the temperature of the body should be the actual aim, and oils like chickweed do that for you.

Yarrow Oil

Leaf poultices and oil extracted from yarrow can help in cooling down of breast temperature by a great extent. Excessive breastfeeding takes its toll on the overall health of the breast. The nipple tends to get damaged. Yarrow oil can cure damaged nipples as well.


Read More: 5 Essential Oils to Increase Milk Supply

Other remedies:

The oils, listed above, can definitely help in reducing the milk production. However, apart from the oils, there are plenty other ways, by which you can diminish the milk supply.

Rubbing or wrapping your breasts with cabbage leaf is one such natural remedy. Cabbage leaves are known to be natural cooling agent and can bring down the body temperature. Apart from cabbage leaves, other forms of compressors to bring down the temperature of your breasts.

You should thoroughly wash the leaves first. Then freeze them with the help of some ice packs. Then apply them on the both sides of your breasts, in interval you pump out the excess milk.

You can keep the cabbage leaves for a long time because they do not dry out. Also at the same time you should avoid any form of hot showers. Warm water tends to stimulate milk production and flow. That is why it is always advisable that you bathe in cold water during weaning period. If that is not possible then you should at least avoid pouring hot water on your breasts.

It is better to avoid any kind of nipple stimulation during the process of reducing breast milk. Engaging in nipple stimulations might trigger more milk production. Finally, you should choose proper sports bra which are not too tight and also will allow your breasts and nipples to breathe a bit.


By following these simple steps, you can easily reduce the amount of milk production and avoid all the complications.
