51 Beautiful Egyptian Baby Girl Names with Meanings


The land of Egypt has great mysteries in it. All the historians are so much fascinated by its history and culture. When one thinks of beauty, Cleopatra from Egypt will to mind definitely. If you are an expecting parent and want to name your little girl with a name that has meaning and significance, here are 51 best Egyptian baby girl names with meanings.

51 Best Egyptian Baby Girl Names with Meanings

Name Meaning
Akila Intelligent
Amunet The mythical goddess of mystery
Anat Water spring
Anippe Daughter of the Nile
Asenath Devoted to the goddess Neith
Auset The throne
Bahiti Fortune
Bastet She of the ointment jar
Bennu To shine
Berenike She who brings victory
Chione Snow queen
Cliupatra Delicate
Edrice A prosperous ruler
Eshe Life
Femi Love me
Fukayna Intelligent or knowledgeable
Gamila Beautiful
Habibah Beloved or sweetheart
Hafsah Female lion club
Hathor Estate of Horus
Heqet Ruler
Ife Love
Isis The goddess of motherhood
Keket The goddess of darkness
Khepri To create
Kissa Firstborn daughter or born after twins
Lapis Azure blue stone
Lateefah Gentle
Layla Night
Maibe Grave
Mandisa Sweet
Mariam Rebellion
Masika Baby born in rain
Maye The month of May
Nane Armenian goddess of war and wisdom
Neith Divine mother
Nenet Goddess of the deep
Nepthys Lady of the house
Nour Light
Nubia From Nubia
Onofria Always glad
Rabia Spring
Rana Eye-catching
Rehema Compassionate
Safiya Pure
Sara Princess
Shani Marvellous
Thema Queen
Tauret Egyptian goddess of pregnant women
Tiye A queen and the mother of Akhenaten
Zuberi strong

