51 Texts Messages to Send a Loved One Living With Depression


We can’t hold the sight of our loved ones being depressed or suffering. All we pray is to let the bad times be gone. Sometimes a little uplifting words can do miracles. It can change the mood of a person or sometimes it change the way he/she looks at life. In the case of depressed people, every word you utter will be important. Because there will be something that triggers the depressed mood again. For such people you have to give a moral boost with your words. If one of your beloved or friend is living with depression, here are 51 text messages to send a loved one living with depression.

Read More: Signs and Symptoms of Postpartum Depression

51 Texts To Send a Beloved One with Depression

depression messages

  • I’ll give you time and I’ll be here when you’re ready. I promise.
  • I’m beginning to understand how loud silence can be. Forgive me for not standing still enough to hear yours. I’m listening.
  • I can’t begin to imagine what you’re going through, but know that I’m here for you.
  • I know this is hard, but I will not give up on you.
  • No matter how dark your days get, I’ll be here for you. I’m just a phone call or a text away.
  • Don’t let the darkness steal the beautiful person you have inside.
  • If you want to talk about how you’re feeling, I’ll listen.
  • Do what you can do right now, and no more than that. That’s all the universe expects of you.
  • I will always have your back.
  • I know this is hard, but I will not give up on you.
  • I’ll be there to hug you when the sun comes up.
  • I’ll give you time and I’ll be here when you’re ready. I promise.
  • I can’t begin to imagine what you’re going through, but know that I’m here for you.
  • You will NOT let these bad thoughts win.
  • You are not a disappointment.
  • You are important in my life.
  • Wanted to remind you that you are loved. I know things are hard right now, and that’s OK. You don’t have to do this alone.
  • Remember who you were before the darkness stole your light.
  • You make my life better just being in it.
  • This isn’t your first or last dark time. I know you can get through this one.
  • I can’t even pretend to know what you’re going through, but you aren’t alone and you are cared for.
  • I’m beginning to understand how loud silence can be. Forgive me for not standing still enough to hear yours. I’m listening.
  • I have all the faith in the world in you. You are one of the strongest people I’ve ever met. Believe me, even if you don’t feel it.
  • Tonight is a bad night. You will have good nights and bad nights. That’s part of being alive. The sun is still going to rise and you are still going to be here and you’re not going to let the darkness win this time. I believe in you.
  • You’re the strongest person I’ve ever known.
  • You are not your failures.
  • You can spend your whole life trying to be satisfied or content or getting answers. Why not spend your life….living?
  • Things will never get better until you stop being bitter.
  • Just know there are a million people in the world experiencing a similar pain. Be one the ones that heals.
  • One thing is certain: The things that don’t make sense or don’t seem fair are the very same things that make you stronger.
  • You were created to live a magnificent life. What demons are stopping you?
  • Even if it doesn’t seem that way right now, this feeling won’t last forever.
  • Take your time, no-one is rushing you to feel better.
  • I’m still here for you and I’m going anywhere.
  • Take pride in your small victories, because small victories lead to bigger ones. You got out of bed? Sometimes that deserves an inner self-five.
  • Some days you’ll have setbacks, but just know that tomorrow is a new day with new possibilities.
  • I care about you.
  • If you’d rather talk to someone professional and aren’t already, I can help you sort that out.
  • I’ll come with you if you need support – even it’s just to the supermarket.
  • You’re not wrong for feeling the way you do and no one blames you for it.
  • Just do the best you can because that’s enough.
  • Tell me how you’re feeling, I’ll probably understand how you feel more than you think.
  • Equally if you don’t wanna talk about it, I’m happy just to be there and provide embarrassing stories of our day to make you laugh.
  • Life is not a waste as long as there is at least one person in the world who cares for you. So when things go wrong and you feel like giving up – remember you’ve got me.
  • People will always throw stones in your path. What will happen depends on what you make out of it.
  • Life is not a problem to be solved but a gift to be enjoyed. Make the best of this day!
  • Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do.
  • When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it.
  • The happiest people don’t have the best of everything. They just make the best of everything.
  • As soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live.
  • God gives us dreams at night so that we can turn them into reality during the day. So have faith and move ahead.







