Cervix Position and Early Pregnancy


The cervix is incredibly responsive to every reproductive movement the body makes and pregnancy is no different. What is cervix? It is the tube-like structure that connects the uterus to vagina. Sperm makes the way down this passage to the cervical opening to start conception.

cervix before period vs pregnant

In this article:

Cervix Position During Menstruation Cycle
Cervix Position During Ovulation
Cervix Position at Conception and in Early Pregnancy
Can Cervix Position in Early Pregnancy Be Misleading?
How to Check Your Cervical Position?

All You Need to Know about Cervix Position during Early Pregnancy

Cervix Position During Menstruation Cycle

The cervical position is quite different throughout the cycle. When menstrual bleeding commences, it is lower and open to facilitate easier bleeding during the period and it is quite hard. Once the period is over, it will remain low and hard till ovulation while the opening to the uterus remains closed.


Cervix Position During Ovulation

Once ovulation starts to approach, the cervix climbs high, grows softer and moistens. This is to encourage conception and the sperm to gain easy access to the uterus and then the egg. The opening is quite inviting and so incredibly soft that it seems to have become a part of the vaginal walls. Once ovulation is over, it will rise back up, grow hard and close the uterine opening again.

Cervix Position at Conception and in Early Pregnancy

The ideal position for conception is during ovulation when it is high, soft and open. This is the ideal time to have sex for conceiving. Once conceived, early pregnancy will find the cervix is high, soft and closed. The mucous plug will develop to protect the uterus as it prepares for pregnancy and the baby develops. The rest of the time, this mucous is relatively thin and colourless. When it starts to become a plug, it grows thick and colud be white. This is a big indicator of pregnancy as it is to stop anything from entering the uterus and protect the mother and the baby’s environment from infection and other negative elements. This vaires from woman to woman as the change can be feltlater or earlier than others.

Can Cervix Position in Early Pregnancy Be Misleading?

Yes, of course it can be misleading. The cervix position could be emulating pregnancy when not, in fact, pregnant or it is likely not displaying pregnancy when indeed, pregnancy. It takes a while for some women’s bodies to change in accordance with the pregnancy while others will feel it right away.


Durin other points in the menstrual cycle, the cervix will climb and be soft. But, it will not be as high or soft as when pregnant. A non-pregnant cervix will not be as high or soft as a pregnant one and will feel like an unripe fruit at times. A pregnant cervix is soft because it is swollen with blood due to an increased amount of estrogen in the body. As it is quite a relative distinction and varies from woman to woman. If there are no signs of pregnancy in the cervix give it time and try checking with a doctor or a home pregnancy test. The body is unique and as a consequence, this means of checking for pregnancy is not reliable.

How to Check Your Cervical Position?

The cervix is generally 3 to 6 inches inside the vagina and will feel a bit like a donut, the kind with a hole, though this differs based on the point in the cycle. The cervical position before period vs early pregnancy will make even this vastly different to feel as mentioned above. These are steps can be taken to check cervix position after ovulation if pregnant –

  • Wash the hands – ensure the hands are very clean to avoid transmitting bacteria to this sensitive area. The best time is after a shower.
  • Cut the fingernails – avoid long fingernails as this can cause injury.
  • Position yourself – squat and insert the longest finger into vagina.
  • Know how far to insert – insert to few inches to find the cervix based on the time of month.

Through all of this, it must be notes that this is not a reliable means to check for pregnancy. Yes, it is a popular DIY way to check if there good news or not. It is nice to think to take the fertility into own hands and can reliably have sex to conceive or not. It is quite an interesting way to get to know the body and really learn what this unique body part is all about.

Cervical length is usually associated with preterm labour (labour that begins before 37 weeks of pregnancy). The cervix should, in normal circumstances be rigid and closed and gradually open up as the baby grows. When the cervix opens up too soon, there may be a risk of having a premature birth.

Do not be disappointed if it seems to state of not pregnant as it takes a while to display pregnancy. A positive pregnancy test can be taken before the cervix moves into position. Not sure about pregnant but it could be soft and high based on the point in the cycle. The cervix may not even like the intrusion of the finger and give false results. All in all, if truly want a firm and satisfactory answer, consult a doctor or take a blood test. The latter is the one truly conclusive way to detect pregnancy.



Cervix position during menstrual cycle and ovulation is different. The ideal position in early pregnancy is high, soft and open. It’s position can sometimes be misleading. Its position can easily be checked with some precautions. If there is something serious, consult the doctor.



