Is Camel Milk a Cure for Autism in Children?


Research based evidence suggests that camel milk is rich in certain kind of anti-biotic which can essentially be beneficial to an autistic child. Parents who have fed their autistic children with camel milk have reported several benefits. These benefits include better sleeps, increased level of motor planning abilities, improved spatial awareness, more frequent eye contact, better language learning abilities and also at the same time it creates less gastrointestinal problems for the autistic children.

So according to the evidences, camel milk is indeed a healthy alternative which can be offered to the children suffering from autism.

Is Camel Milk Good for Autism?

The evidence gathered from the clinical researches does not provide enough evidence to suggest that camel milk is good for autism. However, clinical deductions and observations have shown that camel milk is not harmful and in some cases beneficial for children suffering from autism. Also at the same time since pasteurized camel milk is not commercially available in the market only fresh and raw form of the milk is proven to create any kind of positive effect for autistic children.

More than the introduction of camel milk, there are certain things the parents of autistic children should remember while deciding on their little one’s diet. gluten (wheat, barley, rye, oats), casein (cow’s milk products) and salicylates (salicylates are found in apples, berries, cucumbers, grapes, nectarines, oranges, peaches, plums, prunes, raisins, tangerines and tomatoes) should be completely removed from the diet mostly due to the potential adverse effect on the brains of autistic children. Indigestible components of these foods will adversely affect the autistic child’s brain and will thus cause further complication.

However, when compared to the other list of food suggested to be removed from an autistic child’s diet, camel milk is much simpler in formation and hence can be easily digested and causes no adverse effect on the brain.

Can Camel Milk Treat Autism in Children?

Feeding of camel milk as an alternative treatment for autism is neither clinically acknowledged not totally disregarded. There are had been many unscientific miracle cure therapies which were later condemned by the scientists but feeding camel milk to autistic children is certainly not one of them. In fact back in the year 2013 a study was published in the journal called Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, where it had been observed that autistic children who were being fed with camel milk scored more when compared to the autistic children who were being fed with cow milk in a well-known CARS (Childhood Autism Rating Scale) test.


Camel milk: a miracle cure for children with autism?

The scientists who conducted the study recorded that the autistic children who were being fed with camel milk showed much lesser molecular damage when compared to the autistic children who were offered cow milk. In conclusion the scientists also stated that camel milk as an alternative treatment mechanism for children can tend to reduce oxidative stress among autistic children and hence can improve the autistic behaviour.

However, one major shortcoming of this survey was that the scientists used cow milk as a placebo for offering camel milk to the other group of children. As mentioned already, cow milk contains lactose than camel milk and also contains beta lactoglobulin and beta casein, the two main compounds responsible for milk allergy which might lead to behavioural and emotional instability among autistic children.

When compared to cow milk, camel milk is definitely a better alternative as it is easily digestible and hence causes no damage to the otherwise sensitive brain of an autistic child. But at the same time the study does not conclusively suggest that camel milk is a perfect alternative which can most definitely cure autism. Other, more available and cheaper milk alternatives like soy milk, almond milk, rice milk, and lactose-free cow’s milk can also do the trick.

Parents of autistic children must in fact plan their child’s diet carefully after through discussion with the paediatrician.

Cow Milk Vs Camel Milk for treating Autism in children?

Quite naturally the question will arise that why not cow milk for autistic children? Or more precisely why is camel milk more effective for autism cure than cow milk? To answer it in simple terms, camel milk for autistic children is not a substitute for cow milk. In fact on the other hand autistic children should not have cow milk for various reasons. Cow milk contains certain kinds of proteins which essentially damage the gut or a child and that then adversely affect the brains.


However, for non-autistic children, it is not a problem since their brains are well developed and hence can withstand the minor adverse effect. But at the same time, for autistic children, the partially digested proteins have a similar kind of effect on the brain as opiate drugs like morphine. The specific proteins like beta-casein and beta-lactoglobulin found in the cow milk is likely to cause serious brain damage to an autistic child. Camel milk on the other hand does not contain these proteins and hence is less likely to cause any potential damage to an autistic child.

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