21 Birthday Gift Ideas For Wife During Lockdown


As lockdown begins to ease, and we can see our friends and family again, life will no doubt get a little easier. But what about the vulnerable people who might be still self-isolating or shielding? While this isn’t how any of us expected to be spending 2020, there is a way to make people smile – with a special gift. If your wife’s birthday is near, and either she is away from you, or simply dealing with lockdown blues, then we have the perfect list to help you.

lockdown birthday

21 birthday gift ideas for the wife during the lockdown.

A bouquet of flowers

Who doesn’t love a bunch of beautiful flowers? Bloom & Wild’s are perfect for isolation; they come in a box that can be posted through the letterbox, and the receiver gets to arrange them themselves. This is a perfect indoor activity.

Link: https://www.bloomandwild.com/send-flowers/tagonly/letterbox

A bottle of champagne

Talk about a special gift! The Champagne gift is a favorite with Fortnum & Mason customers and is perfect for anyone who’s celebrating something special while shielding. A zoom wedding gift perhaps, or special delivery for an upcoming wedding anniversary, this would make a special arrival on the doorstep.

Link: https://www.fortnumandmason.com/wine-spirits/wines/champagne-sparkling


An exclusive letterbox gift

This sweet box may not mean much to you, but receiving it through the letterbox will likely make someone else’s day. Filled with the type of indulgent treats we don’t always buy ourselves, it’s perfect for any occasion.

Link: https://www.notonthehighstreet.com/foracreative/product/thinking-of-you-letterbox-gift

A personalized face mask

Face masks are now mandatory, so what better gift than a sweet face mask for a loved one. Snapfish has plenty to choose from – and you can even design your own.

Link: https://www.snapfish.co.uk/design-detail?category=StoreCat_244838&dgId=5c509e95bbae40d29271325c78ffbbfd&designId=2f60e4b10e204c52a0541306197c1d10&sku=CommerceProduct_240119&ptype=apparel&pcat=&scat=&filters=skuList~CommerceProduct_240119&searchPhrase=&designName=Be%20Alright&pcatName=Everyday&withSku=OS&qty=0&dgCatId=everyday_90333_snapfish_uk#/dgview

Heartfelt, personalized cards

Macmillan Cancer Support has collaborated with Snapfish to create a special range of ‘Thinking of You’ cards in light of people feeling even more isolated right now. Sending one of these cards will help friends, family or colleagues express their support for people going through cancer during this isolating time.

Link: https://www.snapfish.co.uk/greeting-cards?ptype=cards&searchPhrase=Macmillan&icid=M%7C200619#/bspview?ptype=cards&pcat=greeting_cards_1989_snapfish_uk&searchPhrase=Macmillan&offset=0&view=BSP&bspOffset=0&isLoadMore=false


Neck massager

Working from home is taking its toll on many of us; both mentally and physically. If they’re not fortunate enough to have an at-home desk, they’ll almost certainly appreciate being gifted this gentle massager.

Link: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B01M660UOQ/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&linkCode=ll1&tag=hellomagazi07-21&linkId=a64a50376b3fb5e32cd808e5942a2249&language=en_GB/

An assortment of cheese

Cheese fans can take their pick at Pong, from British cheddar to the finest France has to offer. We’ve opted for Alex James’ handpicked collection featuring the dreamy softness of No 2 Blue Monday, through the delicate flavors of No 4 Goats’ and No 3 Valley Brie, to the monumental, earthy No 5 Grunge. This selection will have you screaming for an encore!

Link: https://www.pongcheese.co.uk/buy/the-alex-james-co-cheese-box/

A recipe box

If you know someone who’s feeling fed up with their own cooking? Well, M&S has introduced its first Cook With M&S Recipe Box; three delicious recipes for two people with everything you need to cook from scratch, including flavor-packed Cook With M&S pastes and handy recipe cards – all delivered straight to your door. This would make an excellent surprise for someone who enjoys to cook, but hates the stress of the supermarket shop. The first menu has a chicken tikka traybake with spiced potatoes and peppers, king prawn paella with bell peppers and garden peas, and pork loin medallions with a creamy mushroom and garlic sauce.

Link: https://www.marksandspencer.com/meal-kits-food-box/p/hbp22423996


Customized cocktails

Who doesn’t love a cocktail? They’ll be able to say cheers to the weekend with a bottle of Liberation’s pornstar martini. You can even get cocktails delivered on-tap to your loved one’s doorsteps by using the newly launched Cocktail Cruiser. 

Link: https://liberationcocktails.com/

A personalized letterbox chocolate

Chocoholics will love this! A personalized chocolate bar that will fit in the letterbox.

Link: https://www.notonthehighstreet.com/morsetoad/product/large-personalised-chocolate-message

A creative painting kit

Paint by numbers became increasingly popular during the lockdown, with many looking for ways to get creative and reduce stress. It may not be something they’d buy themselves, but the painting kit is perfect if your loved one wants to keep busy (they can take hours to complete!), and they get a gorgeous piece of artwork to decorate the house afterward!

Link: https://www.amazon.co.uk/s?k=paint+by+number+adults&i=toys&language=en_GB&linkCode=ll2&linkId=1baebfce2557f9ba4d542cb9d95ec1ae&tag=hellomagazi07-21&ref=nb_sb_noss


A bracelet

How sweet is this gift/card? This is a thoughtful gift for a friend who’s going through a tough time while shielding.

Link: https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/777863414/isolation-gift-checking-in-card

Cbd drops

CBD might not be the likely choice for a gift to a loved one in isolation, but the CBD Oral Drops can be used as a calming supplement before bed to settle the mind – perfect for anyone who’s struggling to get some shut-eye during these unprecedented times. Cannaray’s drops have added exclusive Juniper Lime and Coconut Oil flavoring which makes them enjoyable to take.

Link: https://cannaray.co.uk/products/oral-drops

A jar filled with old favorites

You just can’t go wrong with sweets, can you? Then you can get this personalized retro sweet jar crammed full of old school favorites. From cola bottles to love hearts, foam shrimps to double-dip sherbert.

Link: https://www.gettingpersonal.co.uk/gifts/personalised-retro-sweet-jar-pink-sweets.htm


Silk Eye Mask

Your pals will sleep sweetly with this rose pink silk mask from Slip.

Link: https://www.net-a-porter.com/en-gb/shop/product/slip/silk-eye-mask/692267

Initial gold-plated and enamel necklace

Want. Now. We’re planning on adding an extra cool AF initial charm necklace from jeweler Roxanne Assoulin to our cart.

Link: https://www.net-a-porter.com/en-gb/shop/product/roxanne-assoulin/initial-this-gold-plated-and-enamel-necklace/1232166

Cotton food bag

Eco-friendly folk will be chuffed to receive these stylish cotton food bags to help reduce the use of plastic in their kitchens.

Link: https://www.selfridges.com/GB/en/cat/the-organic-company-cotton-food-bag_R00126997/


Wonderlust Yellow Tonquin China gift tray

This bohemian floral trinket tray from Wedgwood would be right at home on any jewelry shelf.

Link: https://www.selfridges.com/GB/en/cat/wedgwood-wonderlust-yellow-tonquin-china-gift-tray_547-10010-40023909/

Baies Scented Candle (70g)

While this mini candle by Diptyque may not fit in everyone’s mailbox, it is the perfect something small for any friend.

Link: https://www.net-a-porter.com/en-gb/shop/product/diptyque/baies-scented-candle-70g/572289

Series 2 figures

Not going to lie, we’re kind of in love with these Yoga Joes figurines which will liven up any bookshelf.

Link: https://www.selfridges.com/GB/en/cat/yoga-joes-series-2-figures_241-3006913-S2YJG7/


Panama printed textured-leather notebook

Journaling has become big business in lockdown and this Smythson print takes the cake.

Link: https://www.net-a-porter.com/gb/en/signin.nap?redirect=%2Fen-gb%2Fshop%2Fproduct%2Fsmythson%2Fpanama-printed-textured-leather-notebook%2F1206947

Happy gifting!
