15 Surprising Facts About Your Baby’s First Trimester


Today, thanks to science and technology we know more about life in the womb and those incredible babies that make the belly their first home.

And of course, all that knowledge would not be possible without the curiosity of great minds who are dedicated to deciphering this intrauterine world. Throughout the pregnancy, your body will undergo a series of changes, just like your baby.

As it is difficult to know exactly the exact moment of conception, it is estimated that a pregnancy lasts forty weeks, counting from the first day of your last menstruation. Even so, very few babies are born on the exact date that has been estimated. Most babies come to the world between week 37 of pregnancy and week 42.

What exactly is the first trimester?

The first trimester of pregnancy is that of discoveries. During this stage of pregnancy, it is important to take good care of yourself and learn about the medical tests and the food that you must follow during the next nine months. Discover everything you will need for the first weeks of pregnancy and the best recommendations for a healthy and happy pregnancy.

Surprising Facts About Your Baby’s First Trimester



It is possible that in the first month of pregnancy you begin to feel a series of frequent discomforts typical of pregnancy. These are the symptoms of pregnancy and, although not all women present them, they usually cause tiredness, dizziness and nausea, headaches and generalized malaise.

Below are the top 15 surprising facts about your baby’s first trimester that you must know

 Mother’s Voice

Most babies recognize their mother’s voice as soon as they are born because they have been listening to her during the nine months of pregnancy, but it takes about 14 days to recognize the father’s voice.

The weight of the brain

A newborn’s brain accounts for 10 percent of the total body weight, while in adults it is 2 percent.

Baby's First Trimester

Ability to swim

They are born with the ability to swim holding their breath, a capacity they also use to feed themselves from their mother’s breast, as they can breathe and swallow at the same time.


No Kneecaps

Their knees do not have kneecaps because they develop between six months and one year of life.

They don’t smell their breath

Another curiosity is that babies do not smell their breath because they have no teeth. They do not sweat, because their sweat glands are not fully mature.

Red gums

Due to the amount of extra blood that you are going to be producing, your gums may start to look pretty red and swollen. It is not uncommon for nine out of ten women to experience problems with their gums during pregnancy. The most common is that the gums bleed more than normal.

Crocodile tears

Although it seems a lie, since they are born, they cry ‘crocodile tears’. But the truth is that babies often cry without tears, during their first days of life and up to six weeks after birth, because they still have closed their tear ducts.

Body development

This second month is undoubtedly the most essential of the life in utero: during these four weeks, the final organs are put in place and the shape of the body is modeled. During this time, they go from a “shrimp” to what begins to look like a mini baby.

Odd sensations

You may get some odd sensations during the first trimester. Chances are that you can also experience some shooting pains.


Changes in nails

It is very likely that your nails will be very different once you start the pregnancy period. Your hormones can make your nails stronger and sturdier, so they will grow much faster. But it can also happen that your nails weaken, becoming more fragile and prone to fracture or split. Obviously, it is preferable that they harden, but that is something that no one can control.

Acne is common

More than half of women suffer from acne when they are pregnant, and in some cases, these acne outbreaks can become serious. This condition is due to the higher levels of androgen hormones, which stimulate the production of sebum, that fatty substance whose purpose is to lubricate the skin and protect it from water and the elements.

Baby rehearses crying

While monitoring the breathing patterns of unborn babies, scientists discovered that fetuses sometimes cry in the womb. However, it seems that this crying is not because they are angry or hungry, but simply because they are rehearsing the crying that they will have to produce as soon as they are born. It is necessary that they begin to practice from before because those crying will be a fundamental part of their life as a baby. And that can be corroborated by any mother.

More production of blood

The uterus needs a lot of help during pregnancy since it is supporting a small human being that grows and grows more and more. The extra help comes in the form of an increase in blood volume. Incredible as it may seem, pregnant women, produce 50% more blood.

Change in uterus size

As the baby grows inside its mother, the uterus of the mother has to increase in size to be able to accommodate it. The matrix will swell up to 500 times its normal size, and it will also get heavier. Fortunately, this organ returns to its normal size after the baby is born.

Temporary growth in heart size

The uterus is not the only organ that grows during a woman’s pregnancy. The heart can also grow, which is not at all surprising if we take into account all the extra blood that the heart will have to pump during the gestation period. Fortunately, this growth of the heart is only temporary.


The first trimester is the critical phase of the whole pregnancy. Without a doubt, pregnancy is a complicated period. Women should be prepared for this, and try to maintain a good mood. Your family members should support you in this beautiful wait, which will not be free of inconveniences.

Hope this article was of help for all our parents!! Please share your comments/queries/tips with us and help us create a world full of Happy and Healthy Babies!!


Early Stages of Pregnancy – 20 Facts About Your First Trimester

