101 Best Baby Quotes You Can Dedicate To Your Little Bundle of Joy


Babies are so adorable that sometimes even words fall short to describe how you feel about them. A baby can change your lifestyle, your habits and many more. Babies are truly a gift that changes our perspective. If you are not finding the right words to explain how you feel, here are best baby quotes which will help you to articulate your affection towards your little bundle of joy.

Read More: 21 Inspiring Quotes about Having a Baby

101 Best Baby Quotes to Dedicate to Your Adorable Baby

baby quotes

  • Babies are born to be loved unconditionally.
  • It is a smile of a baby that makes life worth living.
  • A baby is a gift, a chance to make the world a better place.
  • This baby will melt hearts wherever it goes.
  • Kiss that baby and hold it tight. It will not be little forever.
  • It’s way too early for him to be talking anyhow but I see in his eyes something and I see in his eyes a voice and I see in his eyes a whole new set of words
  • A baby is like a seed. Shower it with love and care and it will bloom into something beautiful that is beyond your imagination. Whether or not that baby will flourish depends on how well you take care of it.
  • I do not have much to give you little baby, but what I can give you is my unconditional love, plenty of hugs and kisses, and a happy home.
  • If this baby grows up knowing just one thing, I hope that it knows just how loved it is.
  • Twinkle twinkle little star, do you know how loved you are?
  • I believe in love at first sight, because I have loved you since the moment you were born.
  • I love you, little baby, to infinity and beyond.
  • The pure innocence of a baby is a wondrous thing to behold.
  • This baby will be raised with more love than it could ever want for.
  • There is something intoxicating about the smell of a newborn baby.
  • Babies are born without any baggage and start off their lives without a care in the world. It is only when they get older that life begins to get more and more complicated. And that is what makes babies so amazing, their innocence and sense of wonder.
  • As adults, it is easy for us to take the little things in life for granted, but babies can be in awe of even the simplest things.
  • What a big miracle in such a little baby.


  • Sometimes it is the smallest things that can take up the most room in your heart.
  • No matter how big your baby gets, they will always be your baby.
  • The tiniest feet leave the biggest footprints in our hearts.
  • I love my little baby to the moon and back.
  • The best thing that we can do for our communities is to take our babies and raise them well.
  • Babies have a way of touching the world with love.
  • People who say that they sleep like a baby have probably never had one.
  • This baby is an answer to a wish that we never knew we had.
  • A baby is born with the need to be loved. It is a need that they never outgrow.
  • Your first breath took mine away.


  • A baby is the beginning of happiness, wonder, and hope.
  • With every little baby that is born, a little sun rises. It signals a new beginning and a future that is full of promise.
  • A person is a person, no matter how small. –Doctor Seuss
  • My baby will always be the little miracle that made my life complete.
  • Having a baby will change your life. It can give you a whole new perspective on why you wake up every day.
  • If your baby is perfect and never makes a fuss about anything, then you must be its grandmother.
  • A baby is as pure as an angel and as beautiful as a flower.
  • You are the best thing that I have ever waited for.
  • My baby is my greatest happiness, my reason for living, and my motivation to be the best that I can be.
  • My darling baby, when I look at you I fall in love over and over again, every single day.
  • It is simple things like the content smile of a baby that can make life worth living.
  • My dear baby, let me love you a little more before you are not little anymore.
  • Let your babies be little, because they will only be that way for a little while.
  • Happiness is a baby holding your finger with their whole hand.
  • A baby is probably the best gift that there ever was.
  • No matter what happens, my babies will always come first. It is that simple.
  • My babies are the most important thing in the world to me.
  • To me my baby is more precious than any gold, diamonds, or rubies.
  • What did I ever do to deserve having such a precious baby in my life?
  • We made a wish and you came true.


  • Happiness is a sleeping baby.
  • Your little hands stole my heart and your little feet ran away with it.
  • Babies have their own special, magical way of touching the world with love.
  • Your ten little fingers and ten perfect toes fill my heart with a love that overflows.
  • Fairytales do come true. After all, we had you.
  • A baby is both a blessing and a bother.
  • When the first baby drops the pacifier, you will sterilize it. When the second baby drops it, you will ask the dog to go fetch it.
  • Having a baby is a little bit like getting the world’s worst and neediest roommate.
  • A baby is our future. We can only dream of the people they will grow to be and the things they will accomplish.
  • Having a baby is the hardest thing that you will probably do in your life, but it will also be the most wonderful thing.
  • A baby is a lot like a wishing well because everyone likes to put their hopes, wishes, dreams, and two cents into it.
  • Besides dogs, babies are the only things in the world that are able to convey pure love.
  • One of the best things in life is seeing a smile on a baby’s face and knowing that you put it there.
  • The moment your baby is born is the moment that you will be forever changed. Forget who you were before, you will never be the same again.
  • Babies just make the world a better place.


  • A baby will make the days shorter, but it will also make the home happier and the love in that home stronger.
  • Babies are full of so much promise.
  • A baby makes the future worth living for.
  • I’ll love you forever, I’ll like you for always, as long as I’m living, my baby you’ll be. – Robert Munsch
  • When you decide to have a baby, you have made the decision to let your heart grow outside of your body.
  • There is nothing that is quite as sweet as tiny little baby feet.
  • From their soft coos to their tiny finger and toes, babies are the most precious things in this world.
  • Every baby is a fresh new flower that is born into the garden of humanity.
  • Babies are such a nice way to start people.
  • The great thing about babies is that they are these tiny little bundles of hope.
  • Once that baby is in your arms for the first time, you will feel an unconditional love unlike any other that you have ever felt in your life.
  • When your baby comes into the world and you meet it for the first time, it is like meeting your reason to live.
  • This baby is every lovely word that I can possibly think of.
  • A baby is the beginning of many possibilities.


  • This adorable baby is everything that is perfect, wrapped in a tiny little bundle.
  • You are my sunshine.
  • You never really know how much your life can change until you have your baby.
  • A baby is very much like the sun, in that they bring warmth and rays of happiness into our lives.
  • My baby has changed everything in my life in the best way possible.
  • You never realize how much you were missing a baby until you have one.
  • The laugh of a baby is like the voice of an angel.
  • From small beginnings come great things. And you are the greatest thing of all, my precious baby.
  • A baby is the purest form of joy that you can ever know.
  • This baby is a little angel. All it needs is a pair of wings.
  • A baby has its own little special way of adding joy to every day.
  • When you meet that baby, you will love it even more than you have ever loved yourself.
  • This baby is the very definition of perfect.
  • The time that is spent with your babies is never the time that is wasted.
  • Always kiss your baby goodnight.
  • Two little feet, a pair of big eyes, a laugh so sweet, such a lovely surprise.
  • A baby to love, a baby to hold, a baby to kiss who will one day grow old. Hang on to each moment, enjoy it will it lasts, because the days will go by so fast.
  • A baby is a set of ten tiny toes, two rosy cheeks, and a cute button nose.
  • My dear little baby, I hope you will be, a happy little thing that is full of glee.
  • Because of my little baby, my heart is so full that it feels as if it could burst.
  • First, we had each other. And then we had you. Now we have everything.
  • Out of all the things that my hands have held, the best thing has been you.
  • You are the miracle that I have been dreaming of.
  • My darling, dear little baby, I love you to the moon and back.
  • A baby is as pure as an angel and as fresh as a blooming flower.


  • I love these little people; and it is not a slight thing when they, who are so fresh from God, love us.

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