9 Things About Breastfeeding No One Tells You About


Breastfeeding is a beautiful and natural way to nourish your baby, but it’s not always easy. While you may have heard about the numerous benefits of breastfeeding, there are certain aspects that often go unmentioned. In this blog post, we’ll explore nine things about breastfeeding that no one tells you about. Whether you’re an expectant mother or already breastfeeding, these insights will provide you with a more comprehensive understanding of the breastfeeding journey.

things about breastfeeding

It Takes Time and Practice:

Breastfeeding is a skill that both you and your baby need to learn. While it may seem like a natural process, it often takes time and practice to establish a successful breastfeeding routine. Initially, you and your baby may face challenges such as latching difficulties, sore nipples, or low milk supply. Remember, patience is key, and seeking support from lactation consultants or breastfeeding support groups can make a significant difference.

Cluster Feeding Is Normal:

Cluster feeding, also known as “feeding marathons,” can catch new mothers off guard. During certain periods, typically in the evening, babies may feed more frequently and appear fussy. This behavior is entirely normal and serves various purposes, such as boosting milk supply, promoting bonding, and providing comfort. Understanding cluster feeding can help you manage your expectations and realize that it doesn’t necessarily indicate a problem with your milk production.

Breastfeeding Can Be Painful:

While breastfeeding is a natural process, it doesn’t always come without discomfort. Sore nipples, engorgement, and letdown pain are common challenges many mothers experience. Ensuring a correct latch, using lanolin cream for nipple soreness, and applying warm compresses for engorgement can help alleviate these discomforts. Remember that seeking help from a lactation consultant can be invaluable in resolving any persistent pain or difficulties.

Breastfeeding Can Impact Your Sleep:

The demand for frequent nighttime feedings can leave you feeling exhausted during the early months of breastfeeding. Newborns have small stomachs and need to feed frequently to satisfy their hunger and promote healthy growth. Sleep deprivation is a real concern for breastfeeding mothers, but establishing a nighttime routine, enlisting help from your partner or support system, and finding opportunities to rest during the day can help mitigate the effects of interrupted sleep.


Breastfeeding Isn’t a Foolproof Contraceptive:

While breastfeeding can provide some contraceptive benefits, it is not foolproof. The lactational amenorrhea method (LAM) offers a certain level of contraception during exclusive breastfeeding, but it’s crucial to understand its limitations. As your baby starts solids or gradually decreases nursing sessions, your fertility may return. To prevent unintended pregnancies, consider discussing birth control options with your healthcare provider and utilizing additional contraceptive methods if desired.

Breastfeeding Can Impact Your Body:

Breastfeeding can have both positive and negative effects on your body. On the positive side, it helps contract the uterus, promoting postpartum recovery and aiding in weight loss. However, breastfeeding mothers may experience sagging breasts, stretch marks, or changes in breast size. Embracing these changes as a natural part of motherhood and focusing on self-care and body acceptance are essential. Remember that every woman’s experience is unique, and it’s important not to compare yourself to unrealistic postpartum body standards.

Breastfeeding Support Is Vital:

Breastfeeding can sometimes feel overwhelming, especially if you lack support. Surrounding yourself with a supportive network of family, friends, and professionals can make a significant difference. Seek out breastfeeding support groups, join online communities, and connect with other breastfeeding mothers to share.


Breastfeeding is a beautiful and challenging journey that deserves more open and honest discussions. By shedding light on the lesser-known aspects of breastfeeding, we hope to empower and prepare mothers for the realities they may encounter. From the initial learning curve to the physical and emotional changes, breastfeeding requires patience, perseverance, and support. Remember that seeking help from professionals and connecting with other breastfeeding mothers can provide invaluable guidance and reassurance. Embrace the journey with an open mind, celebrate your achievements, and remember that each breastfeeding experience is unique. With knowledge, understanding, and a strong support system, you can navigate the ups and downs of breastfeeding with confidence and grace.




