Parenting Tips For Child Development – Personality, Health, And Education


Raising children is perhaps one of the most fulfilling tasks in the whole world. But at the same time, it’s also one of the most difficult tasks out there. Sometimes, what you identify as good parenting might not be identified in the same way by your child. Sometimes, parents make mistakes too, and children accept them. 

parenting tips for child development

Sometimes, it’s not them – it’s you! But that’s exactly the pattern our generation must break as parents and responsible guardians. But what exactly makes parenting effective and healthy? How could you convince your child to do well but not in a way that reflects negatively on them? 

Stay tuned to find out now!

Parenting Tips For Your Child’s Development: Things To Remember! 

As stated by the “Pragyanam”, best CBSE school in Gurgaon– your child deserves the best – and not just in the education sector, but also personality and health-wise. Moreover, doing well in academics is directly linked to doing well mentally, spiritually, and, most importantly, physically.

Today, we will discuss the top tips that help in the effective development of your child. So without wasting any more time, scroll down and find out the most effective parenting tips useful for the complete development of your child.


1. Boost Your Children’s Self-Esteem

Self-esteem is something that starts developing in children from a very young age – children develop self-esteem literally depending on how their parents treat them. Your tone, your body language, and even your expressions are always under close observation – your kid is observing your every reaction. 

Your actions and words, thus, play a vital role in developing your child’s self-esteem. When you start praising your child’s accomplishments, even small victories, then your child starts developing positive self-esteem. As a result, it is vital for you to start appreciating your children even for small achievements – let them feel proud! 

2. Appreciate Your Kids

Don’t we all always point out the negatives? It’s a normal human habit – when someone does anything good, we tend to ignore it, but when someone does anything bad, we always point it out. While pointing out negatives is necessary, have you ever thought about how important it is to point out the good in your children? 

Catch your kids when they are being good, just like you would ‘catch’ them being bad. Appreciating your kid is more important than you know – it’s directly linked to your child’s self-esteem. Kids with lower self-esteem typically have parents who almost always forget to appreciate them. So appreciate your children when they are being good. 

3. Set Boundaries And Become Consistent About Those Boundaries

Of course, every household needs discipline, and your household is no different – we completely agree. This is precisely why it is important to set healthy boundaries for your children. Help your children grasp what is acceptable behavior, and at the same time, learn how to exercise self-control. 

Just setting boundaries will not help your child – you have to be consistent with the discipline you want to teach your child. And more importantly, you need to practice self-control, too, at least in front of your child. For instance, you could establish no television rule until homework is completed and actually let your child learn self-control in the process. 


4. Spend Time With Your Kids

It’s difficult to spend quality time with your kids – we understand how difficult it can be for both parents to find time for their kids, but that is exactly where you are making a big mistake. You need to make your children your priority, at least when they ate growing up, especially if you want to break toxic parenting patterns. 

In this case, you have to make rules for yourself. Ensure that the entire family gets to share one meal together in a day, or keep some time in your day dedicated to your kid. Instead of taking your children for some activity outside, focus on doing activities together where both you and your kids can participate – it’s much healthier than taking your kids to a film. 

5. Strive To Be A Good Role Model

It’s vital that you strive to be a good role model to your children at all costs. Yes, we are aware that nobody is black or white – we are all unashamedly gray, and guess what? That’s true for most human beings. But your children need not know that – to your children, you are their biggest role model, and you cannot fail them, especially in those crucial growing years.

Before you actually start abusing in front of your child, take a moment and think about the impact it will have on your child. You might forget about all that you have told your child the next day, but your child won’t forget the same for a long time. And this is where the problem begins – but you can avoid this problem only by taking a deep breath and exercising control. 

6. Make Communication A Priority

Understand one main thing about parenting – you can not expect your children to do everything that you say just because you are saying so. Sometimes, your children won’t agree with you, and that is not where the problem begins. In fact, it’s safe to say that all children will not agree with their parents at some point. And that’s absolutely fine. 

The faster you accept this about your children, the better for your kids and you. When your kids don’t agree with you enough, you have to create a safe space for them so that they can come and share their issues with you. You have to prioritise communication – that way, even when your child does not agree with you, they will come and tell you that! 


7. Express Your Unconditional Love For Your Child

Now, this one is very important. We are all aware that our parents love us – but that’s not true. It’s generally assumed that parents love their children, and children who hail from healthy families will always feel secure about their parents’ love. But children with abusive parents are often seen as insecure about love. 

It is highly possible that parents have made a child feel insecure, which obviously reflects on their future relationships as well. So never shy away from expressing how you love your child unconditionally – if you have more than one child, then it becomes even more important to show each child how each of them matters to you, individually! 

8. Recognize Your Own Needs As A Parent

Raising a child does not mean you will forget about your own self – you are equally important in this equation. And refusing to love yourself can only worsen things for both you and your children. You must, under all circumstances, recognize that you have needed to, and your children must respect those needs and boundaries. 

Of course, nobody is perfect, and you aren’t as well. You have your own strengths and weaknesses – we all do! And nobody has asked you to be perfect every day. There are days when you might not feel like yourself at all – take time off. Create that space where not just your child can communicate their problems to you, but you can also take time off. 

9. Be Flexible In Your Parenting Style

Do you feel disappointed with your child’s behavior often? Perhaps, then you have too many unrealistic expectations from your child. You might think that your child should be this and that, but guess what? It will take time for your child to meet those expectations. In that case, feeling let down by your children is a thought process you need to change. 

Every child has their own pace, and the faster that you accept this about your child, the better for your mental health. This is why staying flexible with your parenting style can prove to be healthy in the long run, especially when you take your relationship with your children into context. 


10. Help Your Child Deal With Weaknesses

Every child has their own share of strengths and weaknesses, just like every parent has their own set of strengths and weaknesses. The faster you accept this, the better for your mental health and, more importantly, for your child’s mental health. Your role as a parent is to help your child handle their weaknesses. 

Instead of demeaning them for their mistakes, try to appreciate their strength and help them handle failure. Failure can be the best learning experience, and most importantly, your child will grow when they start learning from their mistakes. And this is where you come in to save the day – you are your child’s superhero, and you should never lose sight of this fact! 

Effective Parenting For Your Child’s Development!

And that’s a wrap on effective parenting for your child’s overall development. The point is to embrace parenting that’s healthy, parenting that creates a comfortable space for your child, and parenting that will ultimately help your child. What’s the point of abusive parenting? Your child will just end up developing multiple issues. If you are looking a school for admission, make sure they also educate parents regularly on taking care of children.

So tell us, what are your thoughts on the parenting tips we have mentioned above? And while sharing your thoughts, share your parenting experiences with us in the comments below.
